Sparks and Gasoline 4/?

Jul 11, 2010 02:38

Title: Sparks and Gasoline: Chapter 4
Summary: Luke and Reid grew up together, but neither had liked the other. Reid moved away for college then, and Luke never saw him again. Sixteen years later, Luke is the editor in chief of the local newspaper, Oakdaily. When a corporation decides to take over Oakdale Memorial, Luke becomes suspicious and starts investigating. Then unexpectedly, Bob decides to retire and hire Reid Oliver to come back to town. Hijinks ensue as Luke is convinced Reid has something to do with the corruption and mystery. What will happen when sparks and gasoline meet?
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own anything associate with ATWT.
Chapter 1:  Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Luke walked into Al’s. He scanned the restaurant until he saw who he was looking for.

Luke slid into the booth.

“Dude, you look like shit.”

“Nice to see you too, Casey.”

“I’m serious.”

“I haven’t been sleeping well.”

“You also look like you haven’t showered in a few days.”

Luke just shrugged and stole some fries off Casey’s plate.

“I don’t know. I’m just stressed. I’ve been working on a big story for the paper, and other stuff…”

“Would this other stuff have anything to do with a certain Doctor?”

Luke sighed and slumped against the booth.

“Don’t remind me.”

“Maybe you should just get it out of your system.”

“Get what out of my system?”

Casey just arched an eyebrow and looked at Luke.

“You’re not funny, Casey.”

“I wasn’t trying to be funny. When is the last time you got laid?”

Luke thought back then and realized it had been at least a year.

“I don’t know. Awhile.”

“How long is a while?”

“A year.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, Luke!”

“It’s not that long.”

Casey looked at him flabbergasted.

Then he was looking at the door and suddenly sinking lower in his seat.

“Oh God. Don’t move Luke.”

Luke turned to look who it was and saw Amber barreling their way.

“Luke, I have great news. I may have gotten us a lead-“

She stopped suddenly when she saw who he was with. Her face turned sour.

“Oh, I wasn’t aware you were with company.”

“Well he is, Amber. So if you don’t mind, we’d like to get back to our conversation.”

“Always a pleasure, Casey.”

Amber turned to leave.

“Amber, you can’t tell me that we may have a lead and then leave. Join us.”

“I’d rather not.”

“Come on, Amber. Don’t leave me hanging.”

Luke gave her his biggest puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.

“Damn it, Luke. Fine.”

She sat beside Luke and turned to him.

“Someone said the night of Dr. Rosenthal and Dr. Murdoch’s murders, there was a new nurse assigned to their services.”

“What was the name?”

“Amaria Middling.”

“What information have you found?”

“Absolutely nothing. It’s like this person doesn’t exist.”

“Of course not. That would be too easy.”

“I can try and find out something when I’m at work if you want.”

Luke was surprised when Casey spoke.

Amber piped up,

“Yeah, that’s just what we need a bumbling idiot fucking up this investigation.”

“Really so the fact that  I can go pretty much wherever the hell I want to since my grandfather is still the chief of staff, makes me a bumbling idiot?”

“No, you being a misogynistic immature manwhore makes you a bumbling idiot.”

“Well then, I guess you won’t be needing my help after all. I mean I could only get you access to personnel files, but what do you need those for, when you have your great detective work that got you a name and no further leads?”

“Fuck you, Casey.”

“I think you’d like that too much.”

Amber stood up then.

“I’m going to get back to work. As much fun as this immature encounter has been, I need to get more information. Later, Luke.”

“Bye, Amber. Always a pleasure.”

Amber just ignored the sarcastic barb thrown at her by Casey.

Luke turned to Casey.

“Maybe you should just get it out of your system.”

“Fuck no. There is a difference between our situations. There is no chemistry between Amber and me.  I can’t stand her. She’s a fucking bitch.”

“Casey, you asked her out only to make Alison jealous. Then left her at the Lakeview when Alison did get jealous and you never called her again or explained what happened.”

“So. She can’t take a hint?”

“Casey you were extremely rude. Plus, six months later when Amber went on a date with Aaron, you told her she was cheap and easy.”

“I meant it as a compliment. Like she didn’t eat a lot and was easy to get along with.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. You were just pissed that Amber told Alison about what you did. Amber is not the reason you and Ali didn’t work out. You just weren’t meant to be.”

“Yeah, well I haven’t had a serious girlfriend since Ali, and I do blame Amber. If she hadn’t opened her gigantic fucking mouth-“

“Whatever you need to tell yourself, Casey.”

“I don’t want to talk about that redheaded she devil anymore.”


Luke was grinning like a fool at Casey who just rolled his eyes.


“Nothing. Just thinking that we both have redheaded thorns in our side.”

“Yeah, but yours isn’t a complete and utter soul sucking demon from which there is no escape.”

“Have you met Reid?”

“Seriously, Luke. There is no comparison between the two. Amber goes out of her way to antagonize me and call me stupid or unworthy or just make me feel like shit. Like earlier. I was just trying to be nice and offer my help.”

“Yeah, well Reid has treated me like crap since I was seven years old. He used to make me cry.”

“You win. I have never and will never cry over that termagant.”

“Wait, what? Did you seriously just use a big word, Casey?”

“I was helping out a patient who was listening to NPR earlier, and they used that word to describe the most horrible woman they knew.”

“I’m stunned. You actually used a big word and in the correct context.”

“Thanks. I try you know.”

Just then Luke’s cell phone buzzed.

He flipped it open to see a text.

“I gotta go, Case.  I’ll let you know if we need help later.”

“See you, Luke. Oh and if you run into Amber, remember don’t stare directly in its eyes, it doesn’t like that.”

“I really wish you two would just get along.”

“The only way I’d get along with her if is she was finally tagged and transported to the zoo where she belongs.”

Luke just shook his head, threw some money down on the table and headed to the hospital.

Who was this Amaria Middling? Why was there no information on this person?

Luke had so many questions running through his mind he wasn’t paying attention when he stepped outside in the cool air.

He ran into something solid. Or someone solid.

“Do you ever watch where you’re going?”

Luke looked up to see Reid in his scrubs.

“I just figured you were watching where you were going and would step around me. But apparently you weren’t either.”

Reid stopped in his tracks then. He had been one upped by Luke in the comebacks.


Now, if you’re done insulting me, I have to get back to work. Enjoy your day, Reid.”

Luke headed to his car. As he slipped inside he saw Reid still standing on the sidewalk in front of Al’s watching him curiously.

Luke felt a strange shiver run through his body when he saw the intensity with which he was being studied, as if he was an animal on display.

Luke looked away then and sped off to the hospital, more hopeful than ever that today was the huge breakthrough they had been looking months for with this story.

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: gwennylou, fan fiction

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