More fic!

May 10, 2010 16:24

Fic number two! Another (mostly) dialog but I think less confusing than my first. This is borderline crack!fic and honestly I have NO idea what inspired this. I just couldn't get a certain image out of my head. Read and you shall see.

Pairing/characters: Lure, Katie
Rating: G/PG
Warnings: Very little narration, completely implausible situation. Unfortunately.




"Oh, come on."


"Please, Luke?"


"Pretty please? It's not like anyone will recognize you."

"What are you talking about?! You're planning to take a picture!"

"Yes, but the point of blackmail is not to allow the general public to see."

"Sarcasm will definitely help you out here, Reid."

"Look who's talking! Just get it over with."

"I'm not putting that...thing...on."

"Let's not forget the wig and the makeup...and the shoes! Don't look so flabbergasted. It's for half an hour, tops...You're cute when you snort."

"Lowering your voice and wooing me will not get me to wear that monstrosity. Let alone get me to try to woo the senator - who has a wife, by the way - in turn and allowing you to snap a picture for use as blackmail. Just because you couldn't act nice for ten minutes!"

"It's called an evening gown, Luke, not a monstrosity. Anyway, so I put both of his legs in casts and confined him to a wheelchair for four months. Big deal. It's not like I accidentally-on-purpose amputated an wrong limb or something. He deserved that for doubting my capabilities as a neurologist. Besides, he's not a senator."

"Yet. And only because you kept him off the campaign trail with your little stunt. How did you possibly convince the hospital to put casts on both the legs of a man who came in for a migraine consultation?"

"Now, Luke, don't change the subject. We have 45 minutes before we have to show up to the gala
as Dr. and Mrs. Reid Oliver."


"Shh...if you do this, I won't have to go to court, see? No getting sued! All we need is one little incriminating photograph of the dear ex-nominee with an unknown lady who is certainly not his wife, and he will keep his mouth shut forever! Perfect!"

"This is preposterous and will never work, Reid!"

"Shh, be a good boy and let me zip that up."

"Ow! That's my skin!"

"There - now we'll just get Katie to do makeup...Um, Luke, have you had practice wearing high heels?"

"Why, am I a natural model? Geez, Reid, you're ogling...wh - ohmigod - this is turning you on!"

"Quit prancing like a diva."

"Oh, well, when my husband asks in so husky a tone, I guess a lady must do as she's asked. Oh, Katie! How long have you been standing there? Stop laughing, you know why I'm doing this."

"It's not you, Luke, you've got a lovely form in that dress. It's just, Reid - your stomach is positively growling, staring at Luke!"

It's lucky Katie came in to do the makeup then, or the whole ensemble may not have lasted before even leaving the apartment. Reid had to admit Luke did indeed made a very pretty and ravishing young woman.

rating: g, !author|artist: asecretkept, fan fiction

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