FINALLY something is right.

Apr 18, 2011 13:15

I got extensions until next week for all of my homework deadlines. You know what that means? PROCRASTINATION HERE I COME.

I know, so sad. But I actually really needed the leeway there, I was stressing the hell out.

I also finally took the time today to change my journal layout. Something I've been meaning to do ever since portraitofafool made this awesome header art for me. Yes, that is Pauley Perrette. I ♥ her and I love that photograph.

I may actually allow Muse to have her wicked way with me this evening after all. The way I see it, if I get it out of my head and write it down, she'll stfu and let me to the boring stuff I have to do unmolested. She's been pretty comatose this last year anyway, bitch needs to go back to sleep.

Also, LJ please STOP trying to post my entries like three hours later than I write them up. I posted something this morning at around 10am and it posted at 2pm. Wtf, weirdo?

ETA: Gaze upon the cuteness in wonder and awe! Baby albino monkeys *SMISH*

well that's a relief, bitchy muse will have her say, *smish*, the adorableness is sickening, lj monkeys on crack, pro-crast-i-natiooooooooon!

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