lj idol four: the axe forgets; the tree remembers

Mar 22, 2022 17:34

Trigger warning for mentions of rape, sexual situations, abuse, and death of a family member. Nothing really detailed or anything. The story has a happy ending. It's about a friend of mine from college and the abusive relationships she was in.

might be triggering? )

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Comments 25

ragnarok_08 March 23 2022, 03:58:51 UTC
My goodness, it sounds like May went through quite the ordeal, and by extension, so did you. I am sorry May had to deal with all of that, and you really were such a good friend to her, even when she turned her back on you and chose Jimmy.

I'm so glad May found Drew, someone who truly loves her, and you and May grew close again.

This was very intense, scary, heartbreaking, but ultimately one with a happy ending; this fully captured the prompt 'the axe forgets; the tree remembers.'

This was a hard story to read, but it was one that needed to be told.

Well done!!


lyssa027 March 23 2022, 22:15:28 UTC
I wouldn't say we're close anymore, I think we've just changed a lot and outgrown each other, but I'm really happy she's in a better place


ragnarok_08 March 24 2022, 03:46:18 UTC
That is good she's in a better place ♥


mollywheezy March 23 2022, 15:49:52 UTC
I'm so sorry for all of the hurt you and May experienced. I'm glad your stories had a happy ending.


lyssa027 March 23 2022, 22:14:30 UTC
I feel bad that every story this season I've written so far has been sort of dark, but that's just where the prompts have been taking me. But I try to make sure they end happy, at least.


mollywheezy March 23 2022, 22:45:33 UTC
No problem! I've been writing about your dad's death for every entry, so I get it. We can't always help where the prompts take us or where our brains go.


viagra March 23 2022, 16:22:32 UTC
I sympathize with May to an extent - I've been in situations like that myself, completely blinded to the way that I'm being treated by someone and dismissive of anyone's warnings as, "You just don't know him like I do." It can be really hard to break out of that.

But the destruction of other relationships that comes in the wake of that is just as bad. I've lost friends over a man before and, now that I'm not with said man anymore, I'd give anything to have things back like how they used to be. I'm glad that it looks like May finally opened her eyes.


lyssa027 March 23 2022, 22:12:36 UTC
Now that I'm older, I have a lot more sympathy for her, I don't think she really understood what he was doing to her because of how sheltered her upbringing was :/


chocolate_frapp March 23 2022, 18:48:23 UTC
How awful. I had a crazy mean gaslighting ex too who I was with for much too long.


lyssa027 March 23 2022, 22:13:26 UTC
I did too. Now that I'm older, I'm realizing how awful my ex really was.


harbourwitch March 23 2022, 19:26:41 UTC
What a story! I am not sure I would have it in me to become friends again with someone after something like that...


lyssa027 March 23 2022, 22:11:34 UTC
Her and I are never going to be what we were, and we don't really talk anymore. Occasionally, she'll remember I don't have Facebook, and send me random texts of baby pics or saying hi, and that's just how it is. We've outgrown each other and we've both changed a lot, but I'm happy she's in a better place.


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