fic overload 0.o

May 10, 2010 17:47

Oh look, plotbunnies everywhere. I wrote my third fic in two days, although this one is completely different from the other two. Criticisms, compliments, and corrections of all kinds appreciated!

Fic: Behind the Woodshed
Characters/pairings: Lure, implied Reid/male OCs
Rating: R? Borderline NC-17?
Warnings/notes: AU in which Reid and Luke are private highschoolers. I wouldn't call this angst necessarily but it's definitely not lighthearted.

The rough planks of the woodshed creaked familiarly behind Luke's back, shoulderblades getting bruised as he was pressed against the shed with more and more force. His school jacket (unbuttoned now, along with the thin shirt underneath) caught on the peeling paint and splinters of the decrepit structure. Finally the last of the boys' voices from across the field disappeared into classrooms and Luke let out a high-pitched, wanton moan. Reid Oliver's lips crashed back into his after playing a while on his ear lobe, and Luke's head hit the wall. The slight pain only intensified his growing desire and he nipped at the older boy's lips. They tasted vaguely of cigarettes and grape soda and Luke moaned again, lower now but louder, too. He snaked his hands under Reid's shirt and down toward his belt, undoing it with deft movements.

The senior stepped closer and Luke moved his hips forward to meet Reid's. But Reid's hands shoved Luke back and without the contact Luke suddenly noticed how cold it was. The entire field between them and the main building was covered in frost at midday. Goosebumps spread like cracking ice across his exposed torso.

"Pull down your pants," Reid instructed.

Luke obeyed, shivery now with cold and the thrill of possibly getting caught. As yet, they never had, and Reid was always careful to make sure their locations were discreet and that the classes they missed were varied to quell suspicion. Briefly Luke wondered how many other boys were getting fucked by Reid Oliver into fences, desks, perhaps this very shed, but he dropped the thought. Not a good time.

Reid kissed Luke again but turned him around as he did so, slipping his hand between the two warm bodies and teasing Luke's hole with a moistened finger.

"Ready?" he asked. Luke could only nod and immediately he was filled, painful and wonderful all at once, the left side of his face chaffing against the wood.

The sex was rough and dirty and fast-paced as it always was, Luke meeting every thrust, and as Reid's breath betrayed the coming climax, Luke pumped himself quickly to release as Reid did.

For a minute they stood there, Luke's head bowed against the shed and Reid leaning into the slightly smaller boy. Then he slowly pulled out and began to gather himself together. Sometimes he kissed Luke at this point, especially if Luke had sucked him off and still had Reid's taste on his tongue.

Luke turned, his back to the wall, watching Reid without redressing yet. He liked to linger more, here and in every place they met, as if to collect himself. Now Reid caught his eye as he kneeled, brushing dirt off of his shoe. Luke stared back, expression blank. Reid stood up slowly and pressed himself against the blond underclassman. Luke's breath hitched, breathing in Reid's scent as the fabric on his pants brushed tantalizingly against his bare body.

"Tomorrow, Snyder?" Reid demanded more than asked. "Lunch."

"Yeah." Nonchalant. "Where?"

"Usual spot." Reid gave Luke's ass a quick squeeze and Luke shuddered involuntarily. Reid laughed at him. "See you, Snyder."

"Wait...Rei-...Oliver!" Luke called two seconds later, finally jamming his pants back up. "How about tonight?"

Reid just laughed again.

"You're a cute fuck, Snyder, but I don't do dates." Reid suddenly looked serious and almost menacing. "I thought you were okay with that. Are you changing your mind?"

"'s all good. See you then, Oliver." Whatever you want, Reid. Luke finished buttoning his shirt and leaned against the shed for a couple minutes more, savoring a hint of grape and tobacco on his lips.

nsfw, !author|artist: asecretkept, rating: r, fan fiction

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