So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - CHAPTER ELEVEN

Oct 13, 2010 16:56


Title: So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide?
Author Lure247 (Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Rating: Chapters vary PG13 to NC17, will rate accordingly. This one PG13
Summary: Luke works for a gay and lesbian magazine, his next column assignment, "how do you get a guy to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide". He's not happy with this new assignment so now he needs to find a guy who is a dead cert, someone who won't commit, someone who definitely won't fall in love with him........

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters; if I did then things would be different. This is loosely based on a film that I love; I'm not going to say the name in case I get sued :-)

Before you begin to read, just wanted to voice here how my faith in humanity has been restored after the events today in Chile, and hope you all join me in wishing that the rescue mission continues to go as smoothly as it has continued to do so far, it really does make me smile when communities and people all over the world come together.

Thank you for your time.


For over an hour Luke and Reid stayed in the wonderful land of complete and utter sexual ecstasy, Reid had had no intention of letting Luke go straight to sleep after the first time and even though they both had to get up in the morning, although a Saturday Reid had early rounds in the hospital and Luke had notes to write for his column, neither man let up, even when tiredness had begun to creep in, knocking at the door and begging them to stop.

Finally though, as Reid's bedside clock ticked over to 2:34, Luke wavered, he'd been up early that morning, visiting Amy and he wasn't used to it like Reid was, he was completely and utterly exhausted and as much as he never wanted this time with Reid to end, at some point one of them was going to have to give in, they couldn’t kiss, lick and caress each other for eternity, could they?

No, they would eventually run out of new places, although, as Luke thought about it he was already sure that Reid had licked his tongue along every, EVERY, single bit of skin that there was anyway, he supposed Reid could always start again from the strong Luke, you’ve got to be awake tomorrow morning to get your notes on Lauren’s desk on time.

It was tough for him to ask Reid at this particular moment in time though, as what he was currently doing to him, was sending him into new heights and Luke liked it up here, amongst the swirly fluffy clouds of pure adult indulgement.
" you think I could go to sleep now?" he asked, he was lying on his front, his arms under the pillows, his head resting against them.

Reid pulled his head back from between Luke’s arse cheeks, curling his tongue back into his mouth, he looked disappointed, "But there's still so much I want to do to you!" he knelt up onto the bed and Luke rolled over.

"But that's OK, we don't have to do everything all in one night, " Luke stretched his arms up above his head. "We can save some things for another time" he said through his yawn.

"What things?" Reid said intrigued

"Well, I liked the thing you did with your tongue, maybe I could return the favour." Luke said, Reid lay down onto the bed beside Luke, who absentmindedly started tweaking at Reid's nipple.

Reid smiled brightly "I thought you'd liked that, but remind me next time to gag you first before doing that again"

Luke blushed a little, still circling his finger around the outer ring of Reid's nipple "Was I loud?"

"Loud?" Reid laughed, "Luke, it wasn't even readable, you were off the scale."

Luke shifted uncomfortably, Reid noticed the uneasiness suddenly within Luke so quickly added “That's not a bad thing Luke" he stroked his hand along Luke's arm. "A guy likes to know when he's doing something right."

"It was more than right, Reid" Luke replied, moving himself higher up the bed, lifting his legs up and sliding underneath the covers, Reid followed suit, allowing Luke to fit in back where he'd been before, he fitted nicely under his arm, almost like he'd been made specifically for that spot.

"Earlier...when I said you were my boyfriend, it just kind of slipped out.....but you didn't deny it!" Luke felt Reid turn his head to look at him but he didn't look back at him.

"Were you expecting me to?" Reid replied

"It's just, it's only been three days, but when I said just felt right, I said it because I was worried that you were's just....oh, I don't really know what I'm trying to say, no I do know what I'm trying to say, it's just coming out all wrong, I'm tired, not thinking straight."

"Luke, Luke, Luke “Reid said in a calming tone. "Tell me what you're thinking; I won't laugh, well, not unless it's completely stupid."

"It's just....don't you think it odd that it's only been three days, I called you my boyfriend and neither of us thought it was odd, doesn’t this just feel right? I have so much fun with you, I never thought that ...." Luke stopped

"What? You never thought you'd have fun with me right? Because I'm such a jerk" Reid wasn't annoyed at Luke, he knew he could be a jerk.

"But that's just it Reid, you haven't been a jerk, you've been....perfect, you're wonderful."

Reid laughed a little at being called wonderful, he'd been called many things in his life, wonderful had never been one of them "And that's surprised you?"

"A little, yeah! It's like your two different Reid's the one that I've gotten to know, who's this cool, charming, caring guy and the one that the staff at Memorial are more accustomed to, the guy who doesn't have time for anyone or anything."

"I have time for things that I'm interested in Luke, I'm not interested in idle chit chat at work, but I am interested in you!" Reid thought about what Luke had said again for a moment "Hang on! If you thought I was like that why did you ask me out?"

Shit! Luke thought, he was talking himself into a hole "I thought you were hot! I've always thought you were hot!" Luke muttered

"Really, always? Always since when?"

Luke took a big gulp "Since I first saw you, I thought, who is this devilishly handsome new neurosurgeon, but..."
"..but you thought I was a jerk."

"No....I knew you were a jerk, it wasn’t that fact that stopped me, I didn't know you were gay, didn't think you'd be interested in me" Luke knew this to be false as Katie had told him otherwise, he was interested to see whether Reid would be honest and tell him so.

"I was interested in you, I thought, who is this devilishly handsome annoyingly constantly chatting guy, the one that keeps coming in and talking to the other annoyingly constantly chatting guy who works at the hospital..."
"...Casey" Luke reminded Reid.

"Whoever....I just're nothing like me Luke, you're cheery, optimistic, sunny, smiley..." Reid was interrupted.

"You smile Reid"

"It's only recently become a new addition to my many facial expressions, one that I use only for you." Reid replied he was still stroking his hand up and down Luke's arm; he hugged Luke into him a little more.

"But that's good though, isn't it, that we're different, life could be very boring if everyone was the same, we complement each other, bring out the best in each other."

"You're right on one thing Luke; I get the feeling that life with you could never be boring." Reid glanced at his clock, it was now nearly 3:00, he really did now need to get some sleep, his alarm would be going off in 2 hours, he could manage on 2 hours, he rolled over onto his right side, and felt Luke spoon up behind him, not leaving a gap that even air could get into, their feet entwined.

"Night Luke" Reid muttered

"Night" Luke pressed his lips to the back of Reid's neck and kissed him lightly.


Luke vaguely remembered the early hours of the next morning, he didn’t hear the alarm go off, but he did remember Reid kissing him goodbye as he glanced a look at the clock showing him it was 5:26. He also remembered Reid getting to the door of his apartment and coming back to him, laying next to him on top of the bed and cuddling against him, fully clothed, the next time Luke looked at the clock it was 5:38 and Reid was still there, he wasn’t asleep, he was just lying there.

“Don’t you need to go to work?” Luke asked smiling to himself.

“Yeah, I’ll see you later?” Reid got up once again, with a heavy sigh.

“You bet”

“Oh, make sure the door closes fully when you leave, it keeps sticking.” Reid kissed Luke one more time, hoping that it would last him until he saw him again.

“Sure” Luke yawned, nuzzling his head deep into the pillow.

What Luke didn’t remember, what he couldn’t remember as he’d fallen back asleep instantly, was that Reid didn’t leave straight away, he stood and watched Luke sleeping in his bed for a few moments, as he’d done when he’d first gotten out of the bed at 5:00, he’d let the clock tick over to 5:45 before he finally left his apartment.

Luke awoke about 3 hours later, got quickly showered and dressed, made his way over to work, typed out his notes, left them on Lauren’s desk and then headed off to the hospital, he wasn’t just going to see Reid, he was going to visit Amy...............then Reid.

Luke's phone vibrated in his pocket, a text message from Casey


> Luke replied


Luke had barely put his phone in his pocket and carried on reading to Amy before Casey's face appeared around the doorframe, he looked at Amy who was heavily sedated and then looked at Luke, a book on his lap.

"What are you doing?" Casey sat himself down in the chair next to him.

"Err...reading a book to Amy."

"Luke, she's sedated."

"So, I promised I'd read again to her, I know she can hear me......she's already looking a lot healthier don't you think?"

Reid had been at the nurses station in paediatrics, he'd managed to grab five minutes so thought he'd check in with the nurses looking after Amy and see how she was doing, as he'd been talking to one of the nurses he'd seen Luke's irritating friend run past him, down towards the direction of Amy's room, seeing as he'd have no business going there, Reid could only draw one conclusion, Luke was there, he proceeded to follow Casey and waited just outside the door.

"...don't you think?"

"I don't know Luke, I never saw her before the operation, although I've been hearing rumours that Dr Oliver completely lost it in the OR."


"Apparently he started whispering into Amy's ear and begging her not to give up, he freaked everyone as he never does that, all the doctors wanted to call it, but he persevered"

Luke smiled, Reid had been listening to him "Well it's a good job he did or she wouldn't be here now. She’s got a lot more colour in her face, she was so pale before....I know he's modest, but he really should be so proud..."

"I guess you mean Dr Fantastic?" Casey drolled out

"You need to give him a chance Case."

"So, come on then, that's why I'm here, tell me about your date with Dr Evil?"

Luke didn't reply straight away, he couldn't stop smiling.

"O... M .... G...." Casey shouted out "You lucky dog you"

"Shut up" Luke laughed back in response "Anyway I don't want to talk about this in front of Amy."

"She can't hear you Luke, come on, obviously I don't want to know all the gory details, thinking about where you and Reid put your bits will make me heave, but come on, I think you might be developing a bit of a crush."

Luke looked over at Casey, "Oh Case, it's more than a crush" Luke sighed out "and it's come really unexpected, he's not at all how I thought he'd be, I really meant what I said, you need to give him more of a chance. Imagine how many Amy's he's had as patients over the years, and then imagine how many of those he's probably lost...."

"You're going off the topic here, did you or did you know" Casey made an action of thrusting his hips upwards and bringing his arms down in time.

"Thank you for that mental image Casey, but it wasn't needed, with you I always know what you mean....yes, we did." Luke concentrated on the words in the book on his lap.

"And there was me thinking that Snyder didn't sleep with a guy on a second date, I'm surprised you still remembered what to do.” Casey laughed out.

"Casey....shut up....just because I'm not like you, sleeping with anything that moves..."

"Any girl" Casey corrected.

"OK, Any girl that has to mean something."

"And,'re saying that it meant something with the doc!"


"You've lost it, seriously mate; I think he must be drugging you or something." Casey kicked at Luke’s foot.

"Have you never had sex with a girl Case and it felt completely different, it felt.....right, no right's not the word.....perfect, like it was meant to be?"

Casey couldn't stop laughing, "You're talking to the wrong guy mate, in fact you don't want to talk to a guy period, this is more girls talk."

Casey was beginning to irritate him so he decided to take a different tactic "We did it like rabbits all night, until the early hours of the morning, couldn't get enough of each other, you want to see his body Casey..."

As Luke chatted away, Casey put his fingers in his ears and shouted out "LA LA LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU" As Casey continued so did Luke, his voice getting louder and louder and Casey’s LA LA's getting louder also, when Luke had run out of things to wind up Casey with he stopped talking and Casey stopped singing, neither realising that Reid was quietly listening outside the door, secretly amused.

"So why exactly did you want to talk to me if you didn't actually want to listen." Luke asked

"I said I didn't want to know the gory details, I just wondered if you'd come to your senses the big question is do you think he loves you?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders "That was never the plan though was it Case....he likes me, that's clear, but love....I don't know..."

Reid's pager vibrated against his leg, he was needed in the neurology wing, he'd come back and check on Amy later, although by the looks of things, she was already being well looked after. As Reid made his way back to neurology, he kept running what Luke had said over in his head, Reid loving him had never been part of the plan, what did that mean?

"Do you love him?" Casey asked

Luke bit his bottom lip "You know what Casey, I think I just might."

luke/reid, lure_atwt, so snyder?

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