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Comments 32

fahrbotdrusilla December 2 2006, 04:16:03 UTC
realized that Lee wasn't really what she wanted and went for what she did.

god that is exactly how i saw it!

In conclusion, I really miss Billy.

Me too!


lyssie December 2 2006, 04:24:40 UTC
Oh, good. So it wasn't just my roommate and I.

Billy is one of the remaining cylons. *sniffle*


wulfgrl71 December 2 2006, 13:42:05 UTC
ope, definitely not, I saw that too.


amykay73 December 2 2006, 05:12:17 UTC
Somehow, I'm not seeing her doing it because she loves Lee too much.

If I put on the Lee/Kara glasses I could spin the 'She knows she's bad for him, so since she loves him so much she'll walk away' theory.

Like my roommate, I feel kind of sorry for the Kara/Lee fans. Your ship's based on drunken sex.

This, though, is so totally true.

Not to mention, dear god, the overwhelming amount of bad "Look! Montage!" of Kara/Lee in 'shippyness' was so very pasted on.

That was awful. Actually so many of the Lee/Kara moments were too forced and pretty painful to watch.

I feel bad for Dee too. There better be some ripping of the balls this evening.


lyssie December 2 2006, 05:23:48 UTC
Oh, I know that's exactly what the 'shippers are doing. Hell, there's already been at least ONE fic based off the scenes we got over the last two weeks with that exact theme. Criswell does, in fact, predict there will be at least ten more before the week is out.

It was weird, actually. Because the Kara/Anders has never felt forced. But, boy HOWDY, did the Kara/Lee. Even in the flashbacks.

I'll give Dee the damned knife m'self.


amykay73 December 2 2006, 13:46:46 UTC
Hell, there's already been at least ONE fic based off the scenes we got over the last two weeks with that exact theme.

I'm impressed there has only been one so far. But, yeah, I'm bracing myself for the deluge of bad fic to come from this.

It was weird, actually. Because the Kara/Anders has never felt forced.

When Kara and Anders first hooked up I had a 'Whoa! Where did that come from?" reaction, but you're right that it never felt forced. I do, though, think the emo!Kara from Scar felt a bit forced. But once Anders returned the two of them had amazing chemistry on screen.


lyssie December 2 2006, 15:26:30 UTC
Oh, the Scar stuff was laughable, as was the massive anvil in Downloaded. Gaius' "Tangible proof of one human's love for another!" still makes me giggle unnecessarily. And, hell, I'll even go so far as to say they weren't in love until sometime on New Caprica.

Don't go near ff'net. it's like a scary scary place. (from any shipper side, really)


lucyparavel December 2 2006, 05:37:27 UTC
I thought the same thing about Sam passing out under the table-oh well, he didn't get to drink for a long time on Caprica, right?

Then I thought damn, I knew Starbuck was a drinker, but she clearly can hold her alcohol if she's still almost totally coherent and someone a foot taller and much heavier is passed out! Sam calling her baby twice was cute though-so that must be his nickname for her-since I'm fairly sure he called her that during the kissing in the hall in the detention center.

I just mainly love Kara so I think I'd really be happy with Sam or Lee for her. I just wish she wasn't always having so much angst and being so self destructive. There should be some forward progress as well!


lyssie December 2 2006, 05:51:53 UTC
Kara has always been a hard drinker, though. So while I was a bit surprised that she out-drank Sam, I still say he had excuses. Plus, well, she drinks more anyway.

I missed him calling her baby! I thought she called him that! Now I'm really confused. *laughs* And she didn't hit him for it. Damn. Hrm. There goes my canon. Although, she did call him 'Sammy'.

I have... issues, with Lee. I could handle anyone else (up to and including Baltar and Leoben), but Lee? Yeah. Really have issues.

I do, however, love Kara rather madly (I've certainly written more fic about her).


lucyparavel December 2 2006, 06:30:34 UTC
Oh yes, I didn't think less of him for the drinking part. Perhaps he also tried to be clean living as a pro althlete, in a anti drinking way, even before the attack on the colonies?

No, she didn't. Hmm, darn now I'll have to watch again to tell you exactly where but I think it was in the flashbacks to the Colonial Day party, fairly early on. Yes, 'Sammy' was cute.

Eww not Baltar! Though I like him fine in his own story. I do have a soft spot for Kara and Leoben in a twisted, wrong way. I started writing a long fic for them this fall, but I haven't posted new chapters in awhile.

I understand about Lee-he's done some things that bother me as well.

Yeah-it is mostly about the Kara love for me. I can't wait till her flashback ep with her momther. I really want more of her backstory. BTW-if you ever wanted to chat-my AIM is Lbmt, since it seems like we are awake/online at the same time sometimes. ;>)


lyssie December 2 2006, 07:00:41 UTC
*points down* Lizardbeth has a good point about Sam matching drinks with Tigh, too.

Hee. I swear, if Sam Anders hadn't shown up and I'm never getting Kara/Sam Carter in canon, I would have been a die-hard Kara/Baltar/Six fan.

Oh, Kara's mommy angst. *cringes* I'm on the other side of that one, I think. I loathe her mommy angst (possibly because it reminds me too much of Mercedes Lackey and her ilk). Sure! I'm Analyssie, and I promise to restrain my batshit tendencies.


lizardbeth_j December 2 2006, 06:40:55 UTC
Sam and the drinking -- dude was matching drinks with Tigh first. Nobody is gonna catch an alcoholic. Sammy was already well past buzzed when Kara had barely gotten started.

poor Dee and poor Sam. He already knew Kara was messed up, but I wanted to hug him when he walked out. And Dee figured out that she was the consolation prize, I agree. So much for fandom's take on her being the man-eating bitch, hm?

And yes, Sammy calls her baby. :) When they're at the bar and Lee's watching from the stand. And then they're all snuggly and holding hands and ... awww... too bad it doesn't last. boo.


lyssie December 2 2006, 06:56:00 UTC
*makes hissy noises* Stupid writers.

This is true. I'd forgotten that. Sigh. I'm gonna have to make myself expurgated versions of this episode. All Kara/Anders, all the time. Ys.

Oh, I'm sure fandom will continue to hate Dee. They're predictable like that.

And he didn't get smacked for it. AHAH. True love, obviously. ;)


ofparsnip December 2 2006, 07:11:46 UTC
I was really hoping for the incredible AWKWARDNESS that would have been Adama and Roslin taking a midnight stroll a little too close to a certain pair of pilots while they were yelling out declarations of love... It would have been amazing.


lyssie December 2 2006, 07:17:28 UTC
They were too busy building a cabin by the side of the river. And then waking in the morning and mocking each other for being old and stiff.


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