The Target (Ch. 1)

Jan 30, 2011 21:42

Title: The Target
Author: Harley
Rating: R
Summary: Luke and Reid are engaged and ready to marry when Luke is targeted.
Warnings: Sex and violence, and lots of it.
A/N: This didn't work the first time I posted... hopefully it worked this time?


"Where are your keys?" asked Reid, walking into the kitchen.

"Coffee table." Luke replied, handing Reid a cup of coffee, "When does your car get out of shop?"

"Friday." Reid stated

Luke nodded, "You're just lucky I'm taking the week off to work on wedding plans with my mom, grandma Emma and Katie."

Reid chuckled, "I told you, just let Lucinda take care of it all. She knows us better then anyone else."

Luke crossed his arms, "Reid, grandma Emma wants to do all the cooking and grandmother would have used a catering team. Katie wants to be involved since you asked Henry to be your best man instead of her -"

"She's a woman, how could she be my best man?"

"I don't know." Luke shrugged, his voice getting a little high, "But she was upset, that's all I know."

"And I didn't ask Henry because he's a friend or anything." Reid finished his coffee, "I picked him because I didn't know anyone else to ask."


Reid pretended to gag, "And have Katie hate me more?"

"She would not hate you. She knows that you two are still friends at work."

"I am not friends with Doogie, we are colleagues. We run the hospital together, that is all. That is all is ever will be."

"Okay, geez." Luke held up his hands in surrender, "You need to get going, you're going to be late."

"Oh, right." Reid sat his coffee cup down and kissed Luke before pulling away, grabbing his things and Luke's keys and heading out the door.

Shaking his head, Luke started cleaning up the kitchen. It was going to be a long day as soon as all the woman showed up at the house. Luke still could not believe that he and Reid were getting married in just six months top. He was still in shock that Reid had even asked him three weeks ago to marry him. He never thought Reid would ask him, let alone only a year into their relationship.


Reid was driving to the hospital, nobody else on the road with him. He had the radio on and he was singing along to some song that he didn't even know that he knew. He was just turning the corner when he saw a car speeding towards him from behind. He didn't have time to react when the back of Luke's car was hit and he swerved off the road, hitting a tree.

His airbag exploded in his face, knocking him out for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes, he saw the car that had hit him still on the road. A guy got out of the passenger side and headed towards the car. Trying not to move too much because he is was pain, he tried reaching for his phone in his pocket. He wasn't fast enough because then his door was opening, his seat belt was unclipped and he was being pulled from the car.

He hit the ground with a hard thud, on his back. The sun was shinning in his eyes and he had to shield his eyes with his arm, but he could still see the guy standing over him with a gun pointed at his head. The guy knelt down and pulled Reid's arm away from his face.

"Fuck!" the guy stood back up, "You're not Luciano Grimaldi."

Reid was going to say something but his whole body was aching and he could feel his eyes closing on him. He tried to stay awake, trying to grab for his phone in his pocket once again but it was no use. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was the guy turning and leaving him on the ground.


Reid grumbled to himself as he sat in the hospital. He vaguely remembered the accident he had just been in a good twenty minutes before. He couldn't remember everything, but he remembered getting hit and being pulled out of the car. He had a few bruises and cuts, but nothing to severe. Reid looked up as Luke burst through the door, a sigh of relief escaped Luke's lips when he saw Reid smiling back at him. Luke walked over to the bed and carefully wrapped his arms around Reid's neck. Reid wrapped his own arms around Luke's waist and pulled him closer. Luke stood between Reid's legs on the side of the bed.

"When Chris called he didn't tell me how bad it was."

"I fine." Reid reassured him, "I promise."

Just then Lily, Emma and Katie all came into the room.

"Reid, sweetie, are you okay?" Lily asked, patting his hair, which was currently sticking up in all directions.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"What happened?" Katie asked

"I'm not sure, I don't remember much." Reid told them all, "Jack is looking into it. All I remember is someone running me off the road."


Reid was still sitting on the bed in his hospital room. Lily, Emma and Katie were keeping him company while Luke went and got himself some coffee just down the hall. Reid had told him to go ahead and head to Java to get some but Luke wouldn't hear of it. He was not going to leave the hospital unless it was hand in hand with his fiance. Reid liked the sound of that.

What he didn't like was the constant pounding in his head. They had yet to give him any pain medication so his body was still aching. The pounding in his head was getting worse and he was starting to remember some things about his accident. Just then, Chris and Jack walked into his room.

"You're free to go home, Reid." Chris handed him a prescription, "This is for the pain."

"Jack, any news on the accident?" Emma asked, looking at her nephew.

"Only that it was no accident. There were no skid marks and footprint in the dirt indicating that someone had pulled Reid from the car and then left him when he passed out." Jack told them.

"Jack, I was driving Luke's car, do you think..." Reid stopped mid-sentence, "Oh my God!"

"What?" Lily asked

"The guy had a gun when he pulled me from the car."

"Are you sure?"

Reid nodded, "He thought I was Luke, only..."

"Only what, Reid?" Katie asked

Reid's eyes widened, "He said Luciano Grimaldi."

"Where's Luke?" Jack asked

"He went to get coffee." Lily replied

"And should have been back by now." Reid jumped off the bed and despite the pain, he booked it out of the room.

He could hear everyone else in the room following close behind him as they ran to the doctor's lounge where Luke should have been getting his coffee. Luke was not there. Reid ran back into the hall and was looking around when he heard Luke yell his name. Down the hall to the right, Luke was there, being dragged away by a big, tall guy that Reid recognized as the man from his accident.

"Luke!" he yelled, running down the hall, the group right behind him.

He saw Luke being dragged around a corner. He noticed they were going towards the stairs that went out to the back of the hospital. Sprinting down the hall, he turned the corner and burst through the door to the stairwell. Looking down, he saw Luke being pulled around a corner, another flight down. He flew down the stairs and stood in front of Luke and his kidnapper, who stopped and looked at Reid.

"Let him go." Reid warned

"Or what?" the kidnapper spat.

Reid heard the group that was following him, enter the stairwell the next flight up. The kidnapper looked up and Reid took his chance, stepping forward. Not to be caught of guard, the napper tossed Luke to the side, who hit the wall and not only fell to the floor after hitting his head, but fell down the next flight of stairs.

"Luke!" Reid yelled again, trying to get past the napper.

But the kidnapper was not having it and grabbed Reid around the throat, slamming him into the hall. To say Reid was in pain was a complete understatement now. His vision blurred for a second before he was looking in the cold, gray eyes of the napper. But only for a second when Jack came and pulled the guy away. Reid coughed, holding his own hand to his throat and belt forward, trying to catch his breath. He turned his head to look down the stairs, Luke was standing up by a door.

"Luke, you okay?" he coughed

"Yeah." Luke nodded, "What the hell was all that?"

"Whoever ran me off the road thought I was you." Reid replied, "Come on, get back up here."

Luke was just about to head back up the stairs when the door behind him slammed open and another big guy grabbed him from behind again and pulled him through the door. Jack was still trying to handle the first kidnapper so he didn't notice anything. Lily, Katie and Emma all screamed for Luke.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Reid growled as he flew down the flight of stairs and out the door.

Luke was being pulled towards a van on the side of the building. Reid started running towards them and stopped when another guy came from around the corner. At first he thought the guy was pulling a gun on Luke, but it turned out that he was pointing the gun at the side of the second nappers head.

"Let him go."

"Damian!" Luke said, freaking out.

"Let my son go." Damian repeated himself.

The kidnapper released his hold on Luke, who took off for Reid, wrapping his arms around Reid's neck and holding on tightly. Reid wrapped his own arms around Luke's waist and clutched at him just as tightly. One of his hands moved to Luke's hair and he ran his fingers through the golden locks.

"You're not hurt, right?" Reid whispered in his ear.

Luke shook his head. He was breathing deeply and had his face buried in Reid's neck. Reid could hear Lily, Emma, Katie and even Jack behind him, still standing near the door into the hospital. Reid took his eyes off Damian and the napper, deciding that Damian would take care of him and hugged Luke closer.

Reid was looking down at the ground and at his hand on Luke's back. That's when he saw it. A red dot on Luke's back. Moving his hand up to the dot, it was now on his hand. His head snapped up and he looked around. He couldn't see anything because the sun was so bright. He took one more glance down and the dot was still there.

"Luke..." he whispered

Luke hesitated to pull away but finally he did and looked at him and that was when Reid pushed him out of the way, as the gun shot rang out.

!author|artist: harleymorgan

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