Attached (CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE) - Reid has to leave :(

Oct 14, 2010 22:54

Title Attached CHAPTER 25
Author Lure247 (AKA Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Summary: Memorial hospital is building a new neurology wing, and Dr Bob needs a top neurosurgeon. Luke just happens to know such a person, someone who he has met before and has never forgotten. Now all he needs to do is persuade him to come to Oakdale.
Warnings: This chapter has language, there are no spoilers as it’s totally AU, chapters vary from PG 13 to NC 17
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters; if I did then things would be different.


"Luke?" Reid nudged his elbow underneath Luke's armpit.

"Hmmm?" Luke replied sleepily.

"Did you hear what I just said?"


Reid slid his arm out from underneath Luke so he fell off him and onto the bed, now he could see his face, it was obvious to him, Luke was out for the count, completely and utterly 100 and 10 percent asleep.

Reid sighed heavily, the first time he'd ever told another guy that he was in love with him and he wasn't even awake to hear it.

"Great Mr Snyder" Reid muttered to himself "Now that I actually want to talk, you fall asleep; you're so irritating do you know that?"

"Mmmm" Luke replied

Reid propped himself up onto his elbow, circling his index finger across Luke's naked chest he continued to mutter to himself.

"...I mean, you never stop talking, apart from now obviously, you mutter on incessantly about the most mundane rubbish that could bore even the most patient of people. You're always trying to play Mr fix-it, with your constant need to make everyone as joyfully happy as you always seem to be. You wear stupidly tight trousers, you're hair is, well look at it" As Reid continued to circle his finger along Luke's chest; he took his other hand and raked it through Luke's hair "it's so spiky it's puncturing holes in your pillow. You're always so annoyingly optimistic, even now as you’re sleeping, you’ve got an inane grin on your face......” he mused over Luke’s face, he looked so happy and contented. “What are you doing to me Luke?" Reid sighed heavily again "because……..I realise now that I love you for all of those things and so much more."

Reid lay back down onto the bed onto his side, putting his arm across Luke, closing his eyes, trying to force himself to sleep, but his mind was too active, he was thinking about the upcoming two weeks without Luke.

Before Luke he'd never thought that he was lonely, although he’d had Alex, they didn't see that much of each other and when they were apart Reid was fine with that. But he knew as soon as he was back in Texas without Luke loneliness would hit him immediately, because this weekend had felt like a lifetime.

There was always the possibility of Luke coming back with him, but he couldn't be distracted, he had two weeks to wade his way through his patient waiting list, find out which patients would follow him and those that didn't he'd need to find them another neurosurgeon, specific to their diagnosis, not all neurosurgeons could cope with everything the brain could throw at them like Reid could. Finding the right surgeon for each patient would be a long winded process, a process which he had to get right.

No.... Luke would be a distraction, a nice distraction granted, but if he didn't focus he'd not get all that he needed to get done in those two weeks, meaning he wouldn't be able to move to Oakdale in two weeks, meaning that his time away from Luke would be greater than two weeks. He knew Luke would object, he could picture Luke’s disappointed face and knew he wouldn't understand, he knew Luke would be stroppy and upset, but even though he knew all of this he still loved him.

Finally the voices in his head quietened, they didn't stop, but they were low enough that Reid drifted off to sleep.


At 7am his alarm awoke him, his plane was flying out at 11am and he needed to get to Katie's, pack and then get to the airport. He looked over at Luke who was fast asleep, clearly Luke was a heavy sleeper like he was, Reid thought. Most often when Reid finally did retire to bed it would be after long shifts at the hospital, sometimes going on more than a whole days worth of hours, so once in bed, when he was out, he was out.

It would take the noise of a big brass marching band to wake him up, but because Reid didn't have one of these, he used his phone, set each morning to play heavy metal out at the highest volume. Today’s random song choice had been Nirvana, smells like team spirit, which hadn't woke him up until the chorus had kicked in; so this made it even harder for him to believe that Luke was still asleep.

He decided to get showered and dressed first before having his chat with Luke, somehow he figured being naked wouldn't help the situation. He was showered and dressed within 20 minutes, he'd spent 4 minutes alone putting some of Luke’s gel into his hair and trying to spike it the way that Luke did, the way that made his knees go weak, but he couldn't do it, couldn’t get it just right, he tried to flatten it back down again, but it just looked like a big mess, he didn't have time to wash it again so just left it.
Walking back into the bedroom and sitting onto the edge of the bed he grabbed at Luke's arm and rolled him, he didn't wake.

He counted to 3 in his head "WAKE UP" he shouted, Luke's eyes opened briefly but then closed again, he rolled over and hugged at thin air, the air that had now taken the space of where Reid had been lying. Strangely it was the emptiness of the bed that woke him, not Reid shouting, he opened his eyes fully now.

"Reid?" Luke rolled onto his back and sat up, now seeing Reid sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey" Reid said

Luke rubbed at his eyes, "Hey, what time is it?"

"Nearly half seven, my plane leaves at 11, I've got to go!"

"Why didn't you wake me, I haven't got enough time to get ready and come with you, I need to pack, I need to..."

Reid placed a hand to Luke's arm "Luke, it's best if.......look I've got to get a lot of work done in two weeks...I think, no, I know....." God how did he say this.

"You don't want me to come back with you?" Luke had understood what Reid was trying to say.

"It's not a case of not wanting you to, of course I want you to, look, if you come back with me, we both know that you'll distract me, in a good way” he added as he saw Luke’s brow furrow, “which means I won't get all that I need to get done in the two weeks, which means it will take me longer than two weeks, which means" he held on tight to Luke's hand "it' will be even longer before I can move down here for good."

"Not even for just this weekend, I'll be so quiet, you won't even know that I'm there I promise."

"But what's the point in that Luke, if you're there, I'll want know, do things with you and I seriously won't have time, I'll be working even longer hours than normal, knowing that you're at my house waiting for me will just be unbearable, do you understand?" Please say you understand, Reid thought; please don’t let us leave on bad terms.

"I understand, but it doesn't mean I have to like it." Luke said, looking down, not meeting Reid’s eyes, he wasn’t angry at him, but he was angry at the situation.

"I know, I don't like it either........Luke?" Reid put his hand to the side of Luke's cheek

"Yes" Luke said a little rushed, like he was pissed off.

"I.....I love you."

Luke didn't reply, for once he was tongue tied, Reid didn't need for him to reply though, he could see the happiness in his face.

Leaning in, moving his hand round to the back of Luke's head and caressing the hair he found there he pushed his lips against Luke's and kissed him slowly, noses slightly rubbing against each other as their heads moved from side to side, mouths opening and closing as if in slow motion, eyes catching glances at each other occasionally.

"I told you last night but you were asleep" Reid replied, once he'd broken the kiss.

Luke laughed "Oh god, I’m so sorry, I was shattered............. I can't believe that you just told me that you love me" Luke put both of his hands up to his hair and brushed through it quickly.

"Well I did and I do, just thought you might like to know."

"It means a lot to me, Reid, knowing how hard it is for you to say it, and it now makes me more comfortable being able to say it back. It's not nice to tell someone you love them and not hear it back."

"Well go on then?" Reid replied

"I LOVE YOU REID OLIVER" Luke half shouted and half laughed out.

Reid kissed Luke quickly again on the lips "I really do need to go."

Luke's smile faded "How are you getting to the airport?"

"I'll ask Katie or get a taxi."

"That's silly, I can drive you." Luke made an attempt to get out of the bed.

"No Luke, it's easier to leave it here, don't want teary goodbyes from you at the airport, I don't want the last memory of you for two weeks to be of you looking miserable, crying with red puffy eyes. Can't we just leave it here, with me saying I love you and you saying you love me? Plus, I can't have you crying over me in a public place as I'll have to console you and I do have an image to upload you know."

"Ok" Luke sniffed a little "It does make sense, I'm gonna miss you so much" Luke now noticed Reid's hair "What's going on with your hair?"

"I tried to gel it, make it a bit spiky." Reid replied

Luke grinned the biggest smile that Reid thought he'd ever seen on him "Like mine" he giggled

"No, not like yours, just fancied something a little different."

"Hmmm, sure, come here" Luke said, taking his finger tips to Reid's hair and re-adjusting it, after a few quick swipes and sweeps, a few head tilts as he looked at it from different angles and then poked at it a bit more it was perfect, still keeping the gorgeous curls that he loved so much, but adding a bit of spike to it also. "Hot" Luke said.

Reid got up off the bed and walked out into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, he wasn't sure how Luke had done it, but in 15 seconds he'd gotten it just exactly how he'd been trying to. The next thing he knew Luke was behind him, looking at Reid's reflection also in the mirror, his top bed sheet wrapped around his waist.

"See, you can't cope without me, it's so painfully clear that you need me in your life." Luke leaned his head onto Reid's shoulder who promptly turned around so they were facing each other, taking his hands around Luke's waist.

"I do, I do need you in my life, I didn't realise before you that I was missing something, someone, but you're right, it is now, not painfully, but clear, to me that I need you."

Luke leant inwards, pushing Reid's arse into the sink behind him, kissing his lips softly, he grabbed at Reid's hands which were at his waist and moved them underneath the white sheet that was wrapped around him and onto his own arse, tightening his grip on Reid's hand so in turn his arse cheeks were squeezed.

Reid understood where this was going "Luke I don't have time."

"Just a quick one, please, if I'm not going to see you for two weeks...."

“Luke, seriously, I’ll miss my plane.”

“No you won’t. “ Luke planted kisses against Reid’s neck after each word.

Reid groaned “I really have to go.”

“So go ”

“I am, I’m going” Reid replied, his hands still under the bed sheet, he was now groping and massaging at Luke’s arse cheeks, not even realising he was doing so.

“You don’t look like you’re going”

“I am, it’s just that I’m moving in slow motion, you can’t tell.” Reid groaned again as Luke cupped his groin with his hand, “Luke…….Luke.” He was now opening his fly, putting his hand inside and massaging him through the hole.

Reid turned his head to the side, brining his arm up to eye level he looked at his watch, it was now nearing 8am, he had to check in 2 hours before take off which meant he had to be there for 9am, if he raced to Katie’s, packed quickly and then got her to drive fast to the airport he could make it.

He pulled his hands upwards, away from Luke’s arse, bringing the sheet with him, chucking it to one side so Luke was completely naked in front of him, Luke stopped kissing at Reid’s neck and leaned back smiling.

“I don’t know why you even bothered fighting it, you know you can’t resist me……because you love me” Luke said.

attached, luke/reid, lure_atwt

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