The Big Picture; Epilogue

Jan 28, 2011 08:07

A/N: I don't even think I should call this an epilogue. This does give an update to where they are now. It provides a time frame. I think it's most important function is to direct where I'm going with my next story. "The Big Sequel", coming to LJ January 2011.

“Mom, these men are here to help you.” Megan’s hands shook. She wanted to reach out and console her mother, but the men from the hospital advised her to stay back. If Dorothy resisted, they did not want to see Megan hurt.

“This is my home, Meggy. You have no right to take me from my home!” Dorothy kicked her feet, but connected with nothing but the edge of the kitchen table.

“Calm down now, Mrs. Detzler. If you don’t go quietly, we’ll be forced to sedate you.” The bulky, bald man with freckled skin gripped tighter onto Dorothy’s arm.

“Ow. You’re hurting me! They’re hurting me, Meggy. Don’t let them take me!”

Megan turned away from her mother and placed her nose to the wall. Her eyes drifted to the ceiling as she furiously blinked away her tears. Her mother was a danger to herself and they could no longer ignore her illness. This was the only decision Megan could make.

Dorothy proceeded to scream. She had turned belligerent and cursed at the men escorting her from her home, Megan and even God. Her stringy, unwashed hair clung to her cheeks as she struggled. The glass pane in the front door shook as the door was slammed. Megan was alone. She clung to the wall and cried.

“Cut. Print. Check the gate. Moving on.”

Reid set his bullhorn to the side. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to remember if he had ever been the pain in the ass Emily Ryan was. That lemon face and raging bitch attitude were wearing on Reid’s last nerve.

It had been two years since Reid’s last acting job. He often wondered if life in front of the camera is where he should still be. He had directed three small films, all well received. Reid liked the feeling he got from the finished product. It was the day to day that he hated.

Reid rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. He and Luke decided that it would need to be something incredibly special to get him acting again. It would take a once in a lifetime role to subject them to a public life again. Reid wouldn’t turn their peaceful life upside down to scratch an itch that only bothered him from time to time.

“I hope you’re not thinking about me.”

Inhaling the aroma coming from the cup in Luke’s hand, Reid greeted his boyfriend with a kiss. “You bring me coffee and give me sex. You would have to do something truly heinous to produce a look like this.”

“Hold on to that thought.” Luke scratched at Reid’s beard. He had grown to like it. Too bad the studio would make him shave it.

“Did you overflow the toilet again?”

“No!” Luke pinched Reid’s side. “If you hadn’t insisted on those automatic flush toilets, my gel could have been safely retrieved.”

Reid drummed his fingers on his chin. “Did you let the groomer paint Brutus’ nails again? You know I hate that shit. And he does too, by the way. He’s a bull dog. He should be all swinging balls and slobber, not hot pink nails and neckerchiefs.”

“No.” Luke’s body twisted from side to side.

Reid narrowed his eyes. “Then, why?”

“You know I had that meeting today.”

“Yes. First follow-up script. How did it go?”

“They bought it and they want me to play Scott.” Luke bit his lower lip.

“Luke!” Reid choked on his coffee. “That’s great.”

“It doesn’t come without conditions.”


“They want you to play Jeff.”

luke/reid, !author|artist: magicbus77, rating: pg

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