Oct 01, 2011 16:43

Honestly? I thought it was the best fucking episode they've had in a long time ( Read more... )

supernatural, well that's a relief, re: shows, *\o/*

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Comments 8

portraitofafool October 2 2011, 00:39:28 UTC
I make the most ridiculous noises every time Mark Pellegrino is onscreen. I can't even lie and I feel it coming--I start smiling first and I am thinking to myself, "Uh-oh, here it comes. Don't do it... don't do it... *squeebounce* Damnit!"

Anyway, brilliant episode, BRILLIANT SAM OMFG and YES to everything you said about cutting and S&M and *whines* I WANT. It would be very IC of Sam to start cutting. Logic: Pain makes the world around him real and makes Lucifer go away for a little while. And I can see him being logical about it and then Dean flipping his shit when he finds out and then it leading to weird S&M but not because Idlk if Sam would necessarily be getting off on the pain, but maybe and hey, there's always conditioning. Plus, Dean grounds him and the pain grounds him, so ipso facto, S&M makes perfect sense.

Oh and then the murder/suicide thing with Dean really had me going o_O and I don't think many other people caught that other than one ("my a beautiful mind brother [...] drive off the pier" <--- that bit ( ... )


lustmordred October 2 2011, 00:53:36 UTC
Mark Pellegrino is a kick ass Lucifer. I don't bounce and make seal noises, but I enjoy him immensely. Only guy out there that can do Lucifer better in my honest opinion is Viggo Mortensen. Always ( ... )


portraitofafool October 2 2011, 01:18:54 UTC
Agreed 110% on that. Mark is the best Lucifer I've seen since Viggo who was just... no words for how utterly amazing he was.

You know (and you do know) as fucked up as it sounds, I don't think I could write that at all. Not just the S&M, I meant the cutting, too. It makes perfect, glorious sense to me and I love the idea of it, but I don't think I could follow through and do it proper justice. All things considered, I find myself wondering wtf is wrong with me there ( ... )


lustmordred October 2 2011, 01:34:57 UTC
He was amazing. Sad that it was so short lived. I need a Viggo Lucifer icon. Must go haunt google for pictures ( ... )


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