So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide? CHAPTER TWENTY THREE

Nov 03, 2010 20:01

Title: So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide?
Author Lure247 (Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Rating: Chapters vary PG13 to NC17, will rate accordingly. This one PG13
Summary: Luke works for a gay and lesbian magazine, his next column assignment, "how do you get a guy to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide". He's not happy with this new assignment so now he needs to find a guy who is a dead cert, someone who won't commit, someone who definitely won't fall in love with him........

Luke's treats increased in passion with each correct guess he made, Reid had kissed him from every possible angle, had pushed him against every single piece of furniture in the room and at one point Luke had been worried that they'd break the telescope with how hard Reid had pushed him up against it.

"It turns you on doesn't it?" Luke looked up at Reid

"You so turn me on, you know you’re hot" Reid replied, breathing against Luke's ear whilst running his hand up underneath Luke's shirt and caressing at his chest, his hand palm downwards, rubbing slowly.

"I didn't mean me, I meant....teaching me, you were the same when you were showing me your chess moves, you get a buzz from it...."

"There might be a little part of me that like's thinking of you as my student and me as your teacher, OK maybe a big part." Reid stated, his eyes practically tearing Luke’s clothes off.

"Kinky" Luke stated.

"Hush now Luciano" Reid smirked, reminding Luke that neither of them were strangers to kinky, removing himself from Luke’s clutches and returning to fiddle with the computer "What's that?" Reid asked as he clicked away, sitting back in the chair and waiting for Luke's answer with anticipation.

Luke didn't know, it was a cluster of stars, but he had no idea what constellation they made "I don't know, I'm no good with star constellations"

Reid smiled; it was the first one that Luke hadn't known and god he'd been waiting a long time for him to get one wrong, for what seemed like an eternity "Good! I believe, Mr Snyder that means it's my turn for a treat!"

"Oh yeah?" Luke asked moving his way over to where Reid was seated

"Yeah!" Reid replied, swivelling his chair around so he was facing Luke and leaning back slightly as Luke straddled across him.

"What sort of treat would you like?" Luke asked taking his hand to brush against Reid’s check.

"Why don't you surprise me!"

Luke leaned inwards, but due to the fact that they were sitting on a chair with wheels, as Luke moved it also moved underneath them slightly, causing Luke to fall onto Reid and their foreheads to collide.


"That's not really what I had in mind!" Reid said

"Sorry, I thought you had your feet on the floor" Luke replied, looking at his own feet which were a couple inches off the floor, then down at Reid's which were rested onto the chairs legs, Luke moved his feet, using them to kick Reid's own feet onto the floor. "Now, hold us still!" he ordered, trying once again to lean himself in, this time the chair staying put.

He brushed his lips against Reid's forehead kissing where they'd bumped lightly, he then moved downwards, planting a soft kiss on the tip of Reid's nose, down to his chin, biting at it slightly.

"Was this more what you had in mind?" Luke asked

"Mmmm" Reid replied his head backwards slightly.

They didn't hear the door open downstairs, they didn't hear Paul's unsubtle coughs at his attempt to mark his entrance, they didn't hear him approach up the stairs, they didn't see him slightly shielding his eyes, for he knew it was too quiet and something was going on.

Luckily for Paul he didn’t see Luke as he took his kisses to the side of Reid's neck, pushing his tongue out slightly and licking his way up and down, tasting Reid’s skin. Paul didn’t see when Luke frantically began to unbutton a couple of buttons on Reid's shirt, just a couple, enough to open it slightly to allow more kisses to be traced along Reid's chest, his chest so badly wanting for Luke to undo more buttons, for him to kiss his way down, downwards and onwards, to his waistband, it wanted to feel Luke's lips go lower. But what Paul did see as he approached the very top of the stairs was Luke beginning to undo Reid’s belt on his trousers and what he heard was slight groans of passion escaping from each mans lips….

both men jumped a little in the chair, forgetting for a moment where they were and that over two hours had been and gone, some time ago actually.

"Sorry guys" Paul said looking at the floor "I need to lock up, could I err...get to the..." Paul pointed at the computer edging his way over to them uncomfortably; Reid scuttled him and Luke along a bit, still both sitting on the chair, moving so that Paul could get behind them to the computer. Luke motioned to do button up Reid’s shirt.

"Leave them" Reid replied "It'll save time later."

Luke laughed, pushing himself into Reid quickly and kissing him firmly on the lips before standing.

"Sorry Paul, we got a little carried away." Luke replied sheepishly

"That's fine Luke, I've gotten.....carried away.... in here myself before now!"

Paul clicked away at the computer; the telescope whirred, bringing itself downwards and the roof closing. The three men descended the stairs they had climbed earlier, Reid and Luke exiting the big heavy door and making their way to the car as Paul locked up.

"So...." Luke began "My place?"

"Definitely" Reid replied as Paul walked over to them, once more hugging Reid as rough and as genuinely as he had done before.

"It's really good seeing you Reid, although I didn’t see much of you, perhaps we should double date one evening, we could meet somewhere central to all of us, how does that sound?"

"That sounds great." Luke replied before Reid could mutter something to the tune of that meaning him having to be out in public and being civil.

Luke moved to shake Paul's hand, who ignored it, embracing Luke almost as roughly as what he had done to Reid, he leaned out of the hug slightly and muttered to Luke "I feel.... anyone who can put that big a smile on this misery guts face" he nodded his head at Reid "deserves a hug or possibly even a medal" Paul and Luke both laughed.

Reid rolled his eyes, opening his car door, turning on the ignition and then closing the door behind, raising his watch up to the glass and ticking his finger against it, advising them both that he was “patiently” waiting for Luke.

"He’s never introduced me to anyone before Luke, just thought you should know that, Reid.....well, let's just say this is the most comfortable I've ever seen him." Paul said.

"Yeah" Luke replied, looking at Reid sitting in the car, his eyes looking straight out the windscreen as he once again raised his wrist to the window showing his watch, Luke chuckled "I know, I think I'm slowly melting down some of those barriers he has built up, but to be honest, he never had them with me anyway, it's been like this from the start, easy, comfortable."

"Oh! I thought you guys were pretty new, how long have you been seeing each other?"

"Um" Luke thought it through in his head "nearly a week"

"Wow, so it is new, pretty intense stuff for just a week! Ok! Well....Luke, I'm sure I'll see you again....uh! It looks like he's trying to tell us to stop talking." They both looked behind at Reid who was looking at them with raised eyebrows through the side window of the car which he was now revving.

Luke smiled "He's kind of on a promise." He shouted over the sound of the engine.

"Well, I better let you get to it then...I didn't mean to word it like know what I mean, you better go, that's better."

"It was nice to meet you again and I'm sure we'll see each other again, thank you for this, it's been really nice, I can see why you like working here, Bye" Luke called out as he walked round to the passenger door.

"Bye Luke"

Luke opened the door, sitting himself in the passenger seat.

"Have you both finished talking about me?" Reid enquired before Luke's arse was even planted on the seat

"Full of yourself much?" Luke said smiling.

"No" Reid replied, looking out the back window as he reversed the car "You two couldn't have been more obvious" he stopped talking as he gave one final wave to Paul and then shifted the car into first gear, driving them out of the complex "if you'd have both gotten into the car and poked at me with sticks, like I was some kind of medical experiment."

"OK, so we were talking about you, he was just saying that you'd never introduced him to any of your previous lovers before."

"What lovers? Guy's the only semi-serious relationship I've ever been in and there's no way I would have done anything like this with him."

"Why not?" Luke questioned

"It was different with him it was less....." Reid struggled to find the words

"Less what?"

"I don't know, I just know it was less.....less this." Reid said looking down at his thigh, which whilst he was driving never seemed to be absent of Luke's left hand, Reid’s comment caused Luke to remove it "No!" Reid half shouted "I like it." Luke replaced his hand where it had been.

"Were we making you jealous?"

"I don't do jealous….besides, Paul’s not your type!”

“Oh really? So what is my type then…”

“Hmm let’s see, well, Paul has brown hair for a start, you like your guy to have a bit of a red undertone in the colour”

“Ginger” Luke said sarcastically

“Auburn” Reid corrected “Not ginger, Auburn, also… like your man to be a bit leaner then Paul’s build, muscled…”

“Skinny?” Luke said, once again trying to rile Reid

“I believe the word I used was lean...”

“Let me guess the rest…he must also have a healthy appetite, be just a little bit moody…..” Luke nodded his head backwards and forwards, Reid looking at him as he carried on in his mutterings, but it was a good job that Luke was moving his head, it was a good job that at least one of them thought to look at the road ahead “SHIT” Luke shouted, grabbing his hands onto the steering wheel, Reid looked up just as the headlights beamed off something massive that was standing in the middle of the road. Luke swerved the car onto the field that was running along side the road, hitting shin high length grass as he shouted at Reid

Reid couldn’t understand why he hadn’t reacted, he now applied pressure to the brake, but as the car came to a stop, a loud bang came from underneath, the car came to an abrupt halt throwing them both forward in their seats, the car having stalled immediately upon whatever it had impacted with.

“Jesus, what was that?” Reid asked

“A deer, you almost hit it…and now you’ve definitely hit something and it sounded nasty.” Luke replied, opening his car door, placing his feet outside onto the boggy grass He looked underneath the car and saw the cause of what had thrown them out of their seats, “We’ve hit a tree stump, excellent, we’re stuck in the middle of a creepy damp infested field”

“We’re not stuck” Reid replied stepping out of his side of the car , walking to the bonnet and opening it, his face being hit with a huge plume of smoke “I’ll get this going again.”

“Sorry!” Luke said “I forgot that as well as being the top neurosurgeon in the country and an astronomer you are also a car mechanic.”

“How hard can it be? Can’t be any more difficult then mending brains.”

“It probably isn’t Reid, but you know, you do need to have at least a little bit of training in these things…’s no good, you’ve hit a stump from underneath, it’s wedging the car in place, so what good is looking at the bonnet going to do you? We need to get this towed, it’s not going anywhere”

“I’ve hit a stump? I believe that you were holding onto the steering wheel at the time of impact Snyder!” Reid replied, burying his head into the bonnet of the car, he hadn’t a clue what he was doing.

“Only to stop us from hitting a deer, you weren’t concentrating….” Luke leant his back against the passenger side door, looking round at Reid “will you stop fiddling with stuff you don’t know about, you’ll wreck it even more.” Luke demanded.

“Ye of little faith, now that I want your optimism you check out on me!” Reid said just as, almost as if the car had planned it perfectly just to tell Reid’s itself to leave it alone, squirted oil onto his nice light blue shirt. “Great” Reid exclaimed, dabbing at the oil on his shirt, which was a futile attempt, slamming the bonnet down and standing next to Luke.

Luke was laughing and pointing at Reid’s stain “You were saying something about how difficult could it be to…..” Reid stopped Luke from talking; he smeared his oily hands onto Luke’s face, then wiping his finger onto the tip of Luke’s nose so he had a smudge on the very end.

“Thank you for that, that’s really mature” Luke tried to be serious, but couldn’t and ended up laughing into his next sentence “Do you have a recovery service?” Reid didn’t reply, but the look he shot Luke told him all he needed to know “Well it’s just as well that mine covers me as a passenger then isn’t it” Luke took his mobile out of his pocket, then his wallet out of his other pocket, phishing through it for a card, which he found easily, Reid thinking to himself that Luke appeared to him to be the most organised guy he’d ever known, he saw him tap a number in and walked away from the car a little with a

He watched as Luke kept raising his hands into the air, clearly not getting the answer from the person on the other end that he was hoping for, finally Luke seemed to settle for what their final decision was, slamming his phone shut and squelching his way back over to Reid.

“An hour…. possibly even two! What’s the point of having this service if….” Luke was cut off by Reid grabbing him by the face, smearing his oily stained face even more when a hand was placed to each cheek, pulling him in hard, taking him into a full on snog, breaking through Luke’s lips with his tongue, leaving Luke a little breathless.

“What was that for?”

“Firstly to say thank you for taking care of that without me even having to ask you to and secondly, to tell you in my own subtle way that I think I know how we can keep ourselves occupied for an hour, possibly even two.”

luke/reid, lure_atwt, so snyder?

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