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Comments 5

insane_songbird August 22 2010, 01:50:36 UTC
Oh noes! Not Chad again! I had a terrible feeling about this chapter and couldn't wait to read it until after my beauty sleep (and isn't beauty over-valued anyway?... being ugly builds character)

I feel so terribly guilty. not only don't I have any more ice cream to give to Jared for being so awesome... no, I also am responsible for Chris wearing Chad, a.k.a. the edible mate, out completely with the last of the ice cream and then poor chad got rimmed (again) by those wolves. They really had it in for him. You just enjoy bashing the readers favorite charas, don't you? c'mon. admit it!

and I declare defeat. So Jared killed sterling... damn my out of the box thinking (and I think who's a great candidate for when Jeff retires--- if chis doesn't want the job since Chad wore him out)


lycaness October 3 2010, 10:31:32 UTC
Hehe, yes I do like beating up the characters, I think the more I like a character the more I hurt them, it's how I show my love, lol.
And yes, it's completely your fault that Chad being worn out, how dare you give my characters ice cream to have kinky sex with? ... ok, now I have an ice cream sex scene in my head, damn you.
Hmm, you know I never really thought about if Jeff would ever retire. They're immortal so... huh, something to think about for the sequel perhaps.
*squishes you*


twinsarein August 22 2010, 04:38:20 UTC
Whew! You do write action well. I was on the edge of my seat during all the different fight scenes. I was so afraid for Chad this time, worried that he wouldn't pull through twice. I was also worried about Tom and Jamie's babies. I'm glad Sterling is dead, and it's fitting that it was Jared, considering that it's his fault that Jared was so badly injured at the beginning.


lycaness October 3 2010, 10:34:37 UTC
*beams* Thank you, I'm really glad the fight scenes worked for you, they're actually really hard to write sometimes.
Aw, I wouldn't kill off Chad, he's my fav character in this fic, I just like to beat the crap out of him, lol.
I was very certain that it would be Jared that killed Sterling as you rightly say, Sterling had hurt him in so many ways, and hurt his mate and honestly, I just don't think Jensen is strong enough to beat an alpha, in fact we've already seen that he's not.
Thank you for your comments. :D


dianamartins October 10 2010, 22:00:27 UTC
Wow! Jared killed the evil alpha! Wow! :) This is awesome chapter! ;)


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