Back to Reality

Sep 25, 2007 07:38

Well the holiday's over, and I am back in work a bit browner and a lot poorer.

We had a great time. The Whitsundays are similar in look and feel to the Greek Islands, and even landing in a cold, grey and rainy Brisbane on the way home felt right - just like Manchester! Airlie Beach was very relaxing, though the "beach" bit of it isn't much to write home about. Its very small, and a bit muddy at low tide, but this is more than made up for by the man-made lagoon and beach, which is also a lot safer in terms of killer jellyfish. We chilled for a few days, then on the Monday we had a helicopter flight to Langford Reef, where we had a champagne picnic and snorkled for a bit before being flown back to the mainland. It was really exciting and we flew in low enough that we could see loads of turtles on the reef. We got one helicopter out and a different one back, because the second had gauge trouble and wanted to get back to be checked but it was meant to be flying a couple over Heart Reef so the guy could propose. They went off in our original heli and we took theirs back. How romantic! Beats P's proposal - drunk at a wedding.

Daydream Island was a bit odd. I don't think we're really resort people. It was somewhat like a very upmarket Butlins, with a timetable of activities throughout the day, but nothing to do at night. Towards the end of the week, it began to fill up with screaming kids, too. Why don't people tell their children off anymore? Apart from that, it was ok, but I don't think we'll be going back. We went on a jetski safari, which was brilliant. There were three couples on three jetskis and the boys were in charge on the outward trip. At the halfway point, we swapped and all went much faster! P's top speed was 48kmph and mine was 60. All the guys agreed that they were too worried about us on the back to go too fast, whereas the girls didn't give a shit. I know that I just thought that if P didn't hang on and fell off, at least he had a life jacket on. I kept telling him to go faster, but he said he felt like he didn't have full control if he went too fast. He now wants to buy one, but I think that we are better off hiring for the few weekends a year we would bother using it.

On our last night, we went on a sunset cruise, and then back to reality on Saturday.

I got a fair bit of reading done, but no writing whatsoever. I've come back to work to an empty desk and am waiting on a decision today and a tender tomorrow, so I will get some writing done in the interim. At least it makes me look busy.

I also got home to my pay it forward gift from
camillo1978 , a double CD which I have been listening to in my car.  There are some great songs on there and the "geeky notes" made me laugh.  I've almost listened all the way through, and there's not a single 'skipper' on it.  Thank you so much!

I think I'll do a seperate entry for the books later today, so off to check my Flist and see what I've missed.

pay it forward, topps tours

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