The Big Sequel; Chapter 1

Jan 28, 2011 08:11

Author: magicbus77 (Lisa G)
Title: The Big Sequel
Genre/Type: AU, angsty fun
Rating: PG to NC-17 (I’ll let you know) This chapter is a solid R.
Characters: Reid/Luke, Casey, bits of Henry/Katie, Mystery Man, JoAnne (you’re in the list of characters so you know I’m not lying to you, SnapeGirl!), and a craft food table full of cherimoyas.
Warning: I don't own anything, just for fun
Summary: If you haven’t read “The Big Picture”, you may be lost in parts, but I suppose you could follow without it. Two years after Reid came out, their lives resemble those of the rich and less famous. Reid has traded acting for directing. Luke writes, but is only now selling his second screenplay. (Much different from the first one. Don’t expect a love story. You’ve been warned!) The last two years will be summarized throughout the fic. I think that’s all you really need to know.

Chapter One

“Full frontal nudity.”

“It’s just a quick scene.” Luke stepped behind Reid. They examined the same reflection in the full length mirror. Reid ran his fingers lightly from the hollow of his throat to the soft patch of hair above his cock. Luke‘s fingers followed the same path and continued over Reid’s dick, cupping his balls. “Besides, the world should see this.”

“Says the man remaining completely clothed.” Reid hoped his imagination was running wild. His hip bones seemed softer, not as cleanly pronounced. His belly button felt deeper. “Fuck, I gotta work out.”

“Don’t.” Luke playfully slapped Reid’s ass. Reid saw it coming and flexed so there was as little jiggle as possible. “Your body is amazing. You look just as good as any kid half your age.”

Reid huffed as he turned away from the mirror. He only became more depressed the longer he stared. “Half my age is eighteen. Have you seen how they’re building eighteen year olds these days.? All they do is work on their abs and make spray tan appointments.”

“No more Jersey Shore for you.”

“I’m serious.” Reid leaned against the sink as Luke brushed his teeth. He admired the clean lines of the younger man. His torso and arms firm, not from weights, but farm labor. Hips and thighs slim due to basketball played with friends and games of tag with his siblings. Time with Luke fooled Reid into believing he was as youthful as he felt. The slowing metabolism of a thirty-six year old proved otherwise.

Luke rinsed and spit, wiping foam from his chin. “I am, too. So, they want you to show your dick? Be glad you have a beautiful cock. Put it on film before your balls start sagging. And it‘s not like I get off scot free. Everybody will know I‘m jerking off.”

“Did you ever stop and think when you were writing that your mother will watch this movie? Probably at the premier. Sitting right next to you.” Reid wore a smug grin as he saw the realization flash in Luke’s eyes. “Still think it’s no big deal that me and my beautiful cock will be on gigantic movie screens everywhere? How about you panting and sweating while cranking your rod as you share Junior Mints with Mommy?”

“I’ll just tell her she can’t come. She’ll understand.”

“Ha.” Reid threw his head back as a bark of laughter escaped his throat. “Understanding is the last adjective I would use to describe your mother. She’s still pissed that we won’t let her spend the night at our house. She lives two miles away!”

Luke swatted Reid’s chest. “She lives in that big house all alone. Sometimes she wants to wake and know that she’s with family.”

“I like your mother.” Luke rolled his eyes. Reid usually didn’t lie right to his face. “I do, but those apron stings of hers are way too short. Why do you think all the kids moved to the farm with your dad? She’s smothering.”

Opening his mouth to defend her, Luke closed it again. “She means well. Mom’s just having a hard time with this latest break-up with Dad.”

Reid raised his eyebrows, eyes lit from within by his brilliant idea. “You know what I should do? See if there’s a mathematical equation to your parent’s relationship. That way your mother will know when they’ll be back together. She’ll have something to look forward to.”

“Don’t be a dick. You know it doesn’t work that way. Dad seems really serious about Molly this time.” Luke hopped as he struggled to get his left leg in his boxers.

“This time. What about the next time? Lily will need Holden and he will come in on his white horse. What’s his name again? Cotton?” Reid sighed as he turned on the clippers. His beard would have to go.

“In his defense, he was already on Cotton. It just so happens that’s when he found Mom passed out in the field. It’s not like he found out Mom was in trouble, then got the horse.”

Reid rolled his eyes. “That makes all the difference.”

“Okay. Enough about my parents. We were in the middle of negotiations.” Luke sauntered across the room to where Reid was about to rid himself of all his rugged facial hair. He eased the clippers from Reid’s hand. “Let me.”

His skin tingled as cold air shocked his neck. Luke blew softly and stray hairs floated to the towel around Reid’s neck. “What were you offering again?”

“I hadn’t. I was waiting to hear your demands.”

Luke finished with the clippers and lathered Reid’s face with thick shaving gel. He held Reid’s chin still as he carefully dragged a straight blade down his cheek. Reid curled his lips inward, the skin taut beneath his nose. Luke mimicked his facial expression as he concentrated on the task at hand.

Reid smelled the cinnamon on Luke’s breath from his toothpaste. He noticed the care Luke put into every move of the blade. Reid stilled his hand. The look of confusion evaporated from Luke’s face as he closed his eyes and accepted Reid tongue against his own. He whimpered softly when Reid pulled away. “I don’t want to negotiate. We’re beyond score cards, aren’t we?”

“You’ll do it?” Luke narrowed his eyes. “No strings attached?”

“How long until we start shooting?”

“Four weeks.”

“Run with me.” Reid grabbed Luke’s hips, pulling him further into his open legs. “Every day for four weeks. Deal?”

“You’re being ridiculous, but if that’s what it takes.”

Reid slipped his fingers in the waistband of Luke‘s boxers and slid them down past his ass. His touch danced lightly over Luke‘s cheeks. “And a sexual favor to be named at a later date.”

Luke jumped as Reid’s finger circled his entrance. “Are you naming it now?”

“This?” Reid winked as his fingertip dipped into Luke’s tight heat. “This is because I’m naked.” He ran his newly smooth jaw along Luke’s to his ear. His voice carried softly on the breath he exhaled. “And you’re naked and it’s Sunday.”

“It’s Saturday afternoon.” Luke shuddered as he corrected his boyfriend.

Reid shrugged. “Semantics. It’s Sunday somewhere.” With that, he led Luke by the hand back to bed. Sex Day was elongated to Sex Weekend with no resistance. Reid Oliver was a fucking genius.


It was 11:47 pm and he had already watched the video twice. That wasn’t that bad. Over the past year, he had watched the clip thousands of times. Not a day went by when he didn’t view it. Not one solitary fucking day.

Sometimes, he woke up needing to see it. His gut was already twisted. Maybe he would see it, accept that it was real then, look for a job. But that never happened. Other days, he avoided it, didn’t give it more than a second or third thought. It never failed to enter his mind as he tossed and turned in his cramped bed on the RV. He would relent, knowing sleep wouldn’t come without it. After it was over, he would curl on his side and cry himself to sleep.

Today, as his finger swirled around the mouse pad on his laptop, he released his cock from the hole in his boxers. Reclining slightly, he pressed the replay button. He couldn’t blink when Reid was on screen. He had seen the video so many times, he would close his eyes by memory when The Other had face time. He preferred to listen to the timbre in Reid’s voice, his proclamations of love.

He wiped his hand with a Burger King napkin and smiled when his head hit the pillow. He knew what dream he would have tonight. It was Reid winning his second Oscar, not his third. It was his name he spoke, not Luke’s. It was his mind’s reward for not weeping when he came.

His plan would be set in motion soon. Good thing, too. His patience slipped through his fists like sand, a bit more every day. Mr. Snyder would learn his place and Reid would remember his. All in due time.

luke/reid, !author|artist: magicbus77, rating: r

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