[OOC: Relationship Meme]

Jan 04, 2025 19:34

Post here if you'd like to know what Yuri thinks of your chraracter(s). Feel free to repost if you want an update~


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Comments 15

penurium April 18 2009, 00:13:39 UTC
Hey, remember me?


lustrolupo April 19 2009, 02:58:54 UTC

No, I kid. Mostly. 8)

Yuri thinks Greed is a good sort of person, in that he does what needs doing, isn't a moron, and doesn't cause any unnecessary ruckus.

Well, until the fireworks incident.

Now he thinks Greed is still practical and fairly intelligent, but he also owes him a sock in the jaw. After that, Yuri would be ok with him again. After all, Yuri did make a bit of an oopsie with the 4423 drama. He'd totally let Greed back on the ship, in the rare event that he wanted back on.

Though, Yuri would be sure to knock out a few teeth first. Just to set some ground rules (and maybe to make sure the rest of the crew doesn't try to lynch Greed in his sleep).


freds_and_wills April 18 2009, 00:17:07 UTC


lustrolupo April 27 2009, 13:54:27 UTC

Yuri...doesn't dislike Gil. He actually finds him to be pretty hilarious company most of the time, with the added benefit of him being "FUCK YEAH" enough that Yuri doesn't really have to do much. I should mention here that Yuri doesn't disapprove of Gil's work-out initiative (I mean, Yuri's got a pretty intense regime himself), just that he feels the need to do it at 5 am. And let the rest of the crew know. Over the intercom. B|

Gil's enthusiasm is ... bothersome, sometimes, especially when Yuri's in one of his more lax moods. He'll probably gripe at Gil more often than not because of this, but it's more because of a general "augh energetic people wryyyyy" than any dislike of Gil in general.

IN CONCLUSION. Yuri think's Gilbert's a pretty ok guy, a good officer, and a nice errand bunny. Expect hair-pulling frustration on top of exasperated respect.


demonic_romeo April 18 2009, 00:21:59 UTC
They haven't talked much, but how about this butler~?


lustrolupo April 27 2009, 13:57:29 UTC
So far, Sebastian is the perfect, well, everything. He cooks, he cleans, he keeps the crew in line, and he can cut through lines of bad guys like they were butter (with butter knives, nonetheless!). All totally cool in Yuri's book.

He also appreciates that Sebastian has a very level head on his shoulders and generally doesn't dick around.


coyotealpha April 18 2009, 00:33:42 UTC
Anythin' to say, Cap'n?


lustrolupo April 27 2009, 14:01:33 UTC
Ohhhh, Pip. Yuri really hopes you're not ckretly a bad guy in disguise, because it would suck to have done all that sticking-up-for for nothing.

He does genuinely think Pip's pretty cool. The fact that he's an experienced mercenary goes a looooong way - most of the Fiertia is green recruits and non-combatants, after all. It's nice to have someone else around who knows what the hell they're doing.

They should totally get together for drinks, amitrite?


coyotealpha April 27 2009, 14:07:07 UTC
Haha, well Yuri can be assured on that account - Pip won't do anything against the Fiertia unless, well... it threatens the safety of the 4423 and in turn his current loliemployer. Then that'll be another story; hopefully that won't happen anytime soon, given how pirates are... almost kinda like mercenaries? Except they don't get hired really.

That aside though - Pip genuinely respects Yuri on a professional level as a fellow mercenary captain, not to mention being a captain of a ship while at it. He's been there (sorta) so he knows just how much of a hair pulling job it is, and the fact that Yuri somehow manages with this crew in which the majority are greenhorns and/or non fighters has gained a lot of respect points.

And yes, they totally need to get together for a drink someday and share retarded mercenary stories.


bloodychainsaw April 18 2009, 01:10:35 UTC
Yes, sir~?


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