Things learned while watching s3 of SG: Atlantis

Jul 25, 2009 23:39

1. Reading the summaries of season four is a bit "...that sounds so dumb" inducing.

2. If an episode has multiple women conversing, it is sure to end badly for one of them, in some fashion. They are also usually talking about men. eta: I meant to mention that 'Echoes' in an exception to that rule, and to also note that I remember joking about it being the beginning of the end.

3. Radek and Rodney really do need to make out and shut up.

4. I really can't stand Col. Ellis. Somewhere, Stephen Caldwell is facepalming.

5. Caldwell was VERY ANNOYED that they didn't take him when they went to liberate Atlantis during 'The Return'.

6. You can sort of see the slide into mediocrity as the season stretches on.

7. Teyla is their favorite person to injure, conveniently putting her out of action for large portions of narrative.

8. It's a bit interesting to notice that the first half is v v Sheppard and Weir-heavy, and then the second half really... peters out. Had they already started wanting to get rid of her at that point? Not to mention the entire conversation with Random Guy in 'Sunday' is basically ripped from any number W/S fics (I seem to recall remarking upon that at the time).

9. Explosive tumors. Really. Did no one think that one through? At all? (I can see how the theory was sort of... vaguely like, "how drunk were the Ancients when they came up with that?" and yet... so stupid)

10. At least I have ideas for my fic?

11. I... I sort of miss Atlantis, when it wasn't being awful. :/

rambling, sff:sga, sff

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