[TLB10] The Last Bridge

Jun 06, 2011 00:45

Title: The Last Bridge - Chapter 10
Word Count: 3697
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: Two boys meet, each with their own problems. What path has life laid out for them?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: Did a slightly longer chap this time ^_^ But I have a feeling I'm going to pull the ends together soon as...I really am a oneshot person, longer fics never keep me satisfied and it just becomes a burden ^_^


And that’s how their so-called tutoring went. There was nothing interesting about their meetings - it was pure work. Junhyung didn’t even joke around, only determination reflected back from his eyes. On the other hand, it seemed to take a bigger toll on Hyunseung as often their study-hour dragged on for too long, sometimes even until 3 am and the next day was school. You can imagine how the lessons went.

This determination made Hyunseung even surer about his liking towards the younger. The cups of coffee he poured, the dark bags under his eyes, him walking around like a living zombie - Hyunseung couldn’t help but worry. But he also knew it was needed - Junhyung had to get into the habit before taking it easier. So he dealt with it even though Junhyung looked even worse with each day.

But even so he didn’t rush to wake him up as when had dozed off after 4 hours of explaining. Junhyung had kept asking questions and had tried to jot down some points as Hyunseung had been explaining. But it still seemed too much, his brain was probably stressed (apart from studying he still ’disappeared’ mysteriously ever so often).

The tutor slightly tuned down his voice as he saw Junhyung’s eyes fluttering in try to keep them open even though he didn’t even function anymore. So it was of no surprise as slowly he dozed off, seemingly giving up the struggles when his head finally met his arm.

His breathing stabilized, deep long breaths notifying of his state and Hyunseung could only watch. There was no intention of waking the other up. It didn’t matter even though he knew Junhyung would scold him later. Hyunseung wanted to see those eyes full of life again, and the only possibility for that was sleep. A good night of sleep.

That’s how he stayed for quite a while, just observing the younger who didn’t feel pressured under the gaze. Only time the peaceful face held any sign of life was when the younger scrunched his nose slightly before letting out a whine which made Hyunseung chuckle lightly. This boy could be way too cute for his own good. And what’s weird was that he had never noticed it before.

Hyunseung stood up and walked over to the other and tried to get him up. Waking up or not was Junhyung’s own option but he couldn’t leave him there, half-sprawled out on the table. He didn’t need his neck or back to hurt in addition to all the wounds he already had. The younger moved along, making Hyunseung think for once that he was awake, but he tossed that thought out as Junhyung just wrapped his hands around him and let out another whine before resuming his stable breaths. Half-awake, one would say.

Junhyung had slept on his bed many times before, almost even making it a usual situation. Now it didn’t even feel weird even though Hyunseung had problems letting anyone into his comfort zone - it was fine now. But only if it was Junhyung.

That’s how Junhyung ended up sleeping in the elder’s bed, both side to side, Junhyung looking up as Hyunseung fell asleep facing him, in hope of seeing a nice dream.

Junhyung stirred in his sleep as he opened his eyes slightly - it was getting close to the morning, but still not late enough. Furrowing his eyebrows he noticed the ceiling which wasn’t his, he noticed the cover which didn’t seem like his rough one at home either. And at home there never was anyone sleeping next to him.

Junhyung in his half-asleep state reached his hand under the covers to touch the person next to him. It wasn’t a strange situation as he often stayed over at some girl’s house - they accepted him with wide arms and big kisses. It was easy to find shelter when he didn’t want to go back to his apartment nor his parent’s home. But something made a jolt go through his arm as he pulled back.

This skin wasn’t familiar. It was as soft as a girl’s one but…

It’s Hyunseung.

Junhyung felt his lips curve into a smile in recognition. Only now he remembered the feeling the elder’s bed always gave him - was it an illusion or not but for some reason only here he found himself fully rested.

Hyunseung always laughed at him for saying how magical his bed was. He called it being stupid, but who cares, he knew he was right.

Junhyung pulled down the cover a bit and saw what he had expected - he was always amazed seeing Hyunseung’s sleeping face. It was mesmerizing. On the day-time he looked always so worn out and tired but now, this face before him had lost all traces of it. Now all of his muscles were relaxed, eyelashes fluttered slightly at times, and the skin...

He couldn’t resist but reach out his hand to touch the other’s cheek. It was soft. A lot softer than the skin on the most girls he as ever touched - if that was possible.

Junhyung pulled his hand back as the other stirred. But he knew he won’t wake up - Hyunseung never did before the clock started with its annoying alarm. He reached out his hand again to meet the skin on his waist once more and he let his fingers travel upwards. He was sure Hyunseung never slept without his shirt and he was right as soon after he felt another fabric against his fingertips.

He let another warm smile make its way on his lips as he hooked into the shirt and pulled it back down before letting his hand take a more comfortable position, still staying on Hyunseung’s waist as he tried to pull the boy even a bit closer. The other didn’t struggle.

Glancing down at Hyunseung for the last time he couldn’t help but note that he may be the only person ever on whom messy-hair looks attractive. The way it fell just in the right places. Now he could understand his ex-girlfriends and their like towards it. Quite a pleasant view indeed.

And he dozed off for another couple of hours again, smile lingering on his lips.

Hyunseung walks down the road. It was evening already and the sun had set, making it dim but comfortable. He had wanted to take a small walk to clear his thoughts as he did from time to time and the best place for that was the old tool-shed he hadn’t visited for quite a while. It was still in a proper state as he had eyed it from afar, this place was quite deserted anyway.

It used to be children’s favorite playing ground - including his, but as years pass and those small children grow up, it drifts to the realm of memories. It was a thing of their generation, making it rare to see any there. They had often played on those same rocks, on that time it wasn’t dangerous as the water-level had been much lower. Now it was threateningly high, even so that they have put up signs of warning. Mother nature drowning his past, was it a sign?

But this time Hyunseung felt like he would like to check it out, to reminiscence about his childhood and the bits of happiness he had. The kids around here had been friendly and taken him along even though he was a stranger. They had played and laughed, everything that a child should be doing. But the time was short, soon enough it was evening and the next day no one wanted to have anything to do with him. Only later he found out someone had told the children things about Hyunseung which probably scared them off.

So the only thing he could do was to sit in that tool-shed and gaze them from afar, slight smile occasionally seen on his lips as he dreamed. Dreamed of being there with them, trying to remember the feelings he had from that one specific day. And hoped.

Hyunseung sighed, thinking back on his childhood had always been a topic he would’ve liked to avoid. Overall it had been quite depressing, making it no wonders how he had grown up the way he did. It wasn’t so serious now but he had been a little child, for them even a mosquito bite is scream-worthy.

That’s how he passed the tool-shed and started to walk along the small path which was almost invisible now. It was clear no one had walked here recently. It was untouched. The grass was green with no signs of footprints - hell, it hadn’t even been taken care of as the grass reached to his knees.

To his disappointment the road had been closed now by signs. It seems they finally understood the danger, sadly only when accidents happen or people complain. Otherwise he wouldn’t be standing here in front of the sign with a furrowed eyebrow. He had to admit, he would’ve done the same even sooner.

Still, it was a shame. He had wanted to give one last glance but it seems it was impossible. Why every road was closed in front of him? Hyunseung turned around, eyes on the ground as he started to make his way back while trying not to step into a hole or something and sprain his leg. Or even worse, get bitten by a snake.

As the grass finally reached only to his ankles, clearly seeing that this part had been properly mowed, he finally raised his eyes. Originally his plan wasn’t to be here at all, it was the old tool-shed that brought him here but for some reason, he didn’t feel like so anymore. The disappointment was too much and what more, his disliked childhood took over his thoughts once more, pressing the remains of the happy memories on the background and letting the worst take over. Hyunseung had hoped to avoid it that day. The weather was too nice.

But as he was about to pass he noticed movement in that same direction. That shabby building-wannabe didn’t have a door, instead there was a wide gap so it was possible to see inside. Even all the holed in the walls. It held quite a place in his heart as that same tool-shed could hold many symbolic meanings.

Hyunseung squinted his eyes, there definitely was someone. It was a rare sight as this place was usually deserted, only city-workers were spotted around at times to keep this place fixed up for tourists - if any were ever to appear. Not that he could imagine a tourist wanting to come to this place anyway, unless he or she is a birdwatcher.

Hyunseung decided to check it out, purely from curiosity as he took a slight detour but still keeping his route quite far away, not to create suspicion in case it was something unpleasant. But the closer he got his gut feeling told him otherwise.

This feeling was too familiar. That buzzing feeling he can never explain. How his mind could detect something he didn’t, he had no idea. And he didn’t care either. It was the final result that counted.

“Junhyung?” He asked warily. But since there was no reply he moved closer, more assured with each step. It was still weird though as the other didn’t even utter a word, it almost seemed like…was he trying to hide from him? This made chills run along Hyunseung’s back. But he didn’t ask anything else as he just stepped in.

It really was Junhyung, only asleep, but something else made Hyunseung’s eyes widen.

He was injured again and Hyunseung cringed. He had hoped to never see Junhyung in this state again even though he knew it was inevitable. Junhyung’s life was complicated. And he had no right to interfere even if it meant he could avoid all these wounds. Only thing he could do was to be there emotionally.

“Hey you,” the younger finally mumbled out, eyes still closed, “Didn’t expect you to come here today.”

Hyunseung kneeled down but soon after ended up in a more comfortable position. “What are you doing here? You could’ve come to my house,” he said tenderly, not managing to change the tone he spoke with.

Junhyung laughed weakly, “Didn’t want to make you worry I guess.”

“What the hell! You need to get these wounds disinfected,” Hyunseung couldn’t help but raise his voice slightly. His mind could only detect trails of ‘What is he thinking?!’ and ‘Is he stupid?!’ To be sitting there, almost passed out (though Hyunseung doubted it was from wounds). And he had called no help.

Not even him.

For some reason it irritated Hyunseung. His want to be needed was too great. He knew it was childish but at the same time couldn’t help it. Lately he had given in a lot to these kinds of feelings. Hadn’t he got enough of Junhyung’s trust? Hadn’t he always tried to be there for him? He couldn’t get over it that easily - how could he stand seeing him hurt.

“This only makes me worry more,” Hyunseung muttered harshly as he reached for Junhyung’s bag, knowing he had to have something in there.

“Why didn’t you treat yourself?” He tried to keep the chat going, just in case not to let the younger fall asleep. Never know if something had hit against his head or not.

Junhyung only let out another weak chuckle but didn’t reply. This earned him a light slap against his arm but even that didn’t help. Hyunseung could only let out another sigh.

“You should go and see a doctor,” The older said as he kept disinfecting some still bleeding wounds on his cheek. He could feel the younger flinch under his touch as he looked away to the opposite direction, not wanting to meet Hyunseung’s eyes.

“I will…” Junhyung trailed off.

“So,” Hyunseung kept going, “Care to tell me what’s going on this time?”

There was a slight silence when the younger seemed to be gathering his thoughts.

“My family didn’t really like my idea of studying composition. But I was able to talk it out so no-“ But he was cut of by Hyunseung.

“You call THIS talking it out?!” Junhyung winced in pain and Hyunseung immediately removed the absorbent cotton pad which he had put too much pressure on the wound. “Sorry…” He apologized as he started again.

“That’s not it. I just received a crazy-ass mission from my step-dad later and well, here I am,” Junhyung said before letting out a yawn. Hyunseung removed his hand for that moment not to cause any pain.

Little did he know it was bound to be classified as a mistake.

He had never known his liking towards the younger as sure as he was about to find out in the next couple of seconds when he just froze up. And the reason? It was nothing special, for someone else and it wouldn’t have been special to Hyunseung either if only it hadn’t been for the feelings he had. Ones that were always bringing him trouble.

In the midst of the yawn Junhyung must’ve noticed his dry lips as his mouth wouldn’t open wider. So after closing he had dragged his tongue along his lower lip.

And the way how they went back to its original plump state afterwards. Hyunseung couldn’t drag his eyes away and he didn’t notice himself doing the same action.

“Hyunseung?” A voice sounded which made the male snap out of his thoughts as he took another piece of cotton pad and kept on with his work without saying anything. His mind still blank.

“Hyunseung?” The same voice sounded again, only now Hyunseung looked at the other, not really wanting to do so. He felt embarrassed at the thought what the other may think if he had seen it. He felt embarrassed for doing so himself. Hyunseung had always known these feelings exist but never understood it until this sticky situation. He couldn’t help it. And felt sorry for every soul that was suffering like him.

“Hm?” He tried to sound indifferent but he felt it to fail the exact moment he met the other’s brown orbs again. It wasn’t the first time but for some reason it felt different. Like he was trying to see into his thoughts, into his soul. Were his eyes always so mesmerizing? It felt terrifying how trapped he felt. Like the other knew everything but at the same time wanted Hyunseung to say it out himself.

Hyunseung looked away again.

And Junhyung also didn’t say anything.

Hyunseung couldn’t tell for sure if the younger knew it or not and Junhyung himself didn’t show any signs either. Had he thrown it aside as it was nothing? If that was the case Hyunseung was going to jump in joy (only as an expression as he’d never do it) But Hyunseung didn’t have to ponder for long as it kept going the same way - there was no difference in his attitude.

But Hyunseung on the other side suffered. His original plan was to let it all go and hope for it to pass but it didn’t seem as easy as it sounded. The longer he stayed around Junhyung the more he found himself liking the other.

It was quite a game for him in the start. Trying to find out things about the other, especially happy was when he found something private which wasn’t known to the whole world or even his flaws, which Hyunseung found himself being able to handle quite well. It seemed easy to divert the other and avoid arguments and such. He just knew what buttons to push.

But with each day he felt himself falling harder to the point that it was tiring. Now it wasn’t all being happy while the other appeared or made a surprise call. He wasn’t just satisfied with trying to help Junhyung with his future. He felt himself not being able to cope with just being there.

He was getting greedy.

And he hated for himself.

Hated at every time when he’d put his hand on Junhyung’s shoulder when he could, just so he could feel the other’s warmth. How he’d slowly also start messing up the younger’s hair just to hear the whine which was like a melody to his ears. How he’d hug the other when he seemed lonely or just in need for comfort. He would have never done these things before. It was all greed.

And it’s not like Hyunseung was to blame for all of this - Yoseob did his own job too by ushering him to finally go and tell him. And if he just tried to ignore him, the younger started to blabber about all Hyunseung’s favorite things about Junhyung - he had revealed a lot to him, which he of course regretted 10 minutes later.

And what’s more, Yoseob had even told Dongwoon and somehow the talk went out - in their circle only though. But it seems Junhyung was still as oblivious as ever. Or he just wanted to look so. Both ways were depressing as it made Hyunseung confused.

It was all revealed soon enough.

And Hyunseung didn’t even have a chance.

They had another tutoring session and unsurprisingly Junhyung had fallen asleep again. Hyunseung from his habit had let him be here for a couple of minutes before dragging him to the bed. It was a usual routine.

But why then it didn’t go like usually?

Hyunseung never knew if the younger really had been asleep or just pretended so. He never knew if he had it planned to get him to spill everything or it had just been a coincident. But it didn’t matter.

Hyunseung had climbed next to him soon after, ready to drift off to sleep but only to discover his mind to be still wide awake. Probably the result of having woken up almost at noon. And well, what else he had to do apart from eyeing Junhyung. And so he did.

But he soon noticed glances weren’t enough when he brought his hand to the other’s neck who had been facing the wall, back turned to Hyunseung. It was a wonder how much interest can the back of a neck offer. He let his fingertip touch against the skin, feeling the familiar jolt sending chills down his back. Hyunseung didn’t even think while he let his fingers slightly go into the younger’s hair also, messing with it slightly while feeling the texture - it was perfect.

And it was the only thing he could do to satisfy his greed.

But what he should’ve been thinking on was far lost in the depth of his mind - the thoughts of cautiousness, how the younger could wake up at even the slightest touch, how he would be busted and would have to try and think up an excuse.

It was fatal.

“Hyunseung?” A mumble sounded making the older widen his eyes in great surprise.

He had been stupid and he knew it.

Hyunseung’s hand was already been pulled back and resting under the covers, still feeling the warmth on his fingertips. Or was it because he was blushing furiously from embarrassment? Either way he could only thank luck it passed fast as he expected Junhyung to turn around any moment now.

But no such thing happened.

“You like me, eh?” Another sleepy mumble was heard, making Hyunseung totally self-conscious at that moment. Was the younger blabbing in his sleep? Would he forget it by the morning? Did he have to answer? He had no idea. Inside of his mind was chaos and also a little man who was hammering his every brain cell for doing such a silly thing.

And what surprised Hyunseung even more was his own reply he didn’t even intend to let out.

“Yeah.” It was soft and quite inaudible. He wanted to slap himself right on the spot if it wouldn’t have included rustling with the sheets and raising suspicion.

“Hmm,” the younger mumbled again.

And Hyunseung waited.

But it seemed Junhyung had already drifted off to sleep again.

(tlb) the last bridge series, junseung

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