FINALLY something is right.

Apr 18, 2011 13:15

I got extensions until next week for all of my homework deadlines. You know what that means? PROCRASTINATION HERE I COME.

I know, so sad. But I actually really needed the leeway there, I was stressing the hell out.

I also finally took the time today to change my journal layout. Something I've been meaning to do ever since portraitofafool made this awesome ( Read more... )

well that's a relief, bitchy muse will have her say, *smish*, the adorableness is sickening, lj monkeys on crack, pro-crast-i-natiooooooooon!

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Comments 16

amberdreams April 18 2011, 18:21:03 UTC
That's weird - I've been seeing your posts on a white background with no comment button so assumed you'd been disabling comments for some reason - but when you mentioned your new look I tried clicking on your name and found your journal with its very cool Pauley pic - you are right, it is awesome!!


lustmordred April 18 2011, 18:26:50 UTC
Well that's even more weird. I almost never disable comments on anything. Thank you LJ for ruining my day :P Kidding. Takes a bit more than that to ruin my day, but jeez, that's annoying. Thanks. It absolutely is. The original photo's cool too, but she did a lot of work on this and I ♥ it to death :)


amberdreams April 18 2011, 20:42:07 UTC
Eh, don't fret, it was probably just me being stooopid.


star_damaged April 18 2011, 20:49:33 UTC
That pic might actually too cute for my jaded mind to deal with.

Love the new header too. That woman is too fine


lustmordred April 18 2011, 20:54:54 UTC
Oh my god, I know, right? They're so tiny, like the size of thimbles.

She is, yeah. I have developed a slight girl crush out of nowhere for her, too.


locknkey April 18 2011, 21:25:26 UTC
OMG! stupidly cute monkies! ♥

Yeah - for muse inspiration. :)


lustmordred April 18 2011, 21:33:04 UTC
I know, they are so precious :D

Yes, yay for that. I both need it and don't. I need it because I feel completely lazy as a writer this year, I don't need it because I have deadlines looming over me.


locknkey April 19 2011, 02:32:39 UTC
the muse seems to be like that - gives with one hand - takes with the other. :)


portraitofafool April 18 2011, 22:48:35 UTC
Freakishly small animals, ftw! They are cute as hell, but their tininess unnerves me. Just looking at them makes me afraid I'm going to break them. Little things tend to freak me the fuck out, but these little things are nice and... just. Aww. Like angry little dwarf yetis. *pets gently*

\o/ I say give in to Muse and do what she wants. It's usually better that way, but she does have a bad habit of popping up when she's least needed and being totally absentee when she's totally wanted. Bitch.

I am pleased with that pic of Pauley I did for you and yeah, she's pretty much made of win.


lustmordred April 18 2011, 22:57:35 UTC
They do look kind of like little yetis. Like teaspoon sized ones.

She totally does. Annoying bitch. I've got to take a bath though, seriously. It is of utmost importance. But then I think I'll try to write.

I like it too. I think it looks really good on here.


portraitofafool April 18 2011, 23:12:58 UTC
They do! It's insane. Tiny abominable snowmen. Where'd you find that pic anyway and what kind of monkeys are they? Albino isn't a species is it? I want to know more about these precious oddities.

I think Muse has a drinking problem, too. Makes sense; alcoholics are notoriously unreliable and what is Muse...? Yes.

So, bathe and then scribble. I've got to proof this fic and then go x-post it where it belongs, which is not on this account. I hate logging out of this account because none of my others are paid and there are fucking adverts everywhere. *huffs* I shall persevere though.



lustmordred April 18 2011, 23:21:46 UTC
I'm not sure what kind they are. I found the picture while I was looking for something else, which is how that tends to happen I've found. I think it was from National Geographic, though.

Long as Muse isn't a needle freak, I guess that's okay. I'm so completely done with junkies after this bullshit. I would have to murder her and find a new one.

Mine has adverts but lalala my shitty computer can't load them so I don't even care. It and my need to express myself with icons will be enough to have me renewing my paid account in the fall, but I think it's stupid to do that for over the summer when I won't be using it hardly at all anyway.

I'm going to see if I can borrow Romel's phone to call my parents, then bath, then I'll be around to scribble.


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