Fic: Remember When 13/16

May 02, 2010 12:47

Title: Remember When 13/16
Pairing: Brittany/Santana
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1050
Summary: Brittany's forty...
Warnings: Character Death
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, blah blah woof woof.

Brittany's forty, and she doesn't understand why people make such a fuss about turning forty. It doesn't feel any different to thirty nine, and Santana's still her wife, and Adrian and Summer are still her kids, so she doesn't think it's such a big deal.

She doesn't dance anymore, not because she can't but because she feels like she's given all she has to give. It's okay though, because back when they were in college Santana made her minor in Education, so now Brittany's teaching drama. And Santana's still teaching preschool and Brittany has to laugh sometimes when she thinks about what they used to think they'd be doing at forty.

They hear from the other Glee kids every now and then. Quinn's a high powered lawyer in Chicago, though none of them could have guessed it, and she helps to make sure the kids belong legally and equally to both Brittany and Santana. Kurt's entertaining on cruise ships - a far cry from the fashion design career he had envisioned for himself, but he loves it because he gets to sing, and meet all sorts of men, from all over the world.

Puck got married, he's Noah again, and he has two little boys. He's still kind of a jerk but he's a grown up jerk now, so it's a lot mellower. Finn played football for OSU then drove trucks for a while, eventually managing to buy a couple and start his own fleet.

Rachel comes to LA to live because she's transitioning into film, she says, and she stays with them for a couple of weeks while she looks for a place to live. Santana's grown from her days of openly tormenting Rachel the way she did in high school, but Brittany can tell Rachel still grates on her nerves a little, so for every day Santana makes it through without hurting Rachel's feelings, Brittany gives her extra special snuggles. Santana's never been sweeter to Rachel. Eventually Rachel buys a house a couple of streets away from them and life goes back to normal.

It's the summer and they're taking their annual trip to Lima, and the kids are super excited to see their cousins - Johan met a nice girl and he has three kids now - and they're stepping off the plane to find Santana's parents there to meet them. No shyness from the kids now, they're throwing themselves into abuela and abuelo's arms, even Adrian who thinks he's really too grown up for this sort of thing.

It's a couple of weeks later and they're having dinner in Brittany's parents' house when her father says he doesn't feel very well, and he goes upstairs to lie down. An hour later Brittany goes up to check on him and say goodnight, and his face is gray, the color drained as he clutches at his chest. She screams, she can't help it, she runs down the stairs and grabs the phone and calls an ambulance and she watches, helpless, as her father is carried out on a stretcher.

She clings to Santana's hand as they follow the ambulance to the hospital, the kids safely with Santana's parents, she can't think about anything, can only cry big scared tears. It's an hour later and the doctor is telling them how sorry he is, that there's nothing more he can do. The bottom drops out of Brittany's world and all she can do is bury her face in Santana's shirt as they cry. Her daddy, her big, strong daddy, is dead and it hurts so much she can't breathe.

It's a few days later and they're at the funeral. It's Adrian and Summer's first funeral, and it's Brittany's first funeral too, and out of the three of them she feels the worst off. She's still crying, still clinging to Santana's hand, and Santana's crying too. Surprisingly it's Adrian who is the strong one, even though he's pretty shaken in his grief. He holds his mom's hand and stands close to her, and she wonders idly when her little boy grew up. They're watching the coffin get lowered into the ground and Brittany tosses a sunflower onto it as it disappears, because when Brittany was four her daddy told her she takes the sunlight with her wherever she goes, and this is her way of making sure he can take some of it to heaven with him.

It's a couple of weeks later and they're back home in LA. Santana and Brittany have both taken a leave of absence from work, just for a couple of weeks more while things get back to normal. The kids are back at school, and it's just Brittany in the house curled up with Santana on the couch. Santana's fingers are combing through Brittany's hair and they don't speak, just draw comfort from the closeness of each other.

I'm sorry, Santana says finally, even though she's said it a dozen times before, and Brittany knows, knows how sorry Santana is, but it's not her fault. She leans her head up to brush her lips against Santana's.

I love you, Brittany says, an edge of grief in her voice, and Santana shifts their position so she can hold Brittany tighter as she starts to cry again. I love you, she sobs, clutches at Santana's shirt and cries again for the loss of her father.

I love you too, Santana assures her. I'm not going anywhere, she promises, because Santana's been able to read Brittany like a book since they were four and she knows that this is what Brittany's really asking, she's desperate that Santana not leave her like her father had to. Santana's forty and she has no intention of leaving Brittany, can't think of anything she needs that she's not getting right here.

Brittany's forty and can't quite believe it's taken her this long to have her first brush with human mortality but she understands now, a little of why people are so afraid to turn forty, a little of why people are so afraid to get older, and she's a little bit scared. The only thing that makes her feel better is Santana's arms around her, so she settles in for more of that, taking comfort in the love of her life.

brittany/santana, remember when, pg13

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