comment on Rebecca's entry....

Mar 07, 2009 14:40

This week I commented on Rebecca's entry about Marlowe and Raleigh and whether love could last forever. please find Rebecca's entry at

and here is my comment.....

Hi there!!!!
I really like your thoughts on poety. especially the point that it is a speaking picture. when I read Marlowe and Raleigh's poems I could just see this poor shepherd down on one knee, and the stubborn Nymph with her arms folded. hahahaha! anywho. to answer the question you ask, can love still last through time and age? my answer is yes. But in saying this it doesn't necessarily mean that the relationship will last. I know this sounds terrible, but sometimes love isn't enough. you need the passion to keep it fresh.
This probably sounds silly coming from me of all people, hahaha! being so experienced in relationships and all... NOT! lol
but i think it's like what Kat was saying during the lecture about the honeymoon period. once the honeymoon is over there is still love there, but what is missing is the passion. the couple no longer feel the need to impress or woo their partner.
In my mind, the Nymph wasn't content with having a love that would last forever, but also wanted that youthful passion to exists as well.
just a thought :)
see you soon luv
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