Lierature entry week 2: venus and Adonis

Mar 07, 2009 12:35

Wow, so much to talk about this week! On Saturday, I went along to the Wharf theatre to see Venus and Adonis.It was so good!!!!! For those of you who weren't able to make it. The setting was a 1930's  hotel room.  one of the first things you will notice from this picture is that there is not one, but two representations of Venus. Secondly, you will notice their ridiculously long hair!
after watching the play, I thought about the significance of these things, the hotel room, two venus' and the really long hair. and came up with some ideas. Please feel free to correct me or tell me what you think :)

Hotel room:
>> seedy, unromantic
>> lack of personality
>> main feature of the room is the bed, highlighting the passion and desire side of the story

Two venus':
>> male fantasy, more desirable
>> two personalities. one showing reason, the other showing impulse

Long hair:
>> sign of experience
>> sign of beauty (similar to today with hair extensions)
>> animal attraction and impulse (horses tail)

but they are just some ideas :)

Now, onto Marlowe and Raleigh.

I think the Shepherd got a pretty hard wrap in literature this week. In the poem he offered a list of beautiful things to his love to try to get her her to come and live with him. Sure, it might sound a little material and unrealistic, but if he is willing to give her all he has and willing to share a life with her then he must feel something more than lust for her. to me, he is doing more than just saying he loves her, he is showing his love in everything he owns. I think the shepherd's love is true, and that the Nymph is aware of this, but she needs more than  his love in the present, She wants something that will last. but not so much the love, the passion that goes with it. the little suprises, the unrealistic things.
            In my view, she is being unrealistic. he can only tell her how he feels now, not in years to come. He never tried to say that he would love her forever, just that he wanted her to be his love now. as Tim Finn says;

"and you know that I love you, here and now not forever. I can give you the present. I don't know about the future that's all stuff and nonsense" Split enz "Stuff and nonsense"

feel free to disagree :)

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