So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide? CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO

Nov 02, 2010 20:25

Title: So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide?
Author Lure247 (Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Rating: Chapters vary PG13 to NC17, will rate accordingly. This one PG13
Summary: Luke works for a gay and lesbian magazine, his next column assignment, "how do you get a guy to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide". He's not happy with this new assignment so now he needs to find a guy who is a dead cert, someone who won't commit, someone who definitely won't fall in love with him........

This is a bit of a filler - it's not as long as my usual chapters....I did something similar to this in my other fic attached so I hope you aren't all bored of it by now

"Oh my god, it's going to be like some sort of brain museum isn't it?" Luke said, still as excited as a little boy, he'd been excited all day and his excitement had only increased ten fold from the moment Reid had picked him up in his car from work at around six.

"Can you calm down.....Jesus; don't make me have to sedate you... I always keep a medical kit in the trunk, so that’s not an empty threat” Reid replied "...and what? Brain if that's where I'd take you on a date, besides there's no such thing."

"But you'd love that though wouldn't you, I could picture you, signing up for the museum tour, lasting about 5 seconds before you'd interrupt the tour guide, telling him he had it all wrong, “excuse me but do you not know who I am, I’m Dr Reid Oliver, the country’s, if not maybe even the world’s top neurosurgeon” “he tried to impersonate Reid “and then you’d completely take over."

“If that was supposed to be me that’s the worst impression I’ve ever heard!”

Luke couldn't control himself, it was all to do with the element of surprise, he'd never been taken out by a guy before and the thrill of Reid driving him somewhere and having no idea where was making him crazy. He kept glancing at Reid as he drove, hoping he'd give something away as he looked at the road signs, but he was clearly a pro at this, he gave away nothing, nada, zilch. All Luke knew was that they were on route 55 heading north, but he didn’t know what there was of significance in this direction. They'd been driving for over an hour and every ten or twenty minutes Luke would suddenly spout out another random activity which Reid could be taking him to.


"Do I look like the type of person who likes bowling?"


"At this time of day, no, it'll be full of screaming kids; I like to go when it's late, when there's no one there."

"Some kind of sporting event?"

"After what happened last time, I don't think so....look are you going to do this the whole way there, because if you are you can get out and walk the rest of the way."

"I'm just really excited" Luke replied, sitting on his hands.

"No, it's not excitement you don't like it when you're not making the decisions, that's what this about, you want me to tell you where we're going in advance so you feel that you have some control about it, but I'm not going to tell you so you may as well just save your breath."

Luke thought about it for a moment, there was an element of truth behind what Reid had said, he did like having control, but he did also like to be surprised, to be spoilt, didn't everyone?

"I can tell from your silence that I'm right" Reid glanced up at the road sign that was approaching, he'd only driven there from this direction twice before so wasn't exactly sure where he was going, the road sign told him he had at least another 30 minutes of Luke behaving as if he was on a mix of red bull, cola and acid.

"Maybe....but it's also mixed with excitement, no one's ever taken me somewhere as a surprise before, this is kind of new to me...”Luke replied

"Well it's new to me too, trust me, I don't do this for just anyone you know."

"I know" Luke replied, placing his left hand on Reid's thigh and massaging it lightly. " it Ice skating?"

Reid shook his head and sighed.....


He finally saw the sign that he needed and pulled off the main road, Luke almost having to restrain himself from sticking his head out of the window like a dog in a car being taken for a walk. He saw the headlights beam onto a sign that told them they had entered the town of Springfield; he'd never been here before and he didn't have a clue what could possibly be here.

Reid followed the signposts to where it was he needed to go, being quite an important building within the town there were signposts everywhere so finding it was easy, as he drove into the entrance Luke was even more confused.

"University of Illinois? Seriously, I was joking about the brain thing, is it some kind of professor of genius gathering? And you want me to marvel at your excellence"

Reid smiled at Luke’s inability to keep quiet, but he himself was silent as he drove the car around the complex, finally laying it to rest outside one of the biggest buildings within the university, a massive building in fact, with what looked like to Luke to be an observatory tower on the top.

As Reid put on the brake a guy appeared next to them from out of the darkness, opening Reid's door as Reid stood out of his seat, Luke exited from his own side and saw the two guys embrace.

"So good to see you again" the guy in the darkness said, hugging Reid tight and slapping him on the back. "How long's it been?"

Reid shrugged "At least a year easily......Paul I'd like you to meet Luke"

Luke stuck out his hand and shook this Paul's hand "Nice to meet you Paul"

"Likewise Luke.."

"And how do you two know each other?" Luke asked

"My wife..."Paul started "A few years ago, we were living in Dallas at the time, well, this man, this great man" Paul once again hugged Reid, slapping him twice as hard as the first time on his back "he saved my wife's life, I owe him so much. "

"I was just doing my job" Reid replied

"Still the same old Reid I see, I'm a doctor, this is my job, I save lives, I don't need praise" Paul replied in a robotic voice.

" was wrong with your wife, if it's OK to talk about it?" Luke asked

"It's fine Luke, it's fine, she'd been suffering for a little while with headaches, but this particular day was the worst she'd ever had and then all of a sudden she collapsed onto the floor and started fitting. She was on the floor, shaking uncontrollably, I've never been more terrified in my life. My immediate reaction was that she was having a heart attack and I called an ambulance, she was rushed to hospital where Reid here told me that it was a blood clot and she needed to have surgery straight away or she could suffer a stroke or worse. They
were the worst hours of my entire life, I just kept thinking that I didn't know how I was going to live the rest of my life without her, she's my world. Then Reid spoke words to me that were music to my ears "the surgery went well and she'll make a full discovery". I owe this man my life as she is my life. I knew from that point that Reid and I would be firm friends for life."

As Paul told Luke his heart warming story Luke kept looking to Reid, who as usual wasn't giving away any emotion on his face, but Luke put his hand into Reid’s and tugged on it lightly, hopefully conveying to him that at least he was proud of him.

"So what's your story guys?" Paul asked

Reid opened his eyes wide, then turned to look at Luke, waiting for him to butt in, but was completely surprised when he didn't...

"Sorry, one at a time, don't both speak at once..."Paul continued

"There's no story" Reid finally answered "Just two guys, together, both entering new territory."

"God!" Paul exclaimed "you make it sound like a war zone. Right, come on up then, I can leave you guys alone for about two hours then I do really need to lock up and get home."

"So what made you more here?" Luke asked as they all ascended some steps up to a metallic looking door which Paul tugged hard on to open.

"This place, I love it here, I love my job" Paul stated, walking in to a room which was very dimly lit. The room was circular, with a staircase running up along the edge of the wall, upwards and upwards to a platform that Luke could see above them.

"And this place is?" Luke asked

"Come on Luke" Reid stated, jabbing him with his elbow "you must have figured that out already"

Luke now looked upwards, to where the stairs stopped; he could what looked to be a massive telescope "It's an astronomy tower?"

"He thought we were going ice skating" Reid remarked in Paul’s direction.

"You? Ice skating? Hah! “Paul laughed in response

"Hey! I'm a new Reid; two days ago I rode a motorbike."

Paul pretended to fall over "But you hate motorbikes"

"I've got a new found love for them" Reid replied with a smirk, looking back at Luke who still hadn't released his hand from Reid's.

“Looks like you’ve got a new found love for something else as well.” Paul replied, as a whisper, nodding at Luke but looking at Reid, Luke was looking down the stairs, he wasn’t paying attention, he was in too much awe of how the evening was progressing.

“Maybe” Reid replied

“It suits you, you look good, you look less……” Paul started

“Me” Reid finished

“Yeah, if that makes sense, you look you, but a different you.”

Reid laughed “That makes perfect sense Paul!”

“You know what I mean, it does that you know.” Paul said

“What does?”

“Love! It changes you, it changes everything!” Paul replied

“What changes everything?” Luke asked, now finally catching up with the conversation.

“Lo..” Paul was shouted over by Reid “Star gazing!”

Paul shot a curious glance at Reid as they continued to ascend the internal stairs Paul leading and Reid and Luke followed on behind, Paul called out backwards to Reid "Do you still remember how this works, or do you need me to show you."

"I remember, you just set it up, I can do the rest."


To Luke the next two hours were just perfect, heaven almost, this had not at all been what he had expected the date to be like, this was, romantic and according to Reid, he didn't do romance. Reid had obviously been here a few times, it was clearly something that fascinated him, the stars and the planets.

"How long has this been a passion of yours?" Luke asked

"Are you kidding, who doesn't like looking at the stars, the human brain and how it works I understand, planets, stars, galaxies and everything else in-between, I want to learn to understand. OK, let's start with the basics....." Reid moved over to the computer, Paul had shown him how to do this several times before. He knew where to find everything on the computer and with a couple of clicks the telescope burst into life, to Luke it looked as
if it only moved mere millimetres, but in the grand spectrum of things it had moved miles.

"OK, if I’ve done that right you should be able to see the moon." Reid stated

Luke closed his left eye and peered through the telescope lens "My God, that's so clear; you can see all the craters as detailed as if they were merely a few miles away, it's also so bright, that truly is so beautiful." Luke replied

"Ok let me see" Reid stood up from the chair by the computers and Luke moved to the side, peering his eye into the lens, he would never tire of seeing it, it truly was a wonder to behold, Reid could tell he was being watched.

"What?" he asked

"Nothing, it's just.....when I think I have you figured out; you pull something like this on me!" Luke replied

"Oh god! you don't like this? I should have just done something ordinary shouldn't I, I was just trying to..." Reid started

Luke placed his hand on top of Reid’s which was resting on the lens of the telescope "Reid, this is definitely not at all what I had in mind, but it's fantastic and could never be ordinary."

Reid smiled, "OK." he practically leaped back over to the computer "if you thought that was good, now this one...this is my personal favourite. I'll test your astronomy, I'll give you a treat if you can tell me what planet it is" Reid clicked about and the telescope moved once more, again barely a fraction.

Luke peered through the lens "That's easy, Jupiter, GOD!" Luke screamed out "You can see it's moons, that is truly amazing"

"Hang on for a sec, if I remember rightly I can zoom in on the moons somehow" Reid clicked about and the telescope whirred but didn't move. "OK, an extra special treat if you know what the moon is."

"I know it has one called Ganymede, but I have no idea if it's that one or not!" Luke replied

Reid stood from the chair, moving closer to Luke he pushed him backwards into the railing that was behind him, pulling him into a slow, sensual kiss running his fingers through Luke's hair softly as his tongue moved in to meet Luke's.

"Mmmm" Luke replied, it had been two days since he'd felt those lips against his and he'd missed them "Did I guess right"

"You certainly did Mr Snyder, maybe you're not as useless as I thought, I should have more faith in you." Reid smiled

“OK, test me again, I want another treat.” Luke replied.

luke/reid, lure_atwt, so snyder?

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