Fanfiction: Something A Little Bit French.

Jun 05, 2010 00:46

So, I wrote a fanfiction, Stars and fate:

And in the comments sissi_parker suggested that I write about the four years they had I'm gonna. It feels wierd writing the start of their story, when in the Stars and Fate one I wrote the end of it *weeps* but I'm gonna try do it any way :D I think I'm gonna do it in a series of one shots, but when i've done them all I'll post one post with all of them together (if you get me xD)

Title: Something A Little Bit French

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Luke and Reid have their first date and Luke is starting to make Reid all silly and ridiculous <3

Disclaimer: I do not own!

AN: The bits in italics are Reid thinking :).

Reid stood on the door step in front of the Snyder’s house and shook his head to himself.

This is ridiculous.

He’d spent 2 hours getting ready for this god damned date and now he was too nervous to knock on the door.

Damn Luke Snyder

Tonight was his first date with the younger man and for some strange reason he was terrified. He was meant to be Doctor Reid Oliver! He never got scared, except when he was around Luke Snyder. That boy did strange things to him and made his heart do this tingly, fluttery thing he’d never experienced before. He took one last deep breath and raised his fist to knock on the door, but it had swung open before he had the chance. Luke leaned against the door frame as he smirked, making his dimples instantly visible. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with the top button undone and a loosely fastened dark tie. Reid had never seen anything more absolutely incredible in his life. Luke’s smile made his nerves vanish in an instant and he was a little less bothered about the fact that Luke was starting to make him slightly ridiculous.

“I saw you out of my window,” Luke quirked an eyebrow. “I was wondering when you’d pluck up the courage to knock.”

Reid smirked. How come he didn’t want to punch the boy? How come he’d never wanted to punch the boy?

“Well, I just couldn’t decide whether I should run for it or not. I didn’t particularly want to subject myself to the torture that will undoubtedly be tonight.” Reid kept the silly smirk on his face to show Luke that he was joking and it worked, as Luke chuckled along.

“Oh really? Well I’m gonna go back inside then.” Luke grinned, turning back towards the house. “I was kinda gutted about missing American idol tonight, any way.”

Reid quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him back onto the porch before putting his hands on Luke’s hips. In return, Luke slid his arms around Reid’s neck and they both grinned happily at each other, both surprised at how easily they seemed to fit together. It was like they were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, it seemed that with each other was where they were meant to be; for now anyway.

“So, you were spying on me through your window, huh?” Reid chuckled, playfully raising one eyebrow, still grinning like a maniac.

What the hell has come over you?

“Well, you know,” Luke gulped and looked Reid up and down, before his gaze drifted back to the sparkling blue eyes in front of him. “It was kind of hard not to.”

Then there was that spark. It had always been there between them and before it was like pure torture, but now they both simply smiled, finally able to do something about it. Luke leaned in to kiss Reid gently, but Reid wasn’t having any of it. He quickly turned the kiss passionate by roughly prying Luke’s soft lips apart with his tongue, and he smiled into it when he received a low, hot moan from Luke in response.

After a couple of minutes of making out on the Snyder porch, Luke pulled away suddenly and Reid couldn’t suppress the soft whimper he made due to the disappointment and loss of Luke’s lips.

Damn it. I’ll just deny it later.

“You know, we should probably set off or we’ll never get to restaurant.” Luke smiled, biting his bottom lip and looking into Reid’s eyes once again.

“You sure you want to go to the restaurant? This seems much more fun.” Reid murmured, leaning into Luke again, but was shocked when he quickly jerked his head away.

“Hey!” Luke yelled, “You promised me a date, so I’m getting a date.” Luke laughed annoyingly loud as he ran down the drive towards the car, but Reid didn’t mind one bit.

That boy is going to be the death of me

Reid grinned down at his feet before looking up again and wandering down the drive after his boyfriend.


Luke looked across the table in the over priced restaurant at a very confused Reid. He sniggered at the sight, but Reid didn’t notice, he was too busy looking slightly shell shocked at the menu in front of him.

“What are you ordering?” Luke beamed, and Reid looked up at him with a defeated face.

“I have no idea!” Reid cried, utterly baffled. “It’s all French!”

“Reid, I hate to break it to you, Mr America” Luke giggled, “but you were the one who brought us to a French restaurant.”

Reid glared at Luke which only made him laugh harder, attracting the attention of a few other diners and of the waiter, who was suddenly at their table.

“Hello, are you two gentlemen ready to order?” The waiter said in an impossibly false French accent. Luke had to stifle his giggling, but he couldn’t stop his shoulders shaking in silent laughter, and what Reid said next only made the situation worse.

“Can I ask you a question?” Reid asked, and when the waiter-who was now scowling at Luke-nodded, he continued. “You know the steak in that sauce…which I can’t pronounce the name of? Well, could you possibly cook it without the sauce and put the steak in-between two slices of bread? Oh and I’d like the steak medium rare please, and by medium rare, I mean I want it pink but I don’t want the blood pouring onto the table. I hate it when you ask for it medium rare and the genius chef decides to just give you the raw steak.”

The waiter looked in awe at Reid, and Luke couldn’t hold back anymore and began to howl with laughter, receiving tuts and headshakes from some of the older customers.

“So…what you want is a steak sandwich, monsieur?” The waiter grumbled, seemingly annoyed with the behaviour of his two customers.

“Yes! Exactly! See, you do have a brain in there somewhere.” Reid grinned. “There’s hope for you yet.”

The waiter clenched his teeth and turned to Luke.

“And what do you want?” He asked rudely, with every last trace of his abysmal French accent now gone.

“Je voudrais le Confit de canard, s’il vous plait.” Luke replied in a better French accent that the waiter’s ever was, smiling up at him smugly. He received an approving grin from Reid, who was obviously proud that some of his own snarkyness had rubbed off on his boyfriend.

“I’ll bring it over when it’s ready.” The waiter stomped off, leaving Luke and Reid laughing uncontrollably in the corner of the restaurant.


“I can’t believe we got kicked out of a restaurant.” Luke cried, as he climbed into Reid’s car.

“You were the one who started it by throwing the tomato at me!” Reid chuckled as he looked at the mayonnaise he’d got in Luke’s hair during their little food fight, and then looked down at his own shirt. “This was my best one too, and you got it covered in…something French.”

Luke laughed at the look of confusion on Reid’s face and wondered if it was even possible to want someone as much as he wanted Reid. He’d never been more comfortable with anyone in his life, and not just in romantic relationships, but in friendships too.

“I still can’t believe you ordered a steak sandwich in a posh place like that. You could’ve ordered something a bit more…French…” Luke chuckled.

“I ordered French Fries as a side dish,” Reid grinned up at Luke “I’m sure that counts.”

“…and I think you made our waiter cry.” Luke carried on as if Reid hadn’t spoken.

“Well, he was an idiot! Did you not here that accent?.” Both men carried on laughing together for a few minutes but when it died down and they were silent, it dawned on them both that their night together was over, and that Reid now had to drive Luke back home. Neither man had wanted it to end.

“Hey, you know, you could come back to mine if you wanted to.” Reid gulped, but as soon as he’d said it he started to get nervous and began babbling. “…but only if you’re ready, because, you know, I don’t want to pressure you or anything, I know you’re still getting over Noah and…”

He was cut short by Luke’s lips, as he always was when he started to babble.

“I’d love to come home with you.” Luke smiled at Reid, who still had his eyes closed. He let out the breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, opened his eyes and grinned.

“We better get going then.” He said turning towards the steering wheel. Luke was certain he’d broken every speed limit on the ride back, but he didn’t have the heart to mention it, so instead he just looked out of the window and thought about the events of the night.

By the time they got back it was 10pm and Kate and Jacob were asleep, so Reid silently led Luke into his room. That night they made love for the first time, and that was what it was. It wasn’t just sex, it was love, but neither man was brave enough to admit it, not yet anyway, but both knew their time would come, and both hoped that they would be the other man’s future.

Sooo, what do you guys think? Feedback=Love

Ima go to bed now cos it's quater to 1 in the mornin here and I have to be up at 7 :( Night Night guyss, I love you all.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: missbadgerface, fan fiction

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