SFF: addendum (Daybreak episode review)

Mar 23, 2009 22:53

BSG: I killed some deer in here, sorry (no, really, 3500+ words...)

*props feet up*

So. I sort of meant to do this over the weekend and didn't.

Some of this is a bit colored by other peoples' comments and episode reviews. (now I can go read my flist)
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snark, rambling, sff, sff:battlestar galactica (new)

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Comments 30

emmiere March 24 2009, 04:23:46 UTC
I don't believe Sam was happy as a hybrid, I don't believe that was the best use of him, and I refuse to believe that was it for him.

Me too. I have to. :(

Why the hell did Cavil listen to them for the truce? I guess because they promised him what they wanted.

I'm skeptical, if he was actually listening to Baltar's spiel, then it makes NO SENSE. But I still wonder what the story might have been like if they hadn't broken up the truce 5 seconds later. It's not like where they ended broke the cycle in any real way.

And yeah, I'm pissed at the waste of Tory's character and getting retrospectively pissed at a lot of other character fail by the show. They've all really deserved more.

And what was the point of Caprica's baby and Caprica/Tigh if there's no fall-out at all?

Seriously? By coming up with something as crackified as Caprica/Tigh and the magical Cylon baby of love, they should have at least had the guts to take it seriously from both perspectives. Grr... I mean they carried through on ALTW being some expression of the ( ... )


lyssie March 25 2009, 01:26:16 UTC
I think you're right--I don't think Cavil listened to the spiel and believed it. I think he listened and then pretended to go along with it. He's shown himself an utter bastard, time and again. I bet if the truce hadn't been broken at that instant, that as soon as it was over, there'd be some killin' going down.

Agreed, on everything else.


mrsdrjackson March 24 2009, 04:34:13 UTC
HELO. Yay family Agathon! I am still just shocked that they made it.

I want webisodes with Admiral Hoshi and President Lampkin. COMEDY GOLD as Liz put it.

(I think it's even still maybe open during Carter's Atlantis run)
It was and still is as far as I know. Amanda remarked upon a scene that she filmed with Jewel where they confirmed that Sam/Jack was a reality and they were still an item. The PTB cut the scene. *glares*

I actually sort of really want the Wacky Misadventures of Kara Thrace in the Afterlife now, though.

Tyrol's choice to isolate himself away from the rest of humanity was the first smart thing he has done since New Caprica I think.


scarfman March 24 2009, 07:17:55 UTC

The PTB cut the scene.
Not surprised. When Sam dumped Pete the reason was obvious, and every time someone new (or someone old, like the guy from the Secret Service or whatever) came along she politely declined. I'm Sam/Jack, and yeah it would have been nice if the scripts/producers had actually confirmed it, but they went out of their way not to deny it and that was good enough for me. Still would like to have seen Anderson come back more often though.
What? The BSG finale? Oh, that. Liked it. Someone on my flist used the word "satisfying", which is exactly right. I had What A Wonderful World stuck in my head the rest of the night, which apparently is not as obvious an allusion to HHGG as I thought.
Oh, and Starbuck "stopped for coffee". Squee.


lyssie March 25 2009, 01:24:23 UTC
The PTB cut the scene. *glares*


I don't know which is worse: getting the scenes and then getting it all dumped in the crapper, or not getting the scenes while they continue to dangle that hope out there!

And I don't even hardcore ship Sam/Jack anymore, which feels slightly odd (I blame Kara Thrace).


mrsdrjackson March 25 2009, 01:28:03 UTC
I think they cut that scene just to make me buy the DVDs so I could see it in the deleted footage. :/

*brain explodes*


lint138 March 24 2009, 04:37:39 UTC
Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Racetrack, even dead, saved the day. OH MAGGIE. :/ :( :( :(



lyssie March 25 2009, 01:22:34 UTC
I am still very unhappy about Maggie. I might have to pretend she's a Cylon or an angel. :/


noybusiness March 24 2009, 04:44:18 UTC
And what was the point of Caprica's baby and Caprica/Tigh if there's no fall-out at all?

I think the point is that it was a mistake, a possible direction for the Cylon people that didn't pan out.

Simon could read the phonebook to me and I'd listen. Sigh. Another wasted person, though.

Simon is seriously underused. At least the trailer for The Plan makes it looks like he has a significant role (and a girlfriend).

I liked Cavil's line. "Continue stating the perfectly obvious, it's so comforting."


emmiere March 24 2009, 05:08:36 UTC
At least the trailer for The Plan makes it looks like he has a significant role (and a girlfriend).

Hey! Awesome to get more from Simon, which trailer was this? *pleads*


noybusiness March 24 2009, 05:42:05 UTC

Also featuring Sam Anders, Cavil, the Chief, Shelly Godfrey, and Barbarella!Six.


nicole_anell March 24 2009, 17:50:16 UTC
and Barbarella!Six.
Unf. I love this movie already.


noybusiness March 24 2009, 04:45:48 UTC
Tyrol: he of the fragile sanity.

Racetrack: already dead, filling Hell with all many toaster sons-of-bitches as possible.


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