Attached (Chapter Seventeen) Truth or Dare

Sep 15, 2010 16:34

 Title Attached
Author Lure247 (AKA Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Rating: This chapter NC17
Summary: Memorial hospital is building a new neurology wing, and Dr Bob needs a top neurosurgeon. Luke just happens to know such a person, someone who he has met before and has never forgotten. Now all he needs to do is persuade him to come to Oakdale.
Warnings: This chapter has language, and sexual content there are no spoilers as it’s totally AU
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters; if I did then things would be different


After a brief silence, Luke still inside of Reid, still kneeling behind him, Reid’s back against his chest, Luke spoke…

"Are you going to tell me or not?" he pulled himself out of Reid and let himself fall backwards onto the bed, his arms raised upwards onto the bed, exhausted.

"Not" Reid answered, finally now letting go of the pole and allowing himself to also fall backwards, landing next to Luke, placing his arm around his chest and resting his head onto Luke’s shoulder, after kissing it softly.

"Oh come on.” Luke protested turning his head to face Reid.

Reid sighed "I knew I shouldn't have told you."

"Talk to me, for once, let's have at least one day where you talk to me, actually talk to me."


"I don't understand you, we have mind blowingly amazing sex, the most intimate act two people can do and then you won’t have a conversation with me, you’re strange." Luke replied smacking Reid’s stomach.

"Mind blowing heh?" Reid asked, turning his face to meet Luke and smiling, a corner of the mouth kind of smile.

"You know it was; it always is." Luke said flicking Reid’s ear playfully before getting up off the bed and walking over to the desk, tearing a couple of sheets of paper off the complimentary notepad and grabbing two pens, he then walked back over to the bed and handed Reid a sheet of paper and a pen.

"And what am I supposed to do with this?" Reid said staring at the items just given to him.

"We're going to play a game, truth or dare." Luke sat back onto the bed.

"What? Come on, how old are we, eight?" Reid replied,

"It's the only way I can think of to get you to talk to me. We each right five dares on the piece of paper, you then tear them off separately and then fold each dare. You either answer the question or take a dare."

"So I either answer your question, or take a forfeit?" Reid said.

"Yes, we each put our dares onto the centre of the bed, mix them up so we don't know whether we will get one of our own dares or not. So you best write something that you are prepared to do yourself."

Reid looked over at Luke, this could be fun, he thought of the things he could get Luke to do. "So, how far can these dares go?"

"As far as you want!" Luke replied smirking.

Reid started to write on the piece of paper Luke had given him, chuckling to himself as he wrote, looking around the room for inspiration "Maybe not that far." Luke added, looking at Reid who was smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm not putting anything that I wouldn't be prepared to do myself." Reid said as he tore each dare and folded it, putting them onto Luke's pile in the middle of the bed.

What Luke hadn't realised however, was that Reid knew which ones were his, he'd torn the paper in a distinct way, so once folded he knew which one's were his. He knew his dares would be much worse than Luke's who wouldn't have the guts to write anything too risky.

"Ok, I'll go first as it's my game. I want to know about Jake, how did he look like me?" Luke asked, lying back down onto the bed, while Reid did the same, both lying leaving a small gap in the middle of the bed where the pile of papers were.

"Blonde, hot, cute, lovely little dimples, great arse....he looked like you, but that's where the similarities end, he wasn't like you in everyway."

"What do you mean?"

"He had a completely different personality, as it turned out, in the end, he wasn't that nice a person, I'd fancied him all through school based on looks, but when it came down to him as a person, well, he wasn't anything like you?" Reid shot a smile at Luke. In actual fact Jake had been a horrible person, selfish and cruel, absolutely nothing like Luke, Reid thought, who was kind, caring and generous.

"And what am I like?"

"That Mr Snyder is a different question, so I believe it's now my turn. Tell me about the transplant?" Luke looked down, biting his lip, hesitating "Are you going to take a forfeit, Mr Snyder?" Reid continued

"It's just a time in my life that I'm not particularly proud of." Luke replied not meeting Reid’s gaze.

"So what's it going to be?" Reid didn't want to push Luke for an answer, yes it would be nice to know about his operation, but he'd be there to listen whenever Luke was ready to tell him.

Luke shook his head "Sorry, I'm not ready to talk about it, not yet, I will tell you but not now."

Luke kind of half wanted to do one of Reid's dares anyway. Reid hadn't noticed that Luke had folded his dares differently to his, so he knew which dares were his and which dares were Reid’s, he had a feeling that Reid’s dares would be much worse than his, and he was excited about doing one. He took one which he knew was Reid's and opened the piece of paper. Reid looked at Luke with a childish grin on his face, as Luke opened it up and stared at the piece of paper.

"You would have never have done this!" Luke said still staring at the piece of paper, sitting up from the bed.

"Which one, which one did you get?" Reid said excitedly, snatching the paper out of Luke's hand "Oh, this isn't even the best one!"


Luke gulped, "They'll kick me out if I get caught."

"What! The hotels best customer, they won't kick you out, come on" Reid said, standing up off the bed and putting on his boxers that he had taken of earlier.

He opened the hotel door a fraction and looked down the hall, "There's no one there, come on." The thing was, the corridor ran alongside the outside of the building. Floor to ceiling glass windows along the whole length of the corridor, meaning Luke would be completely visible from the outside, granted they were 10 stories up but it was still very much exposed and the end room must have been at least 100 metres down the hall.

Luke peered around Reid, looking down the corridor, but before he could muster the courage, Reid had his palm against his back and had pushed him into the hallway closing the door behind him. Reid looked through the peep hole and saw a raised eyebrow staring back at him. "Go on" He shouted from behind the door.

Once Luke was far enough away, he opened the door a fraction again; Luke was walking, but walking quickly, more like power walking.

"Slower" Reid shouted out and Luke slowed his walk down do a leisurely speed. "Shake that arse", Reid shouted out again, Luke was still only half way to the end door, god he hoped that they weren't in.

He turned round to see Reid looking at him through the doorway, as embarrassing as this was he was glad that Reid was playing the game, he seemed to be enjoying himself, at his own expense maybe but still, it was nice to see Reid having fun. Finally he reached the end door, he knocked quietly

"Knock louder" Reid shouted from down the hall, Luke knocked again louder and then looked at Reid for approval, Reid nodded and so he started walking back. He was halfway back before he could hear the chain in the door at the end being slid across, shit, Luke picked up the pace, but as he got nearer he saw the door to his own hotel room closing shut, he reached the door and banged lightly on it "Reid" Luke whispered, "open it, please." Luke turned so his bum was to the door, holding his hands over his privates, he saw a head peer out of the door at the end of the hall, looking left and then looking right, looking directly at Luke.

Luke waved, "Hi, I’ve locked myself out can you believe it?"

"Do you want me to ring the front desk?" the head shouted at Luke

"NO!!!" Luke quickly shouted back "My friends inside, he's taking a shower, can't hear me knocking" Reid was standing behind the door, laughing, Luke could hear him, which was causing him to laugh also.

"Did you just knock my door" The head asked

"Me? No? I've been standing here." With that the door opened and Luke felt Reid standing close behind him.

"Locked yourself out again?" Reid said at Luke, who stared upwards at Reid “Sorry sir" Reid shouted at the head down the hall "He's always doing things like this, he's so clumsy."

Luke walked backwards into the room whilst Reid shut the door in front of them, Luke turned round and fell forward onto Reid, the pair laughing hysterically,

"Oh my god" Luke said "I've never done anything like that; it was so scary but so funny at the same time."

"It was so hot watching you walk there and back naked." Reid said, eyeing Luke up from head to toe, pushing him into the door.

"No, no, no" Luke said, "None of that, it's my turn to ask you a question." Luke limbo ducked under Reid’s arm that was outstretched next to Luke against the door and walked over to his hotel cabinet, opened one of the drawers and pulled on a pair of jeans, not doing them up, just up to his waist; he then sat on the bed and gestured for Reid to sit down next to him, which he did obligingly.

"Ok, Ok" Luke thought for a moment "When was it you realised that you liked me?"

Reid was silent for a few seconds "When I saw you asking for me, at the receptionist’s desk, so that would be the……. 2nd time that I laid eyes on you, well the 1st time I'd laid eyes on you properly."

"Why, why did you like me?" Luke saw Reid's eyes narrow "It's part of the same question." Luke added.

"It's a 2nd question, but I'll let you have it........for the same reasons that I liked Jake back in school, you're hot Luke, you know that, I was instantly attracted to you and as we spent more time together I realised that not only did I like the way you looked but also who you were as well."

Luke smiled and Reid carried on talking "You said you loved me” Luke didn’t reply he just nodded, “When did you first know that you loved me?"

"I think I've always known, since the beginning, you are so different to anyone else I've ever been interested in. You are arrogant and cockshore, yes, but, although many people may find that annoying I actually find it rather intriguing, you don't apologise for who you are and at least people know where you stand with you. But it really hit me when I had my appointment with Dr Wallis and you took my bloods, you took care of me, despite your arrogance, you offered your advice, you gave me your mobile number, that's when I knew for sure, I saw that deep down, underneath the surface there’s someone, a caring person who is hiding behind this wall that you’ve built."

"I was just being a good doctor."

"It wasn't just about being a good doctor, you saw I was underweight, you followed me because you cared, because as much as you would have denied it at the time, you cared about me."

"You're still underweight Luke" Reid said leaning forward and stroking his hands over Luke's stomach, he hadn't bought up Luke's sickness since they'd met that morning, "How have you been doing?" he asked softly.

"Well" Luke thought for a moment, did he really want to bring this up now, seeing as they'd been having so much fun "I thought you'd dumped me, so I haven't really been great to be honest. I’ve thrown up a couple of times, but much less than normal, I'm just finding it difficult to put on weight."

Reid pulled Luke into a hug, Luke was now sitting in front of Reid, his back to Reid’s stomach, Reid kissed him on the forehead "I am truly sorry that I caused you more pain."

Luke turned his head and looked into Reid's eyes "We're over that now, what's done is done, turn......If you hadn't seen Alex with his ex, would you have ever made a move on me?" This frightened Luke, he’d often thought about it, had Reid not seen Alex that day would Reid still be with him.

Reid nodded "Yes, it was only a matter of time before something happened between us, I would never have cheated on Alex though, but my resistance to you had nothing to do with Alex anyway. I was with Alex because I thought it was safe, easier for me to be with someone who I didn’t love, I cared about him a great deal but in the end what did it matter, he still cheated on me and I still felt stupid that I’d trusted him. That’s when I realised that I can’t continue to live my life scared of getting hurt, because ultimately in the end you can get hurt just the same by anyone, unfortunately humans are flawed, none of us are perfect"

“You are, you’re perfect” Luke replied looking up at Reid.

“I’m not perfect Luke, I’m far from it, you need to understand that life with me won’t always be like this, I’ve got two days off from work to be here, but when I’m here full time, I will mainly spend most of my time at the hospital.” Reid tightened his hug on Luke and kissed him on the back of his head.

“I understand that, but maybe the reason you spent so much time at the hospital in Dallas was because you had nothing to go home to?” Luke replied.

Reid didn’t reply to that he just asked Luke another question, “So, what’s the deal with you living in a hotel?”

“Just before Noah broke up with me I’d bought us both an apartment, it was when I was showing it to him that he ended things with me. He said that it was something we should have done together, that I was forcing it upon him, we’d lived together at my Mum’s for over two years, I wanted to be on my own with him, I thought it would be a nice surprise. He said it was just another example of how I smothered him, I do now see that I should never have done it, it was something that we were supposed to do as a couple, I apologised but it didn’t matter.

Anyway, I tried to live there for a while, about a couple of months, but I was so lonely, going to work and then coming home to an empty apartment. Noah and I have the same circle of friends, so while things were still quite frosty between us we had to share them, it wasn’t until at least 3 -4 months after the split that we really started to be able to talk to each other again. But in that time, I’d already decided that I couldn’t stay on my own anymore.”

“But you’re alone here, what’s the difference” Reid asked, not quite understanding.

“I’m not really alone, not here, there’s the front desk staff, I know all of them by name, I always make a point of talking to them, I know all the concierge staff, there are maids that come in to clean the rooms and I know all of them. You’re never alone in a hotel, not really. Breakfast time, I often go down to the dinner hall and eat breakfast with this old couple, they tell me about their life, they’ve been together for over 50 years, I wouldn’t have met any of these people if I’d stayed in the apartment.”

Reid leaned back slightly and pulled Luke into him tighter, he was liking Noah less and less, if that was possible, but Reid thought to himself what was Noah’s loss was his own gain “So, you’ve sold the apartment then?”

Luke shook his head “No, I’ll move back in one day, it’s still got all the furniture in it that I’d bought.”

“So it’s just empty?”

“No, I rent it out to my friend Casey, at a reduced price. Right, I think I’ve answered that question, my turn, the other day, you asked me what turns me on about you?”

Reid nodded, not liking where this question was heading, Luke continued “What turns you on about me?”

Reid knew it, he knew that it was heading there; he couldn’t answer the question the same as what Luke had done before. Surely Luke knew it, surely he realised that everything about him turned Reid on, “Everything” Reid replied

“No, that’s not good enough an answer, as in the words of Dr Reid Oliver “Be specific”. Luke replied

“I can’t Luke, I can’t do it justice.”

“So are you saying you’ll take a dare” Luke asked

Reid was happy to do so; he knew Luke’s dares would be easy “Yes, I’ll take a dare.” Reid reached forward, making sure he didn’t get one of his own. He opened up the piece of paper and almost choked on his spit as he coughed upon reading the words, Luke had leaned forward and had his head turned round at Reid.

“I thought your dares would be rubbish.” Reid said, looking up at Luke and then back at the paper, “Ok, come on then” Reid said taking of his boxers and handing the piece of paper to Luke, lying down onto the bed.

It just simply read <>

Luke almost hardened just reading it, although he’d written it, he’d never thought that Reid would take a dare, “You’re happy to do this, you don’t have to, you can take another dare.” Luke asked.

“You did your dare, I’m not chickening out of mine, just” Reid said grasping at Luke’s arm “be gentle, I’m flying back tomorrow, and will need to be able to sit down.” He smiled at Luke, who didn’t smile back, he was terrified now, he’d written the dare as a joke, not expecting either one of them to go through with it “Come on Luke.” Reid added.

“Have you ever done anything like this before” Luke asked standing up and walking over to the fruit bowl, picking the ripest and least bendy banana, the least bendy one also happened to be the longest one, it was easily 9” long, he bought it back to the bed and Reid’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

“Are you asking me whether I’ve ever put a banana up my arse, Luke?” Reid asked sarcastically.

“Yeah, sorry stupid question.” Luke replied, catching a condom that Reid had been opening and then thrown at him. Reid was now laying with his legs apart, the soles of his feet flat on the bed and his knees up; he watched Luke as he rolled the condom onto the banana and then squirted lube from the tip to the end. Luke then put a small amount onto his middle finger, positioning himself in between Reid’s legs he inserted his finger slowly, Reid was still slightly open from the sex they’d have earlier, so it wasn’t that difficult. He pushed his finger in and few times before Reid looked up at him, saying that he was ready.

Luke nodded and lined the banana up against Reid’s hole, Luke put his hand onto Reid’s knee, pushing it to the side slightly, opening him up even more, and pushed the tip into him slowly, it was easily as wide as three fingers, possibly four. Reid moaned out “You Ok” Luke asked

“Fine, don’t stop” Reid replied “Keep going”

Still with his hand on Reid’s knee, Luke pushed the banana in further, then out to the tip again, then in further still by a good inch or two, then back out to the tip, then back in again, up to what must have been at least 4”, back out and back in to 5.5”. Each time he pushed it in, Reid would groan out slightly, using the soles of his feet to lift his back slightly, trying to push himself against Luke’s pushing. Luke had now gotten the banana a good 6.5” inside Reid, once as far as he was happy to go he left it there and just rotated it inside.

“Oh my god” Reid called out, reaching his hands backwards and grabbing onto the wooden end of the bed, Luke watched as Reid’s cock went from flaccid and lifeless to almost poking his eye out, standing to attention.

“I can see you like that” Luke said smiling

“Oh!” Reid groaned “It’s like nothing….ever felt… before” He felt Luke rotating it inside him, it was permanently being rubbed across Reid’s prostate, his body was in a constant state of arousal, sensations running from his head to his toes.

Luke still with one hand on the banana, now pushing it in and out like he did before, leant over Reid and starting kissing him, Reid moaning into his mouth was one of Luke’s favourite things about having sex with Reid. He wrapped his mouth around Reid’s and took each groan, which would come with each thrust of the banana, Reid had grabbed round the back of Luke’s head, holding him into the kiss,

“ahh” Reid moaned out, tilting his head back, tightening his grip on the back of Luke’s neck. “How far…” Reid tried to speak.

Luke understood “about 6”” he replied,

“Bit more” Reid replied

“But you said, be gentle, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t….ahh…..hurt me….fuck…..bit more” Reid replied

Luke went back to his original position, in between Reid’s legs; he pushed the banana further, pushing it slowly, very slowly. Until Reid said

“Ok, Ok, stop there…..oh god” He said, once again hitching his back, his hands once more holding onto the wooden end of the bed, “ faster”

Luke did as he was told and moved the banana in and out faster, faster, he would push it in five or six times and then hold it there, rotating it, causing Reid to cry out.


He felt Reid’s hand against his, he wanted to take control, Luke took his hand off the banana and watched as Reid pushed it into himself. Luke was practically dribbling uncontrollably at the site, it was by far the hottest thing he had ever seen, Reid bringing himself off, pushing it in twice as fast as he had been doing.

“Like that” Reid said to Luke, and let go, once again putting his arms above his head and holding on. Luke grabbed at it again, pushing it in and out to the same speed as what Reid had been doing. Reid looked across at Luke and he knew what Reid was saying, any second now, Luke pushed it in and kept it there, just rotating it, he then positioned his mouth over the end of Reid’s cock, still rotating the banana rapidly over the right spot, he felt Reid’s thighs move apart, he felt Reid’s cock tighten in his mouth and then he felt hot liquid at the back of his throat, the cock inside pulsating until it was still, Luke swallowed and then pulled the banana out of Reid.

Neither of them said anything for a good few seconds, Luke broke the silence

“God, that was so hot.”

Reid could hardly breathe “I’ve never come without having my cock touched before, that was amazing” He sat up and stroked at the side of Luke’s face “You’re amazing. “ He kissed him lightly on the lips and then said, “I think truth or dare is my new favourite game.”

“Me too” Luke said smiling. “You hungry, shall I order some room service.”

Reid nodded “But nothing with bananas in” he said with a laugh

Luke picked up the internal phone and pressed some numbers “Hey Neville, it’s Luke….Not too bad, can I get some food please…I don’t mind, surprise me….but no bananas” Luke looked over at Reid who was putting his briefs back on “No, I’ve moved, I’m in 1014, yeah the suite, I know, can you bring enough food for two… I’m not on my own, I’m with someone”

With that Luke put the phone down, looked over to Reid who was now sitting at the head of the bed, with his eyes closed, Luke repeated to himself in his head “I’m with someone” , whilst he sat next to Reid and placed his head on his shoulder, “I’m with Reid”.

luke/reid, lure_atwt

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