The Hunt is Up!

Jun 22, 2007 15:19

Title: The Hunt is Up!
Author: Izzi, luvmeanddespair
Rating: PG
Book or TV-verse: TV verse.
Characters/Pairing: Bob/Harry Preslash… Justin Morningway.
Summary: Harry enjoys one of his favorite pastimes at Morningway Estate.
Warnings: Unbeta'd.
Disclaimer: So not mine. Jim Butcher and SciFi.
Word Count: 471
AN: Continuation into that little verse started by Company and "By any other name..." I give you...singing Bob!

It was Saturday afternoon. Justin was gone at some…meeting and Harry was in his room going over a spellbook. He looked over at the clock and started, realizing he was late for the most important event of the day. With an offended noise he scrambled off the bed, only to sneak down the corridor until he was at the living room’s doorway, pressing his head against the closed door.

“Behold the skies with golden dyes,
Are glowing all around;
The grass is green, and so are the treen
All laughing at the sound.”

Harry grinned, carefully tugging the door open to poke his head in. Bob was staring out one of the large windows, still singing.

“The horses snort to be at the sport
The dogs are running free
The woods rejoice at the merry noise
Of hey tantara tee ree!”

He narrowly repressed a giggle at the sheer emotion Bob was putting forth and clamped his lips together harshly. Then he crept forward into the room, still silent, to get a better concert.

“The sun is glad to see us clad
All in our lusty green,
And smiles in the sky as he riseth high
To see and to be seen.

Awake all men, I say again,
Be merry as you may;
For Harry our king is gone hunting
To bring his deer to bay.”

Feeling particularly daring-especially because his name was sung-Harry, instead of stealing away as per usual when the ghost finished, clapped. Loudly. Bob spun around, a pink flush filling his cheeks, which Harry found incredibly amusing given his lack of corporeality.

“I told you, I’ve heard you,” he enlightened the mortified ghost. “You have a nice voice,” he added.

Bob-no, Hrothbert, straightened his shoulders and turned to face the black board, clearly looking for an error to point out and mock Harry with. The young Dresden sighed and walked over, crossing his arms.

“Come on, Bob, it’s not a bad thing.”

“If you think that you can simply compliment me and get yourself forgiven you are vastly mistaken, Harry Dresden,” he was informed. “You didn’t finish the movement on this rune,” he added jabbing at it.

Harry rolled his eyes and uncrossed his arms.

“Aw, come on, Bob. I know you’re not really mad-you’d have broken out with my whole name, if you were.”

Stormy eyes pierced him with a withering look and Harry stepped back with a grimace.

“I wasn’t trying to be mean. It’s not like I haven’t stood around listening before, anyways. You’ve got a nice voice when you’re not trying to drill runes into my head,” Harry tried again offering up a lopsided grin.

The ghost’s shoulders relaxed slightly, though his face stubbornly held onto the deeply offended look-directed at the blackboard.

“You’re still to redo this.”

+ + + + + + + +

The part of the song Harry missed, the first & second verses, are as follows:

The hunt is up! the hunt is up
And it is well-nigh day;
And Harry our king is gone hunting
To bring his deer to bay.

The east is bright with morning light,
And darkness it is fled,
And the merry horn wakes up the morn
To leave his idle bed

The text is by Ernest W. Dormer, originally a poem published between 1565 - 1566.

bob/harry, fic, morningway-verse, dresden files

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