And nothing else (12/?)

Jan 30, 2011 22:34

Title: And nothing else.
Author: KittyBlackCat
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I wouldn't have sobbed like crazy for like 10 minutes after trying to watch that Lure video with Whatdya want from me, because it's really really good and I couldn't even watch it all because tears were flowing. I'm still not over Reid's death and my denial abilities haven't been good enough recently.
Rating: PG-13(to be safe)
Summary:  Post episode of June 17th. Reid said that he would do nothing else but his job. Just how far along that line will he go?
Words: 3570
Previous parts: Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part6, part7, part8, part9, part10, part 11

AN: Hi! I don't know if any of you remember me or my stories, but in case you do, well you'll be happy to see a new chapter! It's a miracle! I'm in my intership (right now in high school but after march break in primary school) and I thought I would not be able to post ANYTHING in any fandom before MAY! But here I am. A short chappy but a chappy nonetheless.
OH and CHAPTERS SUMMARIES UNDER THE CUT ! For those who don't really remember the story and don't want to read the eleven chapters! Although some of them I'd suggest you read 'cause they were well liked by people here! If you want to read the whole story again, then I suggest you don't read the summaries because it will spoil the chapters for you.

Chapter summaries: (contains spoilers of the chapters 'cause I may be too explicit)
1. Katie worries about Reid, and is told by Allison that her best friend has been working triple shifts. In the meantime, Reid, who decided to do nothing else but work after Luke left him over the whole ultimatum thing, start feeling the consequences of this lifestyle and falls unconscious in the stairs

2. Katie, Allison and Chris discover the extent to which Reid went to not think about Luke aka he's crazily overworked and underfed. They discover the ultimatum and what happened to Reid. Katie panicks while in shock 'cause he may need neurosurgery. Alli and Casey go to warn Luke

3. Luke's reaction to the news of something happening to the man he loves. We also see how Luke has been handling the seperation from his side and his reaction to seeing REid again and how Alli,, and the other nurses are not handling what happened to him well. Plus Luke gives Bob a piece of his mind! (That's a chapter I would read again if I were you....just saying)

4. Luke has a heart felt one-sided conversation with Reid, who is in a coma still. Then Reid wake up (and of course complain that Doogie is the one treating lights of what happened in August and Sept on the show, I would more than agree...when I wrote this I didn't hate and loath Chris with every fiber of my being yet....but I digress )

5. The next 2 weeks. Katie and Luke visit, Reid is being difficult and stubborn, Luke blurts out he loves Reid without noticing, and REid discovers Allison was the one leaving him food when he wasn't eating and overworking and how his nurses actually care and worry about him thanks to the cards they send him. Oh Bob also receive a very freezing reactions form the nurses who banned him from their department.

6. Luke feels guilty,  Katie talks to him, he and Reid talk about the ultimatum and Luke tells Reid what he had told him while in the coma. They decide they're officially dating.

7. Bob finally wakes up and apologize. Reid explodes and let out some of the things he had kept inside when Luke brings up Noah. Luke runs out crying.

8. Reid is caught leaving his room by Allison and since KAtie is absent, spills his guts about the fight he just had with Luke. Allison agrees with him and gives Luke a harsh wake up call about his relationship with Noah and how bad it was. (I really would read this one if I were you)

9. Katie leaves Jacob with Reid for some "baby therapy" since Reid hasn't heard from Luke since the fight 3 days ago. Katie checks up on Luke and make him talk about what's going on. Then they go see Reid at the hospital.
10. The resolution of the fight. Luke and Reid talk about many issues and Luke explain his past actions and reaction and talks about how things were with Noah and how it affected him (Seriously, READ THIS CHAPTER)
11. The next few weeks. Include a discussion with Alli about Luke and REid's intimate life. Reid follows through on his word and go talk to JAck about what it's like to live with an alcoholic, things with Lily start going bad after Nat says she wants to be a surgeon like REid, and Reid proposes to go meet Luke's dad to cheer him up and finds an ally in Molly.


AN: This story is AU and in it Vienna never pretended to be pregnant and didn’t stop her affair with Casey. What happened?  You will know in this chapter.

Soon enough, Reid was perfectly healthy again and back to his usual self. The nurses had thrown him a welcome back party, and the other doctors felt like they could finally breathe again. With Reid back, they hoped that the nurses would go back to normal instead of emulating Reid as much as they could. One Reid Oliver was bad enough; they really didn’t need a gang of mini-Reids. And the doctors had been right. With Reid back to play the big bad wolf, the nurses had fallen back in their own patterns, complaining about Reid during lunch or dinner and laughing at Reid’s comments when they weren’t directed towards themselves.   Of course, Reid going back to work full-time meant that he had little time with Luke. However, unlike Reid’s previous partner, Luke was very understanding and patient. He knew that the months Reid had been out of commission had created a huge waiting list and that Reid’s almost constant busyness was only temporary.  Temporary didn’t mean that it would be only for a short while, though. They didn’t know how long it would last, but both of them were decided to make it work.

In the meantime, Luke had started working at the foundation again and he had renewed his friendship with Allison and Casey. They now had planned outings together two or three times a week.  Luke found out that he had missed a few things about his old best buddy’s life. First, Casey had been involved in an illicit affair with Vienna. He had loved it and had refused to listen to Allison when she told him it wasn’t right but then through some twist of faith, Casey kept getting in situations involving Henry and he had started to get close to the other man. He liked Vienna a lot and it was fun but he couldn’t do this to Henry anymore and had called it quits. Vienna hadn’t been particularly devastated at the news at first, but she did end up missing Casey. He was really fun and she found that having fun was missing in her relationship with Henry. Oh she still had tried to make it work and had been devastated when Henry had left her for Barbara. She pleaded with him not to do this and that she could make him love her again but Henry had made his decision. Almost losing Barbara to cancer had opened his eyes. He truly had wanted what he used to have with Vienna but the truth was, his heart had belonged to Barbara for a while now.

So Vienna had rushed to Katie’s place and had asked her to reason with Henry. The older woman did so but then she saw Barbara and Henry together and she just knew her best friend had made the right choice. So she bought tones of ice cream and chick flicks and helped her friend through the break-up. It was why she had visited Reid less often in the last weeks he was at the hospital. Little by little, Katie started to convince Vienna that she hadn’t lost her only hope at love and that Henry wasn’t the right man for her. For one, Henry wanted to get married and after much prompting from Katie, Vienna admitted to herself that it wasn’t really what she wanted. Or at least she didn’t want the kind of marriage she would have had with Henry. She wanted to have fun! Like she had with Casey! So she went back to him and asked for a chance to try dating him. Casey hadn’t needed to be told twice; he apparently really, really liked Vienna. The night they hooked back up together at the hospital was the night Katie had received the visit of another crying friend: Allison.  The young nurse hadn’t been as over Casey as she used to think. She was devastated that things were well and truly over. Luke had offered his support. He knew how it felt; he had been sad when he had realized that he and Noah were over for good. And just like Luke, Allison needed closure from her relationship with Casey.

The second big surprise in Casey’s life was that he wasn’t on friendly terms with Noah anymore. It seemed that after the whole Luke-kissing-his-doctor-and-lying-to-Noah episode, Noah had exploded from rage and vented at Casey. At first, Casey had understood and had tried to be a supportive friend. But Noah just wouldn’t let go. “He was just always talking about how you had betrayed him, you know” Casey had told Luke at one point “Like you had cheated on him or something. So I got fed up. He kept hating on you and dude you’re my best friend. I told him he had the right to be angry at the lying and I understood his hurt at finding out things were truly over between you guys but I just couldn’t get his anger. He had started dating that Richard guy when he was blind after all. And you didn’t get angry at him for it because you guys were broken up. I reminded him of that and it pissed him off. We argued and I ended up calling him a selfish hypocrite. I told him when he stopped acting like a jackass he could come visit me, but until then I didn’t want anything to do with him” Luke had been sad when Casey had told him that. He didn’t wish anything bad on Noah, not really anyway. He had been thinking about talking to Noah but that particular conversation with Casey had dissuaded him. Allison had pointed out that the huge fight had happened around the same time as Reid being hospitalized so Noah could be much calmer now but she still offered to check up on Noah before Luke went to talk to him.

So generally, things were going well. Luke had made it his mission to make sure that his father would not make the same mistake Luke had made with Noah so he spent quite a bit of time at the farm. He helped with the wedding preparations and kept pointing out how happy his father looked with Molly. He had found a new appreciation of the woman his father would soon marry. Luke missed Reid terribly and being around a woman who had a similar sense of humor to the doctor’s, made things more bearable for him. Being closer to Molly also helped Luke deal better with the situation with his mom. Indeed, the relationship between Luke and Lily was still strained and eventually, it reached a boiling point.

“ That’s it. I can’t take it anymore!” Luke exclaimed entering Katie’s home and shutting the door loudly, startling Katie to the point of heart attack.

“Luke! Darn. Give a girl a warning! I swear my heart stopped for a second. And my personal doctor is stuck in a 5 hours surgery right now. Gosh…” She said. Then she looked at the figure of her friend, slouched on the couch with his head thrown back. He looked really tired. “What happened?”

“My mother happened.” He said angrily. “She just can’t accept that I’m with Reid. She keeps treating me like I’m a kid who doesn’t know what he’s doing. I’m apparently in a phase and I will soon see the light and realize how terrible Reid truly is.” Luke added sarcastically. “She doesn’t even know him!”

“Well it sounds like usual Lily-speech to me. Why are you such in a bad state over this?”

“Normally, she criticizes, I try to defend myself and she shuts the conversation down. Today, however, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I blew my top. I’m so sick of her telling me what’s better for me. I told her that she’s treating me exactly like she always reproached Grandma of treating her; like I’m some kid incapable of making decision and who needs her to guide him.”

“Ouch. Comparing her to Lucinda, knowing the issues between the two…”

“Yeah, I know. Not my finest idea. But it gets worse”

“How can it get worse than that? Oh no….Oh no you didn’t! Luke tell me you haven’t brought up Molly!” Luke nodded. “What were you thinking?”

“That I was sick of my mother bitching about the man I love? I wasn’t thinking really. It’s just…Dad and Molly accepted Reid so easily and I can’t understand why my mom can’t try to do the same thing. So of course my mom took offence to me bringing Molly into the conversation and started saying how Molly liking Reid was just the proof that Reid was no good.”

“ Let me guess. That made you explode”

Luke groaned. “ I told her to stop acting like a bitch and that I was glad dad was with Molly and not with her. Yes, yes I know Katie, that was harsh. She’s my mother and I shouldn’t have said that. But a part of me can’t stop thinking that she kind of deserved it after everything she’s been putting me through since she learned I was seriously with Reid. I think Reid’s been a bad influence on me”

“I think Reid has a good influence on you. You stand up for yourself now and stopped letting your mom walk all over you. And in turn, you made Reid nicer so that he’s now bearable when in a mood!”

Luke nodded and asked his friend “Can I sleep here Katie? I don’t think I’d be welcome in that house tonight and I already spent a lot of time at the farm recently. I want to give dad and Molly the intimacy they deserve.”

“Of course you can but Luke, remind me again just how much money you personally have access too.”

Luke frowned. “Quite a bit, why?”

Katie gave him her ‘what  are you? an idiot?’ look. “When young adults want to spread their wings and fly, what do they do?”

Of course. Luke could be such an idiot. “They move out from their parents’ house. Of course. Well now I have something to keep me busy tonight. How do you feel about apartment searching?”

“Oh I love it!”

So Katie and Luke started looking for a place. Katie mentioned that they could also look at houses since Luke had so much money but Luke admitted that he wanted his first house to be Reid’s and his. He wanted them to go shop for houses together and make a decision that would please both but they were not at that stage in their relationship.

“Luke, you’ve grown up so much in the last year. You’re a real adult now and you’re in a real, serious adult relationship. Do you see you and Reid breaking up anytime soon?”

“Of course not!”

“Well me neither. You two are the most stubborn people I know. And you’re so crazy in love with each other! Luke, you don’t need to wait two years before going to live with Reid. This isn’t like with Noah. You should keep the thought of a house in mind. Or at least rent a big enough apartment so that Reid could live there too eventually. After all, when he was released from the hospital, you basically lived here. So it’s not like living with Reid on a day to day basis is something new. You’ve done it before and with Reid’s extra busy schedule, living together might be the only way to actually see him!”

“It has been a while since we got any time together.” Luke admitted. Reid and he hadn’t been able to see each other at all in over a week. He really, really missed him. Living together wouldn’t make Reid work any less but at least, when Reid would arrive at 2am in the morning and slip in bed, Luke would be there and he could wake up and kiss him goodnight. That’d be really nice.

“See” Katie insisted “It’d be great. Especially if we can find a place close to here so we can visit each other often. Plus Allison has been talking about moving, She could move in with me. We get along really well and she’s so great with Jacob.”

“Yeah, plus she could use living with a friend. I don’t think she likes Vienna’s addition to our little group.”

“Well it’s not so much Vienna as it is Casey acting all cutesy with Vienna.”

“Argh, Please don’t remind me. I think I have cavities from watching them. If I ever become like that, please kill me”

Katie laughed. “Allison said the exact same thing! But having Reid as a boyfriend will never allow you to even think about acting like that, so there’s nothing to fear…”


“Except perhaps Reid killing Casey and Vienna if he sees them baby-talk to each other.”

“Oh can you imagine his face?”

“The horror!” Katie said laughing with Luke. And so their conversation went for the rest of the night, trying to figure out what kind of apartment (‘or house’ Katie insisted) would fit both Reid and Luke. When Luke went to sleep in Reid’s bedroom, he was feeling much better about the whole thing with his mom. Maybe once he out in the world on his own, she would realise that he was a grown up and that she needed to let go.


“Hey” Reid’s voice said softly, while he shook Luke awake. “What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you it’s just…”

“It’s okay” Luke said half awake. “I know what you meant. Mom’s been acting up. We had a huge fight and I brought up both Grandmother and Molly so I don’t think I’m welcome there right now.”

“Well you can stay here as long as you want”

“Yeah we’ll have to talk about that tomorrow actually.”

“I start work at 8”

Luke looked at the clock. “But it’s 2 am already! Reid don’t exhaust yourself like last time!”

Reid rolled his eyes. “I’m not. You and Katie really need to stop being such mother-hens. She had the exact same reaction. I swear you two were made from the same cloth. Now what is this about us having to have a talk”

“Now look who’s worried” Luke teased. “It’s nothing bad, just something I want to talk to you about.”

“Then talk Snyder.”

“You need to sleep Reid. And so do I.”

“Luke I won’t sleep without knowing what you want to talk about. You know I don’t like leaving things unfinished before going to bed.”

Luke sighed. Yeah, he knew his boyfriend. He’d worry about their discussion all day even though it was nothing bad. He just had this insecurity engrained deep inside of him and some times, like now, it poked its head out, said ‘Hello!’ and refused to go away. So Luke sat up on the bed and tried to wake himself up some more.

“Katie and I were talking about the situation with my mom and we’ve come to the decision that I should move out. And Katie thinks that it’s not too soon to move out with you and I should discuss the possibility with you”

Reid arched his eyebrows in surprise. “Are you…are you asking me to move in with you Luke.”

“Well…I know it’s soon…well not that soon…well it is but we’ve loved each other for quite a while and…”

“Luke, Luke!” Reid interrupted. “Breathe. Just answer me this. Do you want to live with me? Right now, do you feel ready to live with me 24/7, 365 days a year?”

Luke took the time to think about it before answering “Yes. I want to move in with you. I want to be there when you get home and to have to call Katie in desperation because I can’t do sandwiches like you want and you’re due back home for lunch in 15 minutes and you only have 10 minutes to eat. I want to fight with you ever whether or not we’ll be watching a romantic comedy this evening and… and… I just want everything with you. So much”

Reid smiled. “Then it’s settled. We’re moving in together. We’ll have to find a place, preferably not too far; I don’t like the idea of leaving Katie all alone. I want her to be able to come to us quickly if there’s any problem.”

“Oh that shouldn’t be a problem” Luke said smiling. “As soon as you leave, Allison will be moving in here. And Katie already put ‘quick walkable distance from Katie’s house’ on the requirement list for our house”

“House?” Reid asked. Luke blushed. “Or apartment if you prefer.” Luke said “I thought about renting an apartment at first but Katie said a house would make a better home and she was convincing. You’re older than me and she thinks you might want to settle down in one place. And it’d be nice to have something to call our own. And it’s not like I don’t have the money to buy a house.”

“With me” Reid said firmly. “If we buy a house, it’s together. I pay half of it and that’s not up for discussion Snyder.” He added before Luke could cut in. “Our home will be ours completely understand?”

Luke sighed. “Yes I understand. But when your birthday comes I’m using the fact that I’m loaded to spoil you, and I will accept no argument!”

“Luke we’ve talked about this before”

“No we’ve argued about this before. I have lots of money and want to spend it on people I love. What’s wrong about that?”


“Then why can’t I do things like buy you a motorcycle for our 6 month anniversary?”

Reid raised an eyebrow. “A motorcycle? Do you know how many people need neuro-surgery because of an accident on a motorcycle? How many die and how many are turned into little more than vegetables?”

Luke rolled his eyes. As soon as something somehow related to the medical world was mentioned, Reid did this. He digressed from the first subject and started talking about medicine. “Reid, can you focus on the point I’m trying to make with that example.”

“You’re not trying to make a point, you’re inquiring. There’s a difference.”

“You’re insufferable” Luke told him, a little exasperated.

Reid gave him a kiss and said “I love you too. As for your question, we’ve already talked about this. First, we have an equal relationship. Yes I’m a brilliant neurosurgeon and I have a good salary, but compare to your fortune it’s nothing and it’d feel weird if you were to give me something more expensive than what I can give you back in return”

“Reid, I don’t need for you to give me gifts that are expensive. You can buy me a teddy bear and I’d be happy. I’d tease you mercilessly on your newfound degree of cuteness and sappiness but I’d be happy. I don’t need to receive; I need to give. It’s just part of who I am and when you refuse to let me spoil you, it feels like when…” Luke interrupted himself. He had promised himself he wouldn’t bring him up anymore.

“like what?” Reid asked. Luke shook his head. “Like what Luke” Reid insisted strongly.

Luke sighed. “Like when Noah resented me helping out. It was part of who I am. I like taking care of people. Hell, I need to take care of people. Especially those I love and you’re the person I love the most. I get that it would make you uncomfortable if I were to buy you something really, really expensive, and I won’t do it. I won’t buy you a private plane or a yacht or house on a beach in California”

“I sure hope not. I hate the beach. You know how unsanitary the ocean is?” Reid said. Luke rolled his eyes. You can take the doctor out of the hospital, but good luck getting the doctor out of Reid Oliver.

“My point is that spoiling you doesn’t mean buying you a house. Although it might mean plane tickets to a destination of our choice so we can go celebrate our anniversary or just travel for the heck of it.”

Reid thought about it for a while. That sounded reasonable. Tones of non filthy rich people travelled.

Reid nodded “You’re right. This is reasonable. And as long as it’s within reason than you can spoil me. Just expect me to spoil you back.”

“I’m already spoiled.” Luke said looking at Reid with eyes filled with love.

“Right back at you Snyder” Reid said, kissing his boyfriend and settling down to get a good night sleep. He needed to get up early in the morning, which normally wouldn’t have stopped him from staying awake to spend time with Luke, since they didn’t see each other often recently, but now it wasn’t an issue. Soon, he’d get to go home to Luke every night. Reid wrapped his arms around Luke and brought him close to his body. He could get use to having this every night. Oh yes, he really could, he thought, falling asleep with a smile.


AN: Hope you liked it!!! And that some of the people who originally read this will see this, so they can continue reading it! I know I don't update often but now that there are chapter summaries it will be easier for you guys to follow!!!!

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: kittyblackcat, fan fiction

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