(no subject)

Nov 05, 2010 00:45

Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Luke takes Reid on a tour of the Cottage
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2

*Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire* (PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)

Reid and Luke star at one another for a long moment.

“I don’t know what do...” Reid said

“I don’t know either, once we...”

“We can’t take it back” Reid finished

Luke slowly pushed Reid into the bed room just past the stereo where Luke put down the drinks that he had in his hands on the table. Reid starts to get flustered because for the first time, he has fell for a guy he truly cares about and he doesn’t want to mess it up. Luke touches Reid’s face and pulls on his collar. Reid leans in to kiss Luke, Luke pulls off Reid’s jacket. They swing around having Luke’s back to the bed. They stop and look at one another. Reid had his hands on Luke’s face and slides them down his chest.

Reid confessed to Luke “As crazy as this sounds, I have never...done it, with anyone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

“It’s ok Reid, just breathe...” While kissing Reid again

Reid starts to undo Luke’s shirt and Luke does the same with Reid. Both are nervous and scared but wanting to do it for a long time now. Luke starts to fall on the bed while Reid kisses him. Luke falls on the teddy bear that was left there by Jacob. Luke pulled it from underneath him. Reid looked at it, and noticed it was the same bear he fixed a few days before. Reid flashback to when he fixed it.

For a second Reid stood up. Luke looked at Reid, “What’s wrong?” Reid took the bear from Luke’s hands. That is the bear I gave Jacob and then he wrecked it and I fixed it a few day ago.”

Reid walked over to the chair that was in front of the bedroom; Luke came up behind him, and touched his shoulder.

“What is it Reid?” Reid says nothing for a moment, “It is just this bear was my bear from when I was a kid; I gave it to Jacob because I thought I wouldn’t ever have a kid myself.”

Luke took the bear from Reid and put it on the chair, and turned Reid around to him. Luke kissed Reid and Luke pulls Reid into the bedroom and then onto the bed.

“I want to be with you Luke”

“I want to be with you too Reid”

Luke slowly falls back onto the bed with Reid on top of him kissing him. Reid touches Luke all over. Luke pulls off Reid shirt then his own.

*Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire*(PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)


Reid and Luke are under the covers kissing and being together. They both lay there side by side looking and kissing each other in bliss. Luke rests his head on Reid chest. Luke then gets up and walks out to the chair where the bear was sitting.

“What are you doing?” Reid asked

Luke picks up the bear and walks back to the bed, Luke climes back in with Reid’s arms around him, Luke hands Reid the bear. Reid takes it and looks at Luke, “Why are you giving this back to me?” Luke replies “You may need it later.” Reid has a confused look on his face but then lets it go and rolls over and puts it on the floor next to the bed. While Luke touches Reid’s back.

Suddenly Luke’s phone rings and Luke gets his phone and nudges back into Reid arms and chest. It was a text from Holden asking Luke where he was. Reid whispers into Luke ear which mean him flinch. “Tell him your with me” Luke text back and replies “I am right where I need to be” sudden there is a knock on the door. It was Casey, he was yelling for Luke to open the damn door. Luke yells at Casey and tells him to “Go away!” Reid gets up Luke falling back to the pillows.

“What’s wrong?” Luke asked

“Looks like they are looking for you, or us, mostly you.” Reid exclaimed

Casey sees movement on the inside. And then Casey touched the door’s handle and it wasn’t locked and he walked in, and Casey got an eye full. “WWWWHHHOOOOOOAAAAAA” and runs out the door. Reid and Luke look at each other and start to laugh.

“Looks like Casey got an eye full there!” Reid joked


Luke got dressed fast and walked out the front door, with Casey standing there all embarrassed.

“Luke Man! I didn’t realize...your dad wanted me to get you to the pond. Oh before I forget Happy Birth-Day Man!” Casey said

Luke smiled and thanked him.

“You and Reid?!” Casey questioned

“Me and Reid!”

Reid opens the door and said “HI” to Casey. Casey said “HI” back.

Casey told Reid what was going on, and all three left with Luke locking the door.


*Lady Gaga - Just Dance* (PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)

Casey walks the Snyder pond, with Luke and Reid arm in arm close behind him. They just get over the hill and everyone in the family and around town was there to wish Luke a Happy Birthday! Even Noah was there, he was in New York City film a show for a network. They hugged and Noah wished him a happy birthday and gave Reid a handshake. Luke broke from Reid and made his rounds talking to everyone. There were about 50 people there. Noah and Reid and Casey started to talk to one another.

Margo gets Casey away from Noah and Reid because she wants him to meet someone. Casey just rolls his eyes and tells Reid and Noah that he hates this when his mother does this to him, leaving Noah and Reid alone awkwardly standing there.

“So...you and Luke doing well?” Noah asked takes a sip of his drink

“Yeah, Luke is great.”

“Better treat him well.”

Reid looks at Noah “You know I will.”

“Just want to make sure, Luke deserves the best and if you’re the best then he deserves you.”

“No worries Noah, I promise I will not break Luke’s heart.”

“Like I did...”

Reid looks at Noah “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know, what happened between Luke and me, it’s my fault, not yours.”

Luke looks afar at Reid and Noah talking and he hopes that they stay civil through this whole thing. Lily takes Luke around while Holden walks around talking to other people. Ethan walks up to Noah and Reid and asked them if they want to skip rocks on the pond. Reid looks at Noah, and they both tell Ethan “Yeah, lead the way buddy.”

*Lady Gaga - Just Dance* (PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)


*The Script - Breakeven (Falling to Pieces)* (PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)

Ethan leads Noah and Reid to the pond and Ethan picks up some rocks and gives one to Noah and Reid. Noah has done this many times with the family Reid on the other hand has never done this before. Ethan shows Reid how to do it, but skips it only once where as Noah did it five times. Ethan told Reid “Try again” Ethan give Reid another rock and Noah told him how to do it. This time Reid skipped it three times. Ethan jumps for joy.

Luke walks over and Ethan runs to Luke and Luke picks him up. Ethan tells Luke “Reid not very good, but then got it” Luke looks at Reid and Ethan lays his head on Luke’s shoulder.

“Yeah, I am not that good” Reid said with a small smile

“Well, it takes time. Trust me; it took me a while to get it right.” Noah assured Reid

Ethan fell asleep on Luke’s shoulder. Noah noticed and told Luke that he should take Ethan to the house. Reid told Luke that he would like to help. Reid and Luke said bye to Noah, and they walked to the house.

The Script - Breakeven (Falling to Pieces)*(PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)


Luke walks with Ethan and Reid. Reid opens the kitchen door and Luke and Reid go upstairs to put Ethan down. Reid tells Luke that he is the perfect big brother. Luke hugged Reid. Reid tells Luke that they should get back to the party. Luke starts out the door sudden Reid grabs him and starts to kiss him in the hall way. Luke pulls away, and takes him to his old room at the farm. Reid deeply kisses Luke in his old room.

Lily rounds up the guests and they bring out the cake. Holden asked where Luke is and Noah told him said “He and Reid took Ethan to his room to sleep, he fell asleep.” Lily and Holden look at each other; well I will go and see what is taking them so long. Casey told everyone “I will get the birthday boy!”

Casey goes to the farm kitchen and yells for Luke. Reid starts to take off Luke’s shirt, while Luke takes off Reid’s shirt. Casey goes upstairs and starts to look for Luke. He goes done one hall and doesn't see them, going down another, and see Ethan sleeping in his room. Then suddenly Casey hears a crash coming from another room. Casey looks nervures. Casey walks up to the door, knowing it is Luke’s room he yells “LUKE” and then Reid and Luke part. Luke is looking down on Reid who is lying on top of him.

"PLEASE tell me that is not Casey AGAIN!" Reid says through gritted teeth

Luke laughs as Reid gets off of him. Luke walks to the door and crakes the door. Casey sees Luke with boxers on and that is it.

“Oh man! Luke, not again!” Casey said with closing his eyes tight

“Casey! What is it...?”

“Your mother has been looking for you, it’s time for cake! Now get dress you...” Casey wanted to hit Luke for making him so uncomfortable

“Case! Ummm… we will be down for in a minute...”

Casey has a disturbed look on his face - “ooo man!” Then Casey walks away from the door and down the hall. Luke hears the door clam from the kitchen. Luke turns around and closes the door.

“You know Casey really has bad timing!” Reid tells Luke

“Yeah, well he said they are going to have cake so we need to going.” Luke says through a laugh

Reid holds onto his shirt while Luke puts on his paints. Reid hands Luke his shirt and Luke puts it on, Reid buttons it up for Luke while Luke kisses Reid.

“You know, if you keep kissing me I am going to mess up your shirt and everyone is going to know what we were doing!” Reid tells Luke with a devilish smile

“Yeah well it is my birthday!”

“Really I didn’t know that” Reid says with a flirty face

“You’re cute” Luke says while trying to pull him in for a kiss

“And smart too” Reid says with a smile

Luke smiles back at Reid and they leave the room arm and arm.


Luke and Reid walk back to the pond while everyone was looking at them; no one wanted to say anything but they could tell. Not only was Luke’s hair a little messed up but Reid’s shirt was untouched a little and in this town they are not stupid!

Luke touched his hair and patted it down.

“Well, we have cake here if you Luke want to the first peace.” Lily tells him

Lily hands him one, “Thanks!”

Holden starts to hand everyone one while Lily gives one to Reid. Everyone has cake now and wished Luke a happy birthday.


Noah walks over to Luke “Really Luke”

“Noah….Reid and I want to be together, what is wrong with that?”

“Nothing, just while everyone is here...” Noah questioned

“Look it just happened.” Luke told him flatly

“I just want you to be safe.”

“Thanks Noah, but you don’t have to worry Reid and I are just fine together!”

Reid walks up to Luke and Noah “It’s getting late, ready to go?” Reid asked

“Sure. See you later Noah.”

Luke hugs Noah and tells him that he is glad that he got his show off the ground.

“Show? What show?” Reid questioned

“Oh didn’t Luke tell you?!” Noah asked

“Nope!” Reid said flatly

“Well, it is a half hour daytime five day a week show.” Noah told him

“You’re filming soaps?” Reid asked in surprise

“Yap!” Noah said proudly

“Well, way to go, see, I knew you would be good!” Reid told Noah

Luke looked at Reid “You never said that!”

“Well, I am being nice but it is good, you get to go to the big city and live your dream! What’s the name?” Reid asked

“It doesn’t have a name yet, we are filming ahead and then the network will decide, I’m just filming it.” Noah told him

“Well either way, thanks to me you can see the actors now. So please go forth and make movie magic.” Reid teased

“THANKS?! Noah said

Reid smiles at Noah “Oh, I have a name for your show if you ever need a title...how about “As The World Turns" because no matter what happens the world keeps turning!”

Reid hugged Noah goodbye, Luke and Reid leave, they say goodbye to Luke’s family and Casey.


*Wonderful Surprise by Shawn Hlookoff* (PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)

Back at the cottage, Luke and Reid got ready for bed. They start to mess around when they hear a knock on the door. Reid looks at Luke.

“Seriously!!!” Reid got annoyed

Luke laughs. Reid gets out of bed in nothing but boxers.

Reid opens the door and finds a crying baby.

“What is it?!” Luke asked

Reid kneels down to pick up the baby, stands and turns around to show Luke. Luke is shocked.

"Looks like we have a baby.” Reid tells Luke with nervous

Luke is lost for words. Reid grows attached to the baby real fast and even gives him the bear.

“Reid wait! We can’t just keep this baby, whose is it?”

Reid finds a letter and gives it to Luke.

Here is a baby that I knew you two have wanted

“How is it signed by?” Reid questioned

“Doesn’t say.” Luke tells him

“Well looks like we get a guest for the night.” Reid tells him still holding onto the baby

There is no place for the baby to sleep so Luke takes a drew out and puts a blanket in and place it on the floor by the bedroom door. Reid places the baby in it, and puts the bear with her. Reid and Luke kiss her tonight and they themselves go to bed.

*Wonderful Surprise by Shawn Hlookoff* (PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)

!author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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