(no subject)

Sep 15, 2010 02:49

Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: What if the ending of ATWT had a twist?
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2

"Luke...I like that, Luke...”

Reid opened his eyes to find a bunny nibbling at his face. He shifted and the bunny hopped away.

“What the hell was that? My arm…” Reid held onto it and slowly, he started to get up from the ground. “Oh yeah, I am on the worst adventure of my life…” He breathed deep and started walking back to Oakdale.


Everyone in Oakdale believed Reid was dead. If Reid had gotten hit by a train, then there really would be no way to survive it, honestly. Only Luke believed that Reid was still alive, and he didn’t care what anyone else thought. Everyone kept telling Luke that “Reid couldn’t have survived” but Luke wasn’t having it!


Reid was still walking in the woods.

Reid could hear a sound and it was following him, but he didn’t want to turn around because he knew what was producing the noise. It was a nice big bear walking behind him.

“OH SHIT!” Reid didn’t know what to do - he didn’t know if he could run or stay or hide! So like any good neurosurgeon, he used his smarts, and ran for it!

And he may or may not have been screaming along the way!


Luke was at Lily’s, sitting on the couch, when Holden walked in. “Hey, son!”

“Do you think I am crazy?”


“About Reid. I mean, everyone told me he had to have died in the train crash but I don’t feel it!!”

Holden sat beside Luke. “Well, if you feel like he is still out there, then hold on to that! This town has had many people coming back from the dead!”


“So hold onto that, Luke.”

“Thanks.” Luke smiled at Holden.


Reid was getting closer to Oakdale but he didn’t know it yet. He kept on seeing trees and fields.

He thought to himself, Wait till I tell Luke about this adventure…he is going to flip! Wait…what if Luke’s thinking I have died? I mean, the crash would make anyone believe I had died. Oh, crap! I hate this….I need to get back to Luke!

Reid made it his mission to get back to Luke now more than ever!


Luke was home alone. He was lying on his bed, thinking about what everyone had told him.

He couldn’t have survived the crash, Luke kept playing in his head. It started to make him upset. A life without Reid was no life at all. Reid was Luke’s better half; he treated Luke with respect and love, and even though Reid had been rough around the edges at first and sometimes cold, the more time they spent together, the more they had fallen in love. And Reid had been getting softer and Luke had been getting stronger about love and relationships.


Reid was getting closer to Oakdale by the moment, and he thought about what he was going to do with Luke the second they first saw each other. He supposed they would hug, and kiss, and finally just say, “Oh fuck it, let’s have sex”. And they haven’t even had sex yet but Reid knew Luke was his better half and Luke made Reid’s life better.

Then, all of a sudden, it began to rain on Reid. “Oh for the love of--” Could this get any worse?

And then it rained even harder. “Yep, my life officially sucks right now.”

But Reid kept on walking.


Luke was watching TV in the living room.

No one was home. Most of the household’s family members were at the farm with Holden, and Lily was in Chicago for a business meeting. Luke was watching “One Life To Live.” He loved that show, and he had gotten Reid into it too. The storylines that were going on now were kinda sucky, but Luke figured, what can you do? It was the only thing good on his DVR.

Luke then fell asleep and when the TV reached its limit, it turned itself off. So it was completely dark in the house. Luke was dreaming about Reid and how much he wanted to touch him again. He started thinking about random things, like What if Reid walks through that door, will I tell him I love him? Or Will I tell him I want to spend the rest of my life with him? Will I tell him to talk me upstairs? Will I ask him to live with me?

There were so many questions going through Luke’s mind that he didn’t know which one was more important. They all seemed important to him. Luke promised himself that he would take that big first step if Reid would just walk through the door.


Luke eyes were still closed when he felt a touch on his shoulder.




Luke started to shift and open his eyes. He was startled at first when his eyes focused on the body in front of him, but he managed to blurt, “Reid?”

“Hey, baby…” Reid looked weary and tired.

Luke sat up and looked at him, all dirty and wet. “What happened to you?” he asked in slight shock.

“Funny you should ask…” Reid mumbled. “Wait till I tell you what I have been though!”

Luke smiled and giggled a little at the sight of Reid. He was more awake now and knew for sure that Reid was real and not just a figment of his imagination. Luke looked at Reid with that “come get me” expression.

Reid bent down and kissed Luke.



“I want to be with you. You don’t know what has been going on in my mind. When I thought I lost you…when everyone told me you died, I could still feel you in my heart. I knew you couldn’t have died.”

Reid smiled at Luke as he brought Luke up from the couch. “Don’t worry, Luke. I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.”

Luke smiled and tears came to his eyes, the salt water quickly tumbling down his cheeks. Reid kissed them away. Luke loved it when Reid would softly kiss him all over his face, and he smiled under Reid’s gentle ministrations.

Luke moved his arms around Reid, pulling him closer.



“Is anyone in the house?”

“No…we are finally alone.”

Reid smiled into the kiss.

“Take me to my room, Reid…”

“You sure?”

“I have wanted to be with you for a while. I love you, and you said you loved me…”

“I have been in love with you the second or third time I saw you, Luke.”

Luke smiled at that thought! “Live with me Reid. Let’s get an apartment together.”

“Really?” Reid smiled.

“Yes, I am so ready to move out of this house and get a place of our own...”

“I thought you would never ask!”

“Then is that a yes?” Luke searched Reid’s eyes for the answer.

Reid kissed Luke hard in response. “What do you think?”

“I think…” Luke pulled on Reid’s shirt. “You should take me upstairs...”

Reid rested his forehead on Luke’s and gently pushed him back. They made their way up to Luke’s room. They were going to take their relationship to the next level, but Reid stopped it from going too far.

“Luke…I can’t do this now...”

Luke just looked at him with sad puppy eyes.

“It’s not you,” Reid sighed. “I am dirty and hurt and this wouldn’t be right. I really need to fix my arm!”

Luke giggled at that statement, then he touched Reid hurt arm. “I should take you to the hospital.”

“I’d like that.” Reid paused, then said reassuringly, “Don’t worry…we will make love.”

Luke nodded in agreement. “Maybe we could wait till we move in together?”

“I’d like that.”

Luke kissed him, till Reid’s arm hurt him. “Sorry,” Luke apologized sheepishly as he pulled away. “I should really get you to the hospital.”

Luke and Reid climbed into Luke’s car, and Luke drove him to the hospital. During the car ride, Reid told him of the big adventure that he had gone though to get back to Luke.

“Wait...” Luke struggled to make sense of it all. “A cow, a bear, and a bunny woke you up?”

“Hey, I thought the bunny was you!” Reid shot back defensively.

“Aww….” Luke grinned. “I don’t know how to take that. Being compared to a bunny, I mean.”

Reid rolled his eyes. “Dude. I almost got eaten by a bear and you say nothing?”

“Well, I wasn’t too worried about the bear.”

“Why not?” Reid was confused.

“Because I knew you could handle yourself,” Luke said with a wink.

Reid didn’t know how to answer back to that, so he kept quiet as they pulled into the hospital parking lot.

Luke and Reid got out of the car together. Luke walked Reid to the ER and he quickly found out that Reid was the worst patient ever! Every time a doctor told him something he already knew, he snapped ungraciously at them. After a while, Luke anticipated Reid’s reactions, and kept him from going berserk most of the time. Luke held onto Reid as much as he could while the hospital staff worked on Reid’s arm, trying to support him as best he could. The nurse kept moving Reid’s injured limb and Reid was in an incredible amount of pain. It was a miracle Reid didn’t snap at her right then and there.

About two hours later, Luke was able to take Reid home. They decided that since Lily’s house was still empty for the time being, they wanted to be together. They didn’t make love, but Reid spent the night. They slept in a bed together for the very first time. Reid rolled over onto his hurt arm, and he let out a soft noise of anguish. Luke rolled over towards him and helped Reid adjust so he wasn’t in so much pain. Luke even got Reid’s pain meds and some water and gave them to Reid to take so he could feel better soon.

Luke and Reid feel asleep facing each other, and before drifting off, they said goodnight to one another.

It was only the beginning to what was to come.

atwt, rating: r, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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