So Run, Run Fast (1/1)

Jan 18, 2012 22:12

Title: So Run, Run Fast
Rating: PG
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters/Pairings: Caroline, with mentions of Caroline/Tyler and Caroline/Klaus.
Disclaimers: I own nothing.
Words: 989
Author’s Note: Spans the missing pieces we didn’t get from “Our Town” and Caroline’s perspective on everything that happened.

Tyler’s words were still running through her head as his teeth sunk into her skin. )

fic: run fast, fic: so run, fanfic, character: caroline forbes, fandom: the vampire diaries, one-shot

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Comments 6

ovariesofsteel January 19 2012, 03:49:00 UTC
Loved it!


lynzie914 January 29 2012, 04:33:52 UTC
Thank you!


intrikate88 January 19 2012, 03:50:43 UTC
Wow. Beautiful. I hadn't even really thought there was much to add to the episode, but you have tied it in so well with Caroline's character and her growth. It's great how you show how everything comes down to love with Caroline. Great fic. ♥


lynzie914 January 29 2012, 04:36:00 UTC
Awwww, thank you! I'm glad that you liked it. I loved the episode, but my inner Caroline fangirl was super curious about all the things we didn't get to see (because 42 minutes is not nearly enough, LOL) so my brain kind of filled in the rest for me. But I'm glad that someone other than me liked it. XD


midnightblack07 January 19 2012, 04:06:50 UTC
ohhh this was so lovely!!

I liked this glimpse into Caroline's head-space (one can only imagine what she was wondering in the middle of all that lol), you have a really solid grasp of her character and everything flowed beautifully.

It hadn’t been about her, it still wasn’t about her. She was just a message, a show of power. It was never about her.

THAT LINE SLAYED ME, ohh my tragic bb <333


lynzie914 January 29 2012, 04:38:28 UTC
Thank you! You're far too nice to me but I'll take it. XD And I'm so glad that you think I did Caroline justice, I got really nervous writing her.

Thank you again!


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