Attached (Chapter Sixteen)

Sep 12, 2010 12:46

Title Attached
Author Lure247 (AKA Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Summary: Memorial hospital is building a new neurology wing, and Dr Bob needs a top neurosurgeon. Luke just happens to know such a person, someone who he has met before and has never forgotten. Now all he needs to do is persuade him to come to Oakdale.
Warnings: This chapter has language, and sexual content there are no spoilers as it’s totally AU
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters; if I did then things would be different


Just want to say a big thank you to all that are commenting on this story, it is really appreciated. I don't really have time to reply to everyone individually, I barely have time to write this story, so just wanted to say THANK YOU. I do read each and every comment and do listen to your suggestions.

Reid had now left Memorial and was on his way, in a taxi, to meet Luke at the Lakeview Hotel, he still hadn’t shaken out the fact that Luke actually lived in a hotel out of his mind, what was that about? Bob had asked where Luke had gotten to, when he’d finally rejoined the rest of the group in the meeting room, he had given an excuse that Luke hadn’t been feeling well, but Reid couldn’t shake the feeling that Bob knew more than he was letting on.

Reid’s phone lit up in his hand <> it was a text from Luke, and what was all the talk about changing hotel rooms, Reid thought, he didn’t understand. All he knew was that he wanted……needed Luke. He’d enjoyed pleasuring Luke that morning in the shower, but his hunger for him had just grown and grown as the day had progressed and now all that was in Reid’s mind was Luke, Luke, Luke, he couldn’t think of anything else.

Once the taxi had pulled up outside the hotel, Reid just threw money at the driver, he’d known he had given too much, but he didn’t care, as the driver tried to call Reid back to give him change Reid just stared straight ahead, knowing that within this building somewhere was a guy, a gorgeous guy who wanted him just as much as he did.

Reid found room 1014, which was on the top floor of the hotel and knocked, the door opened , Luke was standing there, still wearing the suit he’d been wearing at the meeting,

“Hey” Luke said, smiling at Reid

“Hey yourse…” But he didn’t get to finish that word before Luke had tugged at his tie and pulled him into the room, tightening his lips to Reid’s, stroking his hand through his hair and kicking the door closed behind Reid once he was in.

“Luke” Reid managed to speak, pulling himself off Luke slightly, “before, you know….I need to tell you something.” He’d been thinking this over in the taxi.

“OK” Luke replied, his arms round the back of Reid’s neck,

“What I said in Dallas, about this just being sex, it’s not……you know that right?”

“I know, you only said that because you were jealous” Luke leaned into kiss Reid but Reid put his index finger to Luke’s mouth stopping him.

“I was jealous, but I want you to know that it’s not just about the sex…….”Reid rolled his eyes before he continued “Look, I like you, I like you a lot, I just thought you should know.”

“I know you like me Reid…”

Reid interrupted “I knew that” he said shaking his head “But Katie, she told me…”

“You’ve been talking to Katie about me?” Luke asked smiling his arms still round the back of Reid’s neck, his hands clasped together.

Reid put his thumb and forefinger together in front of Luke “A little.”

“Well what did you say about me?”

Reid sighed before he said “I told her that you are a pain in the arse, but that you’re a good shag!”

Luke smiled, he hadn’t held out much hope of Reid actually telling him what he’d been talking to Katie about, so he wasn’t disappointed that Reid clearly wasn’t going to tell him, the fact that Reid had admitted that he liked him was enough to start with.

Luke pulled Reid further into the room by his tie, as they turned the corner into the main part of the room Reid froze, with his mouth open. The room was enormous, with windows that stretched out over the length of two of the walls, looking over the landscape of Oakdale and right in the middle of the room was the reason Reid assumed Luke had wanted this room.

“Is this why you changed rooms?”

Luke nodded; in front of them was a massive four poster bed,

“It’s always been…. a fantasy of mine, you know, to have someone… in a four poster bed, but….I need to ask you something.” Reid waited to hear what Luke had to say “I’ve never……what I mean is, I want to………could I…I want to be inside you.” Luke could feel his cheeks blushing and they felt incredibly hot as he said it, he looked up at Reid, worried that he would be put off by Luke’s inexperience.

“I don’t understand, are you saying you’ve never “had” anyone.”

“I’ve only ever been with Noah, I topped once, he lasted about 30 seconds but said he didn’t like it, so we never tried it again.” Luke was now biting his bottom lip.

“Oh Luke” Reid said, inside he was thinking fuck, I’m going to be the first guy he’s come inside, Reid knew that he needed to make this memorable for Luke, he’d planned on rushing into the room, stripping Luke as fast as he could and banging into him so hard that Luke wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week, but this now changed things. What an absolute idiot Noah is, was all Reid could think, he had the chance to let Luke fuck him senseless and he turned it down, that guy needed his head examining.

Reid walked closer to Luke and walked him backwards, guiding him to the bed, the backs of Luke’s knees hit the bed and he stood up onto it, then knelt down in the middle. Neither man took their eyes off each other as they moved, Reid then did the same, he got onto the bed and knelt just in front of Luke, both still just staring at each other.

Reid moved in to kiss Luke, but Luke laughed and moved his head to a different side, Reid moved his head to the same side, but Luke them moved to the other. Luke was teasing Reid, and Reid loved it, he took his hands to the side of Luke’s face and held his head still and kissed Luke, he let his hands that were on Luke’s head massage at the base of Luke’s neck lightly, he pulled back, taking his hands to Luke’s shoulders he started to remove Luke’s jacket.

It was like watching a film in slow motion, each man taking their time, savouring every minute, as Luke’s jacket fell onto the bed, Reid then went to Luke’s tie, undoing the knot slowly and then taking it off from one side, he laid it with the jacket. Luke and Reid were breathing into each other, closely, not kissing but almost, they’d lean in and each could hear the others short breathes. Luke then guided Reid’s jacket down off his shoulders, past his arms and back, putting it to one side with his own. He then leaned back and looked at Reid, Reid just staring back at Luke, neither man saying a word; he took off Reid’s tie and again put it with his own. They both then moved to undo the buttons on each others shirts, taking them off at the same time, Luke slower than Reid as his hands were shaking, Reid could see that Luke couldn’t keep his hands still, he leaned in to Luke, whispered into his ear

“Relax……there’s no rush.”

Luke leaned back so that he could look at Reid, “It’s just the thought of me…you know…with you….and.” Before Luke could finish he felt Reid’s lips on his, warm and moist, he felt Reid’s tongue against his own, he grabbed at the back of Reid’s head, holding him there for a few seconds, each man breathing erratically through their noses. Reid leaned back and with his eyes he was telling Luke that everything was OK, he’d help him.

Luke had now managed to undo all the buttons on Reid’s shirt, and he watched as he took the arms off down each of Reid’s arms, Reid did the same to Luke and both shirts ended up on the pile.

Reid leaned in and kissed Luke on the forehead, he then moved down kissing Luke on the nose, stroking his hand against the side of Luke’s cheek and taking him into a kiss once more before pushing Luke backwards onto the bed.

He straddled on top of Luke and undid the belt on his own trousers, guiding the belt out of its loops slowly, looking at Luke the whole time as he did this, not taking his eyes off him for one second. Still sitting on top of Luke, he unfastened the button and zip on his own trousers and pushed them down over his arse, he stood up so he could push them down further over his feet and onto the pile of clothes they were creating. Again, neither man taking their eyes off the other, constantly staring, looking, with one quick motion Reid then took his boxers off, so he was not in front of Luke completely naked and then he sat back down on top of Luke, his erection digging into Luke’s stomach.

As Luke had been watching Reid he’d gotten his own trousers off, and thrown them to the pile, so he was now underneath Reid in just his boxers. Reid grabbed them at the waist and pulled them down, just enough to release Luke’s cock from it’s chains. Still with Luke’s boxers round his thighs, Reid wrapped his mouth around Luke’s cock, licking it inside with his tongue, generating saliva to lubricate. Luke moaned and tried to pull his thighs apart a bit more, but his boxers were restricting him. He put his hands up under the pillows at the head of the bed and squeezed them from underneath.

Luke couldn’t believe the things Reid could do with his tongue, Noah had never really been one for foreplay, in fact, now he thought about it Noah barely touched him down there, but each time he’d been with Reid, he’d been unable to keep his hands or mouth away. Reid pulled Luke out of his mouth, licking his tongue up the shaft, and then took him completely into his mouth again, he did this a few more times before letting his tongue circle along the tip of the head, taking the pre-cum that was leaking from Luke into his mouth and swallowing, he then took Luke’s boxers off completely. Reid then knelt back up onto the bed; reaching a hand out to Luke he helped him to get to his knees also.

He looked over at Luke “So, Snyder, Where do you want me?”

Luke pointed at one of the posts of the bed, Reid turned round so that he was facing it, up close to it, he got the idea, Luke wanted to fuck him whilst he was up against the pole, he smiled to himself. Luke guided Reid’s back down slightly, so Reid was now almost in an all fours position, but holding onto the post rather than with his hands on the bed. Luke then opened up Reid’s arse cheeks with his hands and blew onto Reid’s hole. He then took his face to the side and nibbled at Reid’s arse cheek, bringing his hand round slowly he gently stroked at Reid’s erection, he then moved his face to Reid’s other arse cheek and bit hard.

“ohh” Reid moaned out, fuck this kid’s going to kill me, Reid thought to himself, but before he had time to think about the pain that was now throbbing on his arse cheek he felt Luke’s tongue licking across his hole. His back hitched slightly and his grip on the pole tightened, Luke’s tongue was darting in and out, up and down, side to side,

“fuck” Reid said out loud, “Luke…… want you.” He took his hand off the pole and reached it round to feel Luke’s head, he needed Luke inside him now, he couldn’t wait a second longer.

Luke stopped and reached back to the bedside table, opening the top drawer he threw a packet of condoms and a bottle of lube onto the bed. Reid heard the two thuds on the bed and looked back, he looked at Luke and shook his head and Luke knew, Reid didn’t want him to use Lube, he wanted to feel Luke. Reid had already opened the packet of condoms and opened one up, he turned round and rolled it over Luke’s cock, staring into Luke’s eyes as he did so, not looking down, once on he re-positioned himself so he was facing the pole once more, his back to Luke.

He felt Luke’s warm body against him, his hands on his arse cheeks pushing them apart, he then heard Luke spit onto his hand and a few seconds later he felt Luke as he entered him, slowly, Luke not wanting to go in to hard, didn’t want to hurt him, Reid held his breath, holding onto the pole out in front of him, grinding himself against it. He was holding himself tight around Luke, using every muscle he had in his arse to keep himself as tight as possible, to give Luke the best sensation he could. He could feel Luke’s cock hitting the sides, hitting his spot “fuck” Reid moaned out; pushing himself forward into the post.

Luke started by moving in a couple of cms or so first, with each thrust he would go in a little deeper and was now entering much more easily, starting to pick up a pace; he reached round in front of Reid, also holding onto the pole in front of them both, the pair almost becoming one, Luke pushed into and Reid pushing forward into the pole, his own cock rubbing up against the chiselled wooden notches of the post, creating his own friction.

Reid now understood why Luke had wanted to do this, the sensation was unbelievable, Luke was thrusting up into him, rather than across into him, he was able to get much deeper this way and each time the thrusts would cause friction for Reid from the post, he was getting sensations from both, he’d never experienced anything like this before.

Reid was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of Luke moaning into his shoulder, he felt Luke’s body shuddering behind him, he’d come. Luke couldn’t believe his body had done this to him, it had let him down, he’d wanted this so much and now he felt so embarrassed. Reid felt Luke’s head on his shoulder and he allowed Luke to pull out of him before he turned himself round,

“I’m sorry …”Luke began to say but Reid kissed him lightly and replied

“Don’t be sorry…..I’m not going anywhere, we can try again.” Reid said this softly

“It’s just…’s you, and………….I’m so embarrassed.”

“It happens to all guys, Luke…..lie back.”

Luke lay with his back onto the bed, looking up at Reid who was reaching behind him for the bottle of lube he asked

“Has it ever happened to you?”

“Well, no, not me….but then I’m unique.” Reid replied smiling, coating his middle finger with the jelly from the lube bottle.

“What, never?” Luke asked, just as Reid pushed his finger inside of Luke, causing his feet to stretch out and his toes to curl.

“You really want to talk about this now?” Reid asked, as he pushed the finger in and out of Luke slowly, each time hitting Luke’s spot he would rub his fingernail across it.

Luke nodded,

“Ok, one time” Reid replied, now having thrust a second finger in with his middle finger, twisting and rotating each time he went in.

Luke was breathing fast, rotating his hips against the bed he managed to speak out “your first time?”

Reid shook his head “Not my first time, but my first crush, I’d fancied him all through school” Reid was speaking whilst he was still pushing his fingers inside of Luke, he’d now got three fingers inside and Luke was writhing about on the bed in front of him, his legs moving, his hips moving, trying to angle himself on the bed, helping Reid to bring life back into his cock.

“We hooked up at a party, he’d not admitted to anyone that he was gay, but I knew. Anyway, he told me that he’d fancied me for ages, we started making out on one of the beds, but before it could get any heavier and I could even get my trousers off I came in my boxers. Just the mere thought of him having fancied me for ages was enough for me.”

“Did you ever….get to…”Luke said, trying to control his breathing, Reid was really going at it now, Luke could feel his cock starting to stir, could feel the sensation rushing back.

Reid nodded “We talked for a bit, and then when I was ready again I fucked him into the middle of next week.”

“What was his name?” Luke asked,


“What did he look like?”

“Seriously… Luke, now?” Reid asked, looking down at what he was doing to Luke, why did he want to have this conversation with him now?

Luke nodded, “please……you never ….talk…..”

Reid pulled his fingers out of Luke, he wiped them on his boxers that were on the pile of clothes on the bed and held his hand out to help Luke get to his knees. He rolled a fresh condom onto Luke’s cock and re-positioned himself back against the post of the bed, waiting for Luke.

Reid felt Luke behind him once again as before and said

“You, Luke….he looked like you.” Reid’s last word hitched a little as Luke pushed into him once again, Luke wrapped his fingers into Reid’s and they both grabbed round in front, grasping at the pole.

“He <
> looked like <
> me?”

Luke managed to get out in stunted breaths.

Reid nodded “yes…spitting…image” he said as more of a grunt then as words. Reid tilted his head backwards so it was at the side of Luke’s neck, Luke turned his head to the side to meet Reid’s lips, and as he thrust upwards into Reid the pair kissed, with difficulty as their lips could only just reach each other. Luke left the kiss and instead took his mouth to Reid’s shoulder, biting as he moved his body up into Reid, Reid’s body in turn moving upwards, the two of them once again moving as one person against and into the post of the bed, Reid’s cock moving up and down the wooden shaft,

“oooohh” Reid moaned out, his fingers tightening into Luke’s as Luke moved his head to the other side of Reid and bit on his left shoulder, Reid tilting his head backwards, nuzzling it under Luke’s chin, Luke not stopping, not pausing, just pushing, and pushing, upwards and upwards, further and deeper into Reid. His arse cheeks clenching together each time he would push himself, Reid still tightening as much as he could, trying to let Luke feel every part of him.

Reid could feel it, any second now, he tightened his grip on the pole, tightening his grip on Luke’s fingers

“Luke…..faster…” He said and Luke did as he was told, he moved faster and faster, the bed, even as heavy as it was, rocking underneath them, Reid tilted his head back, trying to reach Luke’s lips, he just caught them before he moaned out into Luke’s mouth

“ohhh fuck” as his body shivered against the post, leaking all over it, causing the post to glisten in the light, Luke held him there, still trapped between the pole and Luke, until Luke gave one last big push up into Reid and came inside him, holding himself close to Reid so that he could feel his body pulsating against his back. He let his head rest onto Reid’s shoulder and whispered into Reid’s ear..

“So……. I look exactly like your first crush?”

luke/reid, lure_atwt

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