And nothing else (8/?)

Sep 23, 2010 17:42

Title: And nothing else.
Author: KittyBlackCat
Disclaimer: uhm...Reid is I really need to say more. Oh I'm able to look at myself in the mirror and not see a person who has made the worst stupidest decision in the world by killing off Reid Oliver so obviously I don't own ATWT.
Rating: PG-13(to be safe)
Summary:  Post episode of June 17th. Reid said that he would do nothing else but his job. Just how far along that line will he go?
Words: 5900

Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7,

AN: Hey it looks like I'm really back! Just finished writing a new chapter for this fic too! And I started chap 9, which means that I'll be able to post chap 9 within the next 7 days! ('cause you know I have to write/post the next chappie of Le choix du coeur too, so yeah 1 week for both I'd say) Hope you like this. And THANK YOU TO ALL MY READERS! You gave me a wonderful summer! thanks for your patience with the long break btw updates! hopefully my month-long writer's blocks are forever gone!

Chapter 8

Reid Oliver felt like utter crap. He had just made his boyfriend run away from him as fast as he could, while crying. It just…He wasn’t good at this. He wasn’t used to this. He loved Luke so much…and Luke had loved Noah so much. Honestly, Reid had thought he was over that. I mean Luke had been around almost every day for the last month; obviously he cared for Reid. But Reid had to admit that things hadn’t always been like that. Before the ultimatum, although Reid was entirely committed to making things work with Luke, he hadn’t been convinced that the feeling was mutual. He had a lot of doubts. And although Luke said he loved him and what he felt for him was more intense than what he had ever felt for Noah…Luke had once looked at him, and later on at Noah, right in the eyes and had said that he was still in love with Noah. Yet, recently he had said that he had loved Reid for quite some time before the whole ultimatum thing. Something had got to give; something had to be false. This was such a mess! ‘Damn it! I just had to make Luke cry on the first day we’re officially together as a couple. My ex was right: I’m so not boyfriend material’ Reid thought. He needed to do something. He needed to make things right. Most of all, he needed to know that Luke wasn’t still crying right now only because Reid acted like an insecure jerk. ‘Although, did I really act like such a jerk. Can I really be blamed for having such doubts after everything that happened. Argh…I need advice.’ Reid thought. ‘Katie. I have to talk to Katie. She’ll know what to do with this ‘cause I’m clueless. But first I need to find a phone.’

“Dr. Oliver, what in the world do you think you’re doing?” ‘Oh crap’ Reid thought. Behind him was one pissed off Nurse Stewart who had just seen him sneak out of his room in order to find a phone.

“Uh…taking a walk?” Reid answered

“Alone?” Allison asked crossing her arms on her chest. “You’ve been doing much better, but you’re still in a rather precarious state. If you want some air, you need someone with you and you need a wheelchair. And don’t even think of arguing” Allison added, stopping Reid’s protest before it left his mouth. “This is non-negotiable.”

Reid sighed “Alright…I wasn’t really taking a walk. I was looking for a phone so I could call Katie”

“It’s the time of her show right now. She probably won’t be home for a couple of hours.”

“Darn it!” Reid said frustrated. Allison took him by the arm and helped him back to his room.

“What was so urgent anyway? If you don’t mind me asking” Reid was about to tell her that he did mind her asking when he suddenly remembered how she had looked after him before and that she was a good friend of Luke’s.

“Luke and I…we got in a fight. Or something like it anyway” Allison frowned. She was very surprised. She thought things were doing well.

“Ok. What happened? What did you guys fight about?” She asked sitting on a chair beside Reid’s bed.

“I…I made a comment about Mr. Mayer and one thing led to another.”

Allison winced “Yeah, insulting Noah in front of Luke never is a good idea.”

“I didn’t quite insult him per say. I just…I exploded all right. I told Luke about not having known he loved me before he accidentally told me and when I explained why I thought like that…well let just say I’m honouring the tradition of being Luke’s boyfriend: I made him cry.”

“Because you doubt his feelings because of Noah?” Reid nodded “Alright, then what exactly about Noah makes you think like that?”

“It’s not Noah that makes me think like that, it’s how Luke is with Noah. Look I know the guy was the love of Luke’s life and all, hell less than a month before the whole ultimatum thing, Luke told me and Mr Mayer that he was still in love with him. And then Noah rejected Luke and Luke came to me to tell me all about it. What am I supposed to think? I want to believe Luke loves me…but I’m not sure if he does. Maybe he just feels guilty. Or he’s making more of his feelings than what is actually there. I don’t know. But I do know that if I do this, if I start a relationship with Luke and he tells me he still loves Noah romantically, or leaves me for him, it will kill me. Literally kill me.”

Allison’s face showed a deep sadness. There was so much pain behind the older man’s words. And that pain had been put there by one of her best friends. Oh unintentionally of course, but still. She wasn’t sure Luke realized how deeply he had wounded Reid with his indecision between him and Noah. And she really hoped that Reid was wrong and that Luke wasn’t indecisive anymore. Because if Noah came back in the portrait and Luke went back to going back and forth between both men….well it would be over for Reid. Even if Luke really did love Reid and not Noah, if he doubted a little and showed it to Reid, it’d be over. He would have lost the older man for good this time. There was just so much pain someone could handle before the point of no return. And unlike Luke and Noah’s or Lily and Holden’s point of no returns, with Reid there really would never ever be a second chance.

“All right. Let’s hear it” Reid said

“Hear what?”

“You calling me an ass. Screaming at me for making your friend cry.”

“You think I think you were wrong don’t you?” Allison asked.

“Aren’t I? I just made my boyfriend cry on the first day of our relationship”

“Good. Better make him cry now then in two months when you’ll be even more serious about each other and the unresolved issues will be even bigger than now. You did the right thing Reid. Luke needs to know how you feel, how you felt when he was hesitating between you and Noah. Because if he doesn’t, if you keep this to yourself, it will fester inside of you indefinitely and eventually it will find a way to come out. And it might come out unconsciously so you won’t even know what you’re doing. I’ve watched Luke get pushed away because of personal issues too many times already. I don’t want to see that happening again. So I’m not angry that you told Luke how you felt about the whole Noah issue. But you can’t leave things like this. You and he need to ash things out.”

“Allison, you know Luke pretty well don’t you?”

“Yes, or at least I like to think so. I must admit I have not been as present in his life as I would have liked. I was so centered on myself and the whole wedding fiasco with Casey that I neglected my duties as his friend. But yes, I know him pretty well.”

“So you know his history with Noah.”

Allison hesitated a little and bit her lip. “I do” Reid looked at her curiously. He didn’t know why she was reacting that way. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Well, it’s just….if you want me to tell you about their couple….it’s hard for me.. I try to be objective. You see, the problem with Luke and Noah is that they’re both my friends. I don’t want to judge them because I think they’re both great individuals. And as such I want to think the best of the both of them and I’ve always cheered their couple on because I love them but…”


“But if I have to be truthful and objective about their couple I would say that they weren’t good for each other. Or rather, Noah wasn’t good for Luke. He never really got what Luke is all about. Many of what he reproached Luke are inherent part of his personality; things that makes him endearing to the people who love him. Yet for Noah….”

“Yes I know what you mean. I’ve seen that guy push and hurt Luke enough as it is. And then I’m the bad guy for wanting him away from Luke. “ Reid said, annoyed. He had played the good, nice doctor to Noah for Luke’s sake. He had refrained from commenting…but Lord did he dislike that guy. He just couldn’t stand him.

“Well, Noah is a good friend to me. It’s very difficult for me to judge. Liking someone as your friend but positively disliking him as your friend’s boyfriend…… It’s hard to explain and to understand. So I just decided never to interfere. I mean Luke was happy for quite some time. It just…when things went bad…I didn’t like the reasoning behind it. Unfortunately, I haven’t been there for Luke for a while. I wish I had. Obviously, there are things that Luke needs to realise and admit to himself about his relationship with Noah, things that should have been said long ago. Maybe that’s why he clings to Noah so badly. Because everything about them was left unresolved.”

“ So where do we go from here?”

“Well, first, if Luke ran away from here, he must have had a reason. So now, I think you should give him some space. Try to figure things out from your hand; think about what you want or need to say to Luke. Then think about how you can tell him. If you want to start a real relationship with him, then you need to clear the air. You need to tell him how the past hurt and affected you. And Luke needs to do some thinking of his own. Talking to Noah might be a good idea for him. You know to get closure”

Reid laughed bitterly “You think he’s ready for that? You think he’s ready to let him go for good?” Allison frowned. She wanted to cheer the doctor up and say ‘Of course he is!’ but doctor Oliver wouldn’t thank her for lying. In truth, she wasn’t really sure Luke was ready to let go. He needed to. Badly. Things were truly over between the two, Allison was convinced of that. But Luke had always been a little desperate to keep Noah with him in any way he could. She simply did not know if her friend would be capable to do what was needed.

“Truthfully Dr. Oliver, I don’t know if he’s ready. But I do know something. I know that if he’s not ready to let go, it’s not because he’s still in love with Noah. He’s not. I saw how he reacted when I told him you were at the hospital. It was like the entire world was falling apart. He’s….I don’t know why Luke clings to Noah, but I know it’s not love. It hasn’t been romantic love for a while now”

“I’m not so sure about that” Reid said sadly.

“Well I am. But if you’re not sure about it, there are reasons. Find them. And if you want, I’ll call Katie and tell her to come see you tonight. This way, you’ll have some support as you go through this. Plus, if there’s one person who won’t allow you to lie to yourself, it’s Katie. She sure knows how to handle you!” Allison teased before getting up and preparing herself to leave.

Reid groaned. Allison had unfortunately witness an argument with Katie where the woman won completely and made him do exactly as she wanted. His reputation was just never going to be the same after this whole ordeal. If people knew he couldn’t resist Katie or Luke….well he didn’t know how bad it could get and he really didn’t want to know either. He was supposed to be a completely heartless jerk damnit!

“Allison” Reid called before the nurse could leave his room. “Can I ask you one last question that’s been bothering me?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“If Noah was still a part of Luke’s life right now, do you think Luke would have been here at the hospital all those times? Do you think he would have told me all those things about his feelings for me and how he loved me if Noah had still been in the picture?”

Allison frowned. The doctor had raised an interesting question. If Noah had still been talking to Luke, would have Luke confessed his love to Reid? Would he have been able to? Would he have been able to be completely dedicated to Reid as he had been if Noah was still around? Allison didn’t know the answer for that. She had an inkling….but it wasn’t anything good. And she found herself completely unable to tell the older man what she thought. It would crush him. He wouldn’t understand how the answer she would give and Luke being crazy in love with him could co-exist. He would think one would negate the other. Her silence was very telling to Reid and the older man’s eyes closed in pain. He shouldn’t have expected any better. After everything with Noah, he really should be used to this. But he wasn’t and his heart bled every time Luke put Noah first. Allison quickly realised that Reid thought she had answered him. Her eyes turned sad. Here was this strong, stubborn, anti-social man looking like he was being crushed by a truck.

“Dr. Oliver, I can’t answer that question. Only Luke would be able to.” Reid nodded. Luke really was the only one who could answer. But Reid didn’t know if he would be able to ask Luke this question. He wasn’t sure he would be able to handle the silence that would follow or worse, a negative answer to his question. “But if you want, I can ask Luke that question for you” Allison said, as if reading his thoughts. “It would be a good thing. This way Luke could have the time to really think the question through before giving you his answer and to think about why his answer would be like that and what it could mean. But just so you know, whatever you’re imagining in your head right now, I think you’re wrong. Try to stay optimistic. I know it’s not your way but I think Luke is worth going out of your comfort zone.”

“I’ll try. But you understand why this is so hard for me”

“I do. Completely. Don’t worry so much about Luke right now. I’ll go take care of him. You just relax and occupy yourself with a crossword puzzle before Katie gets here, understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” Reid said quietly. Allison smiled at that. It was how Reid reacted to Katie’s orders. It made her feel a little better to know that Reid had apparently accepted her. Luke was one of her best friends; she wanted his boyfriend to like her and be comfortable with her. She left the older man to his own private thinking, hoping it wouldn’t take him in his darkest thoughts. Hopefully, Katie would be able to distract him. As for Allison, she had a certain Mr.Snyder to go talk to. Because if Allison knew Luke as well as she thought she did, the younger man would have no clue as to how to figure things out.


Luke Snyder was lying on his mother’s couch, hugging a pillow to himself and softly crying. He wasn’t even sure what he was crying about exactly. He just felt…he felt like he had failed Reid in some way….again. How could Reid even doubt for one second his feelings for him. Never in his life had he loved anyone as much as he loved Reid. He hadn’t lied about his feelings. He had been totally honest with him and yet it hadn’t been enough. Luke sighed as the doorbell rang. He should get his own place; everyone just kept coming and going from both his mother’s place and the farm. He just wanted to be alone right now, but it seemed he wouldn’t be able to. Slowly, Luke got up from the couch and dragged himself to the door. When he opened it, he was surprised to see his friend Allison standing before him with a sad expression on her face.

“Oh. Hey Alli. Are you okay? Do you need something?” Allison’s expression turned even more sad.

“No, Luke. Actually, I came here to see what I could do for you.” Luke frowned not getting what his friend was getting at. Allison sighed. “I talked to Reid at the hospital Luke. He told me what happened.”

“He did?” Luke said surprised. Had it been Katie standing before him, he would have understood. Reid was a very closed person, but Katie was one of the very few people who could get him to talk. If Reid had actually opened up to Allison…things must be worst than he thought.

“Yeah. I caught him outside his bedroom trying to find a phone to call Katie. I scolded him of course. He shouldn’t be up and about without supervision just yet. An accident happens so quickly after all.”

“And he talked to you about what happened…” said Luke, still a little incredulous over the whole thing.

“Yeah, I guess he has accepted me now. Which is good since you and I are friends. Plus, well to be truthful Luke, I think what happened with you really took his defences down. He wasn’t….he wasn’t at all what he normally is with me. I think he really needed to talk and since Katie was at work, and I know you quite well…”

“I see…so…how is he?” Luke said with wide puppy eyes. He was worried and sad.

“Let’s sit down Luke” Allison said. Both of them went to sit on the couch. Luke was curious as to what Reid had told Alli, but he wasn’t sure if he had the right to ask about their conversation. It was private; Reid might not want Luke to know what was said.

“Ok so…” Luke started.

“Luke” Allison began seriously “According to you, what happened at the hospital earlier today? What started it?”

Luke looked at her in confusion “Well, we were talking and Reid made a comment about Noah and I told him he should get used to the idea of Noah and me being friends because I want him to be and then…”

“And then?”

“Well, Reid kind of exploded. He…he doubts me. He doubts my feelings for him Allison. It’s awful. I can’t believe I failed him this way. I thought I had shown him enough that I loved him but I guess I haven’t. I’ll have to show it more.”

“And you think that’ll work?” his friend asked. He wasn’t sure, but he had the impression there was a hint of incredulousness in her tone.

“Well…yeah” He said hesitating.

“Oh Luke” Alli sighed sadly. “You can show devotion and love to that man until it kills you and it won’t solve this issue. Not on the long term basis. It may be able to push the issues away into Reid’s head, but they’ll come back eventually. Did you really listen to what Reid was saying?”

“Of course I did!” Luke said getting angry. “ I listened to what he said Alli”

“Then why haven’t I heard Noah’s name in your solution?”

“What?” Luke was confused. What did Noah had to do with this. “Alli, I know Reid doesn’t really like Noah. But he’s important to me. And Reid can’t expect me to push him out of my life for good.”

“He wasn’t asking you to, Luke. He was trying to discuss with you what had been happening before the ultimatum. He was trying to explain why when the ultimatum happened, he wasn’t even sure that he was your real, true choice, not you de-facto choice”

“How could he think that?”

“Luke…when Reid was talking to you, it hurt you didn’t it?”

“Of course it did Alli”

“And you thought things like ‘how could he think that?’ right?”

“Yeesss” Luke said slowly, trying to figure out where his friend was going.

“Well, when someone start thinking, they kind of tune out the conversation going on outside their heads. I think you lost some of the things Reid said. Or that you don’t want to hear them”

“Why do you say that Alli? I love Reid. Of course I want to hear what he has to say. I just…I really don’ t like him saying I might still be in love with Noah. I’m not. I love Reid not Noah!”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure” Luke exclaimed angrily

“But can you understand why Reid isn’t sure that you’re sure?” Luke stayed silent. “Luke you have to admit that from an outsider’s point of view it looks like you’ve done a 180 turn in matters of minutes. You told him you were in love with Noah, and you told Noah the same thing, yet less than a month later, after Noah has rejected you and refuses to talk to you, you’re in love with Reid and want to start a relationship with him?”

“It wasn’t like that. I’ve loved Reid since before that!”

“Did you tell Reid that at the time? Did you explain to him why you told him you were witll in love with Noah? Did you tell him you were wrong when you told him that, that you were lying?” Luke looked down. He hadn’t done any of those things. And Reid hadn’t bring anything up until now so Luke was ashamed to admit he had pretty much forgotten about the whole thing.

“Can you really blame the guy for having more than just a little insecurity issue where Noah and you are concerned?” Allison asked her friend. It was obvious that Luke hadn’t taken the time to really thing the situation through yet. She knew her friend. He had been crying and hurt and trying not to think about the whole thing. But he really, really needed to if he didn’t want to lose Reid eventually.

“Look Luke, for me it’s obvious that you had to have loved Reid before the whole ‘I’m in love with Noah’ issue. If there’s one thing no one can say about you is that you’re fickle when it comes to feelings. It’s quite the opposite actually. You tend to cling to old feelings, refusing to let them change or admit they already have.” Luke frowned at his friend’s observation. It wasn’t that he clang to them….was it?

“Yes you do Luke” Allison answered his thoughts. “You cling to the past. You wanted things to work out with Noah so badly that you refused to see that things had changed between the two of you. You didn’t see that you had changed, that you wanted something different. You’ve clang to Noah like a security blanket because you’re scared. You’re scared of what like without being Noah’s boyfriend is. Aren’t you?”

“I…I don’t know. Noah…Noah was such an important part of my life Alli. How could I forget that?”

“Reid isn’t asking you to forget about Noah and what you guys shared. Although I’m sure he’d feel better if he didn’t have to hear about it at all, let alone all the time like in the past. But he knows you loved Noah and he knows he can’t ask you to forget that. That’s not what he wants. He wants to be the one for you; he wants to come first in your eyes. Noah was always your priority. If he asked you to accept that he married a woman to keep her from deportation, you did it. If he had asked you to give up writing or leave town and your family, you would have done it too. You didn’t think of yourself. It was always Noah, Noah, Noah! Even after you broke up with him because he couldn’t choose all over nothing, even then every thing you did was somehow motivated by Noah. And yes when you helped Reid in Texas a part of you was doing it just for Reid. And yet Noah still played a part in that too. Noah always came first but Luke, what you need to realise, finally, is that you didn’t come first with Noah.”

“Yes I did!” Luke objected “ Of course I did. He loved me. We loved each other Allison! It’s normal that the other one was our first thoughts!”

“You mean like you were whom Noah was thinking of when he married Ameera or tattle tale on you and Casey?”

“I….it’s not the same thing Al!”

Allison sighed. Her friend was refusing to listen to her. She should have known though. For him, it was like all of this was coming out of nowhere because she thought she was doing the right thing by not speaking up. She thought that Luke loved Noah so much, that leaving their relationship would be worst for him then staying in it. And on short term, she was right….it was on long term that she had been completely wrong in that assumption. She had never voiced her disapproval of certain of Noah’s choices. She had never told anyone that she had found them selfish or unfair to Luke and that Luke deserved so much better. Hell, she had never even let herself admit to herself that she wanted to punch Noah in the face and tell him to go to hell every time he pushed Luke away and she had to see yet another part of Luke crumble before her eyes. She wanted her friends to be happy. She hoped things would get better. But as she watched Reid and Luke’s interactions in the last couple of weeks, she noticed how different from Noah/Luke they were and how they seemed to be a much healthier couple.

“Look Luke, I’m not saying you and Noah were all bad. There was time where you were Noah’s priority. Just think of you paralysis. He was there to support you through it and help you. But all the good things Noah did don’t erase all the bad things he has done. But that’s what you’re doing. You’ve pushed away all the bad stuff and kept the good and put Noah on a pedestal so high that Reid feels like he’ll never be able to be good enough for you when in reality he’s much better for you than Noah was.”

“You don’t that” Luke interrupted her “I mean I love Reid but our relationship has just begun. I don’t know how it will go down Alli!”

“Oh yeah?” Allison said sadly. “Well I do Luke. Right now, do you know how your relationship is gonna go?” Luke stayed silent, waiting for his friend to continue. “It’s simple. It’ll go just like you and Noah did; except this time you’ll be Noah and Reid will be Luke. Reid will give you his all without you ever doing the same thing back. And he will hurt. He’ll be hurt so much by you and feel underappreciated. He’ll feel like he’s not good enough. He’ll lose any confidence he had in himself and if he waits too long, he won’t be able to leave you. So he’ll just bury the pain and pray for the good times to come back. And one day, I’ll look at him and I’ll see the misery buried beneath his eyes and I’ll know….I’ll know that he’s not in love with you anymore. That you’ve killed the love he had for you. But he won’t leave you. Just like you didn’t leave Noah. Just liek you still can’t let go of Noah!” Allison’s eyes weld up with tears as her voice grew louder. She loved Noah and Luke. They were her friends. But there was no denying that she had seen Luke suffer a lot because of Noah. Sometimes love isn’t enough. Sometimes people aren’t good for each other.

“You think Noah was still the love of your life before his blindness? You think you still loved him then? Well you’re wrong Luke. You clang to something that wasn’t there. And it wasn’t there because Noah disrespected you and your feelings one too many times. But you stayed and Reid will stay. Except this time Luke, I won’t shut up. I’ll say what I really think. I’ll confront you with it, like I should have confronted Noah all those times he made you suffer so he could do what he wanted and you can be sure that I’ll make Katie confront Reid like I should have done with you ages ago. I saw you being destroyed little by little by a relationship that wasn’t working, that wasn’t giving you what you really needed. You’ve already suffered enough; I won’t let Reid suffer too. I just won’t.” Allison choked. “I love you, Luke. And I love Noah. You guys are my friends, but open your eyes Luke. For God’s sake open you eyes! What you had with Noah wasn’t good or healthy. It hadn’t been for a while. Stop idealising your relationship with him!”

“I’m not!” Luke screamed, tears falling from his eyes.

“No? Then tell me this Luke. Do you think if Reid’s hands, what allows him to do his job, were completely crushed and never able to recover because of an accident you partly caused, do you think that when you try to help him, that he’d push you away? Tell you you’re crowding him? Do you think he would resent you for being yourself and caring? Do you?” Luke looked down and frowned. He thought about it. He could imagine Reid being stubborn and not wanting Luke to help him make a sandwich. He could see him get angry because his pride would be hurt by all of this. He could see him grumble and pout over it and yet when Luke would spoon-feed him, he wouldn’t push him away or scream at Luke for it. He wouldn’t blame Luke for the accident either. Like Reid said, accidents happen.

“No” Luke said finally. “He wouldn’t do any of those things. He wouldn’t reject me or make me feel guilty. Hell knowing him he’d probably call me stupid for feeling guilty in the first place” Luke added with a tiny smile.

“ And if you did something that went against his moral code but could get you in a huge trouble for it, do you think he’d denounce you? I understand why Noah did it, partially anyway. But if I had been him? I’d have given you hell for it on a personal basis and showed you how disappointed in you I was, and I would make sure you never do anything like that again, but I would have kept my mouth shut.”

“Reid would too, I think. Unless it’s something like murder.”

“Luke if your mom killed someone do you see your dad saying anything against her in court?”

“No of course not!”

“Why? They’re divorced right? You’re mom made him suffer before, so why wouldn’t he?”

“Because he loved her once and she’s the mother of his children. He’d never send her to prison even though it’s against his principles to let a murderer go free. Plus, he’d think mom had a really, really good reason for the killing, you know, that she was justified.”

“And yet, when you cheated on a student election, and I repeat a student election, not a matter of life/death or something that gives you a criminal record, your own boyfriend denounced you. Do you see where I’m getting at? Do you see how that is not putting you first like you’ve always done for Noah?” Luke eyes closed. Yeah he was seeing where Allison was going with this.

“So Noah has made mistakes before…so what?”

“So you need to remember that doofus!” Allison said. “Because the way you’ve talked about Noah to Reid, it’s like he’s never done anything wrong, like he was perfect. How can Reid compete with that!”

“Allison…it’s not…I mean…I just.. I loved Noah. And I don’t want him to disappear from my life altogether. And I’m sorry if the way that wish came out made Reid doubt my feelings for him but…”

“But do you think that wish is a good think. Don’t you think some time apart would do you good? Can you really say that the last interactions you had with him made you happy?” Luke looking down was all the answer Allison needed. “You know Luke, right now talking to you, I wonder if you’re over Noah. If you’re over your relationship with him. Because if you’re not, Reid needs to know that”

“I am over Noah Allison!”

“I don’t think you are. I mean, Luke in the last years, you’re world revolved around Noah. And I don’t think you’ve moved on for that. I don’t know if you’ve shifted gears, but you need to. Because depending on Noah like that is really bad. Plus well….Luke, Reid asked me a question. A question that he agreed I should ask you back” Luke looked at her expectantly, “He asked me: If Noah was still a part of Luke’s life right now, do you think Luke would have been here at the hospital all those times? Do you think he would have told me all those things about his feelings for me and how he loved me if Noah had still been in the picture?” Luke’s eyes widened. Reid had asked her that? But why?. “And I’m personally adding, would you have been ABLE to tell Reid your feelings and why are the answers to these questions what they are. Think about it. There’s something here that has been left unresolved Luke. You need to figure out what and how to fix it. And if it happens that it’s Noah you want to be with, then you need to tell Reid, because he’s as serious as they come about you.” Allison felt her heart ache. It was obvious by Luke’s face that he was confused right now, that he didn’t know what to do or what was true and what wasn’t. Things before had been clean cut. Both Reid and Luke had decided to forget the whole Noah ordeal and therefore everything was fine. But now the issue had come back and Luke needed to figure things out. This was a good thing. She was sad that her friend seemed so miserable right now, but it was much better that this happened now rather than it happening when Noah decides he wants back in Luke’s life. Now that would have been messy. She just hoped that Luke would find a way to make Reid believe he was the only one for him. After all, Reid Oliver was a very stubborn person; when he thought he was right about something good luck convincing him otherwise. But she knew that if anyone could it was Luke…….and if not Katie could always go kick the doctor’s ass!

AN: that's it for now! Hoped you like it. Like I said I'm writing the next chap right now, don't know how long it'll take to finish it, but expect an update within 7 days!

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: kittyblackcat, fan fiction

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