Back to Reality

Sep 25, 2007 07:38

Well the holiday's over, and I am back in work a bit browner and a lot poorer.

We had a great time. The Whitsundays are similar in look and feel to the Greek Islands, and even landing in a cold, grey and rainy Brisbane on the way home felt right - just like Manchester! Airlie Beach was very relaxing, though the "beach" bit of it isn't much to write ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

camillo1978 September 24 2007, 23:19:23 UTC
Hey hey! Also back from hol browner and poorer. Had the laziest week of my life but managed one day of proper sightseeing (Malta has so much interesting history I may have to research it on the web after I've been - unusually bad form, tut tut). Very glad to hear the CD was okay and arrived safely. I think that after Deathly Hallows my personal favourite for Hermione is Outdoor Type by the Lemonheads it was running through my head all the time I read about the endless camping...


lurkerfromoz September 25 2007, 00:21:01 UTC
Glad you had a good holiday too. Sightseeing is overrated, and lazy is the future!

I just love the compilation. There are so many tracks on there that make me want to trawl through all the CDs I haven't listened to in ages - especially Garbage, I've not had them in the car for ages! I generally do most of my singing along in the car and have about 20 cds in there on rotation until I get bored of them and change them all over. At least here in the summer its too hot to open the windows (AC is a wonderful invention) so I don't get laughed at at traffic lights singing at the top of my voice, which used to happen on a regular basis at home.

We've just had a man in reception selling strawberries at $5 for 3 punnets, so I'm off to scoff!


camillo1978 September 25 2007, 00:36:06 UTC
Good stuff! I hadn't listened to Garbage for ages either, was thinking of angsty sulky stuff and they popped into my head. Toyed with putting "Stupid Girl" on. But then couldn't resist the lyrics "I was younger when I met you..."

Wierd. The boyf brought home 3 punnets of strawberries that were reduced today. Last of the English crop.


lurkerfromoz September 25 2007, 05:55:53 UTC
Transworld Karma!


geminiscorp September 26 2007, 13:59:14 UTC
Yeah! You're back! It sounds like the vacation was fun and hopefully relaxing. I'm sorry you didn't get to write at all but reading is good! More rec's for me I hope. (I've read 3 of Kathy Reichs books already!)
-Okay cover your ears-
I got my bookmark and it is awesome!!!! I love that you took my icon and added that! I smile every time I use it. *hugs*
I've lost my battery charger for my camera (hubby is pretty mad about that one) but when I have a functioning camera again I will be posting a picture on my journal so everyone else can oohh and ahhh over it!!!
Welcome Back!!!!
ps- I'll be emailing you later today. =)


lurkerfromoz September 26 2007, 22:35:51 UTC
I'm so glad you like it.

The holiday eas great, but I've come back to RL feeling a bit flat - no proper enthusiasm for anything. And its raining today too.


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