Title: Remember When 13/16 Pairing: Brittany/Santana Rating: PG Word Count: 1050 Summary: Brittany's forty... Warnings: Character Death Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, blah blah woof woof.
this was great. really sad and well written. i especially loved this: I love you too, Santana assures her. I'm not going anywhere, she promises, because Santana's been able to read Brittany like a book since they were four and she knows that this is what Brittany's really asking, she's desperate that Santana not leave her like her father had to.
I was so ready to hate you when you said there was a character death. All I could think was "NOT SANTANA!" but it wasn't and I love you for that =) It was still really sad though and I thought it was great.
Awwww man. Still utterly beautiful especially this:
"Brittany tosses a sunflower onto it as it disappears, because when Brittany was four her daddy told her she takes the sunlight with her wherever she goes, and this is her way of making sure he can take some of it to heaven with him." AND
"I love you too, Santana assures her. I'm not going anywhere, she promises, because Santana's been able to read Brittany like a book since they were four and she knows that this is what Brittany's really asking, she's desperate that Santana not leave her like her father had to."
Two of my favourite parts of this entire series. God i actually love you. Though i'm also afraid of what comes next...
Comments 5
I love you too, Santana assures her. I'm not going anywhere, she promises, because Santana's been able to read Brittany like a book since they were four and she knows that this is what Brittany's really asking, she's desperate that Santana not leave her like her father had to.
It was still really sad though and I thought it was great.
"Brittany tosses a sunflower onto it as it disappears, because when Brittany was four her daddy told her she takes the sunlight with her wherever she goes, and this is her way of making sure he can take some of it to heaven with him." AND
"I love you too, Santana assures her. I'm not going anywhere, she promises, because Santana's been able to read Brittany like a book since they were four and she knows that this is what Brittany's really asking, she's desperate that Santana not leave her like her father had to."
Two of my favourite parts of this entire series. God i actually love you. Though i'm also afraid of what comes next...
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