Fun fic Friday!

Sep 16, 2011 19:55

~Fun Fic Friday~

TGIF!  It’s the day before the weekend, and what better way to close out a long week than with a fun dose of ficlets and drabbles of Luke, Reid, or Luke & Reid?  Or how about some amazing icons or graphics of the guys?  Here’s your chance to contribute a short fic or icon of our favorite couple.

However, it must be based on or inspired by this week’s prompt:


Fic Rules:
1. 500 words or less.
2. Please post the entire fic in a comment to this post. 
3. You may write more than 1 fic for the same prompt.

Graphics Rules:
1. Icons must be 100x100 pixels and under 40k, .png, .jpg, or .gif.
2. Animations okay.
3. Text is optional.
4. Please include icons, screencaps, and graphics in a comment to this post.

Challenge begins today and ends next Thursday, September 22, 2011. If there's enough interest, sleeper6, moerlin, and I would love to turn this into a weekly event.

And even if you're not creating something, you can still participate by reading and commenting.  Show the love to the brilliant creators in the fandom!

luke/reid, fanart, drabble prompt meme, icons, graphics, fan fiction

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