Title: The Reunion Job
Author: Lyl (
Rating: PG
Beta: (
strangevisitor7Character: Ezra Standish, Parker
Fandom: Leverage
Disclaimer: I don't claim any rights to either show. I just like to play in their sandboxes occasionally.
Prompt table ->
HEREPrompt - 024: Family
Words: ~2300
Summary: “Is this why you’ve been avoiding my calls?”
The Reunion Job )
Comments 38
What ever you want! My first born? Naked pictures of Bea Arthur? The Hope Diamond? Joss Whedon locked in your basement to write just for you?
Whatever you want! Seriously!
please, MORE!
I may be by later to comment more coherently, I may just flail at you some more, could go either way :D
It has been brought to my attention that I can be a bit of a spaz, :D don't care, still love the fic
Thanks. :)
More please? Will Parker get to meet Ezra's team? (Uh-oh. My Chris-muse just bristled at my saying Ezra's team rather than Chris's team. Boy that man has a fearsome glare.)
More please?
Whenever you get a chance to write, I mean.
I'll see what I can do about more in this universe. :)
Would love to see the two teams meet, eventually after Ezra and Parker have driven them all nuts first hee, and then maybe work together.
Am also very interested in how Ezra's Team got put together and what their mission/goal is (and wow, BEM is right, Chris really does have that death glare down, "Right Mr. Larabee, yes sir, your team, I got it").
As I said to BEM above, Parker refuses to achknolege the Fearsome Glare (TM). So Chris can work on her, and leave me alone! :)
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