Things learned while watching s3 of SG: Atlantis

Jul 25, 2009 23:39

1. Reading the summaries of season four is a bit "...that sounds so dumb" inducing ( Read more... )

rambling, sff:sga, sff

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Comments 11

amaresu July 26 2009, 05:08:07 UTC
I always thought the main problem with Atlantis was that they had pretty much the same set of writers from SG-1. So there was a lot of "I've seen this episode of SG-1" combined with "you guys have been working together for too long" and it created a bunch of fail. I'd be willing to bet that whatever led to the exploding tumors made perfect sense to all the people in the writers room.


lyssie July 26 2009, 05:20:38 UTC
That was also definitely a problem. I suppose there's only so many times you can write "anomaly causes trouble, the women panic and Rodney saves the day", though.


amaresu July 26 2009, 05:54:19 UTC
This is true. Having more people capable of saving the day would've helped them a lot.


ultranos_fic July 26 2009, 05:08:18 UTC
Atlantis is, at least to me, the poster-child of awesome premise, utter failure on the execution and follow-through. It's a gold mine of lost chances and unused potential.


lyssie July 26 2009, 05:21:25 UTC
Parts of it managed to be awesome. But yes, parts did not.


aj July 26 2009, 05:29:46 UTC
Parts what were awesome = Any and all women doing the "BOYS ARE STUPID" eyeroll.

Parts not awesome = Joe Mallozi.


lyssie July 26 2009, 05:52:09 UTC


miera_c July 26 2009, 05:41:47 UTC
The exploding tumors thing will never not anger me, because it was done and done well on SG-1 and then, we got that crap.

It's a bit interesting to notice that the first half is v v Sheppard and Weir-heavy, and then the second half really... peters out. Had they already started wanting to get rid of her at that point?

Except that underwater episode where John chooses to keep Elizabeth with him as they explore. ;)

And I seem to recall the news that Torri was "reduced to recurring" hit late in S3, not long after "Sunday"?

I love "Echoes" though it is really the last good episode of the season for me.


lyssie July 26 2009, 05:51:34 UTC
I do not remember it being done on SG-1, which is possibly for the best (wait, was Nirrti involved?).

Submerged was the exception, though, SADLY, those two are workaholics and there is really no time for random groping in closets moments. SIGH.

Yeah, I think that news did, which, uh, didn't help.

I think I liked 'Echoes' because it wasn't, like, "the boys do something stupid and have to save the day". It was a bit more like "nature will kill you", much like The Storm/Eye (which I also liked, barring the pointless genii portion, except that bit with the bug zapper).


miera_c July 26 2009, 14:46:16 UTC
I do not remember it being done on SG-1

It was the episode where they found Cassie - they realize she has the stuff in her blood that is forming into essentially a tumor that will blow up if she gets near the stargate. Except that episode was done really well, Amanda kicked some serious ass with her acting and NOWHERE in the episode were the words "exploding tumor" ever used. *sigh*

Submerged was the exception, though, SADLY, those two are workaholics and there is really no time for random groping in closets moments. SIGH.

Heh. havoc wrote fic about precisely that, though, I seem to recall. :)

I think I liked 'Echoes' because it wasn't, like, "the boys do something stupid and have to save the day". It was a bit more like "nature will kill you", much like The Storm/Eye

True. Also John and Elizabeth are united in snarking at Rodney a lot in that episode, and Elizabeth's Ancient language skills are treated as vitally important for once. (And, of course, John catching her when she faints and carrying her to the infirmary. *happy


qwirky July 26 2009, 20:16:00 UTC
3. Radek and Rodney really do need to make out and shut up.

11. I... I sort of miss Atlantis, when it wasn't being awful. :/
Truth. But you're right, S3 was already falling into mediocrity. Sigh. And to think I was madly, madly in love with this show in S1 and S2. Oh well.


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