SFF: The I'm Confused (and obnoxious) Edition

Dec 01, 2006 22:10

There wasn't enough boxing.

The Good:

Sam Anders, cheap date. OH SAM. He has an excuse, people! He was on Caprica running a resistance for a year! You think he had time to drink, or even had alcohol? Only for medical supplies!

How happy Kara and Sam are. I was, DUDE. Finally, some good lighting for them being snuggly and kissing.

Mom and Dad. Like. Dude. Every scene. THEY ARE SO DOING IT. No, REALLY. The snuggling under the stars? YES. And the snark and the gigglyness and the "That color looks good on you." BILL YOU OLD DOG. And then she gave him boxing pointers.

Sam Anders has no hangover. (marrying Kara will do that to you)

I called Kara popping the question, plus the quick ceremony. I did not call the river. *snickers*

Kat beating up whoever the hell that was. GO KAT.

Helo beating the shit out of Lee, and Sharon jumping him (HELLO PORN).

Chief vs Dad. Interesting, that he thinks he let them down by being too friendly.

Mom giving Dad advice was priceless. And I love that she was right there, watching. Billy would have approved, I think.

Kat just being an obnoxious loud-mouth.

Poor Hot Dog! *snerks*

ETA: I forgot. I wrote the scene at the beginning, just longer. And Kara called him 'Sammy'.
ETA2: OMG. HOW COULD I FORGET CALLY AND CHIEF? THEY ARE SO CUTE. ANd she has the baby at the boxing! And, and, they're so happy and adorable, and HE LOVES HER OMG.
ETA3: AND HOW did I forget my beloved Ellen? She and Saul were kickin', the two seconds of them we saw. Not to mention, damn, girl, NICE LEGS. And Saul! You got Anders drunk on purpose!

The Middle:
So. Kara and Lee had sex, after she was drunk off her ass. Lee decided that he was going to be Her Man forever and ever amen and got all bouncy and yelled. And Kara, to shut him up, jumps up and yells "Kara Thrace loves Lee Adama" after choking on it once.

And then, she wakes in the morning and immediately goes off to marry Sam Anders...

Somehow, I'm not seeing her doing it because she loves Lee too much. It looked far more like she had an epiphany (Oh, Angel, you bring the bad analogies), realized that Lee wasn't really what she wanted and went for what she did.

Unfortunately, I don't think it will matter, since the writers clearly are more interested in bad romance novel cliches (I think I've read TELKENA FIC that had better 'ship moments, and that's sayin' somethin').

The Bad:

The ending kinda just fizzled out to nothing, man. There was boxing and arguing and then .... whatever.

Like my roommate, I feel kind of sorry for the Kara/Lee fans. Your ship's based on drunken sex. Yeah. That's so true love right there. Uh-huh. If I told a guy I loved him in third person, I'd really really mean it. Yup.

Not to mention, dear god, the overwhelming amount of bad "Look! Montage!" of Kara/Lee in 'shippyness' was so very pasted on.

The sad thing is that, of course, the writers aren't ever actually going to let people be happy. So despite the fact that this is pasted on (much like Kara/Anders was last year--Hello, 'Scar', I'm lookin' at you), I'm sure it will stick around to cause lots of trouble. Because resolution is bad. Just ask Chris Carter.

I feel sorry for Dee. Lee basically used her to get back at Kara, and now she knows it. she might have thought it before, but now she knows it.

I really hope she rips Lee's balls off.

In conclusion, I really miss Billy.

pointless shippery, sff:battlestar galactica (new), wank shared is doubled

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