Lure Santa 2011 - Rules and Information

Sep 09, 2011 22:39

THIS IS NOT THE SIGN-UP POST YET. Do NOT sign-up to this post. I'm just posting the rules and the sign-up template ahead of time so people will have a chance to decide whether they want to participate and to think about their prompts, as well as give you time to ask questions that are unclear

Sign up: September 11-18
Assignments: September 24/25
Gift Due date: October 31
Gift distribution: starts December 1st
The big creator reveal: January 2012

How it works:

Lure Santa is a winter holiday gift exchange.
If you sign up you will receive a gift and are expected to give one in return.

If you complete your assignment you will get a gift in return, no matter what. I'll do whatever I must to make certain everyone who gives will also receive.
If you fail to complete your assignment you will not receive a gift.

The Sign-up template
(again, do not post this here, there will be a sign-up post come September 11)
To sign up, fill out the following template:

LJ Name:
Email address: (please use one you regularly check)
4-6 gift requests in order of priority: (see below for details)
What medium you're willing to create: (stories, art, icons, vids, etc.)
What content you're willing to create/you'd like to receive: (kinks, secondary pairings, dark!fic, romance, etc.)
What content you aren't willing to create/don't want to receive: (squicks, secondary pairings you don't want to see, etc.)
Could you think working as a pinch hitter or beta in November: yes/no

Requests don’t have to be holiday specific. If you want to request something that plays out in mid-summer, feel free to do so

All requests must be Luke/Reid-centric, but you may request three- or moresomes involving the guys as well as any slash or het secondary pairings you'd like to see.

Prompt Examples
1) I'd like a set of icons with chess references
2) I'd like art for my story "The Epic Lure Romance"
3) I'd like a story in which Luke and Reid go on holiday to Transylvania and meet vampires. Vampire!Chris ties to kill Reid, Luke comes up with a way to save him. If you want you may include an orgy with the vampires
4) I'd like a vid to the song “twinkle twinkle little star” only using scenes where they push each other against walls

There is no cap on the number of participants. However, once sign-ups are closed I can’t take further participants due to matching process

On September 24/25 you should receive an email containing your assignment, i.e. learn about the person you'll be creating a gift for and their requests. Please answer said email so I see that you got your assignment.

You won't get to choose whom you create a gift for, but if you absolutely can't fulfill any of your recipient's requests let me know ASAP, and we'll work something out.

This is an anonymous exchange, so do not reveal whom your recipient is and do not post your gift yourself! All gifts will be posted by Lure Santa and gift announcements will be made on lure_atwt through December

It will depend on number of gifts created if:
… there will be only a gift every other day or a couple of gifts each day
… posting will last until December 24 or 31

Gifts will be posted in random order.

Do not post or archive your story/art/other gift elsewhere until after the master list of submissions has been posted and the names of the creators have all been revealed early in January 2012. After the reveal you can post/archive wherever you please but until then, keep it a secret.

Requesting Gifts
1) Do not write, draw or vid for any prompt that isn’t assigned to you. Reading through the sign-up comments will be tempting and inspiring, but if you see someone's request and start working on it without it having been assigned to you, it makes my job a lot harder, and it will screw things up for the Fest, so please don't do it.
There is still time in January and beyond to pick up any prompt you love to fill and create for it

2) Remember that if you sign-up and leave prompts you are expected to create a gift in return. If you know from the start that you will be unable to do that, please don’t sign up.
There is lure_prompts if you want to see something created, but are unable to do it yourself

3) You may NOT request the following:
- art/graphics based on a story that you did not write
- a story based on art you did not create

4) Please prioritize your prompts in numerical order, with #1 being your most desired choice. You may also state if your prompts are equal in desire to have them fulfilled

5) Please state if a prompt is for fic, art, vid, something else, or if it can be either.
Try not to make all prompts based on the same media.
Try to include at least two fic prompts

I can't guarantee you'll get your first choice, but it will help me matching requests if I know what you want most.

6) Try to keep your prompts from being too vague or too specific. In other words, try to give the writers/artists some details to inspire them, but also leave them some room for their own creativity.

Creating gifts

1 )Lure Santa reserves the right to return gifts that does not fit the requests of the recipient; does not adhere to the recipient's want/do not want lists; does not show evidence of time, effort, and/or thorough editing put into the work. If your work is returned to you, you will be given some extra time to revise and resubmit your work.

2) Remember, what you create will be a gift for someone else, so please only list skills that you are strong in. Ffor example, don't list being willing to create icons if you have to add something like "well, I can make icons, but they'll be crappy" in your sign-up.

3) You will have five weeks to create your gift so please keep this limits in mind

Stories should be at least 1500 words long
Vids should be at least 3 minutes long - unless you are given a song to work with that is shorter
For Icons you should at least make a batch of 10 that will be of exclusive use for you recipient
A Fanmix should at least contain 7 songs and a index graphic

4) If there is more then one prompt in your recipients wish list that you find inspiring, you may fulfill more then one.
Please keep in mind that limits will still apply every single gift, not a combination of them

5) If you absolutely can't finish your gift in the time between receiving your assignment and the allotted deadline, email me, and we'll work out a (short) extension.

If I haven't received your submission or a request for an extension by the deadline, I'm not going to chase you down. I'll post a list of the participants whom I haven't heard from a day after the due date. If I don't hear from you after that, you'll be dropped from the exchange and your assignment will be given to a pinch hitter
If you don't send in your assigned gift you won't receive yours; it will be given to someone else, and you won't be allowed to participate should I do an exchange again. Yes, I do keep track (even across fandoms)



1) Please use your recipients name/user ID as the file name.

2) Please don't put your signature ON the artwork either until after the reveal in January.

3) Images, vids and icons may be sent zipped or unzipped. All gifts will be uploaded by Lure Santa to preserve the anonymity of the creator.

4) When submitting your gift, please identify your LJ name and include header info: title of the piece(s), rating, notes, and/or any warnings at minimum.

5) All gifts should be sent to lure_santa @


1) Please submit your story in .rtf format. Do NOT send .html files. All gifts should be sent to lure_santa @ use th recipients name/ID as the file name.

2) When submitting your gift, please identify your LJ name and include header info: title, rating, summary, notes, and/or any warnings at minimum.
Please don't identify your beta readers in your header info since it might jeopardize your anonymity.

3) Tag your own HTML code for bold and italics. Do not simply bold or italicize in the document without using the code ( < i > and < b > without the spaces), because I'll send it back and ask you to include the code. I won't have time to do it for you


Let’s have fun and make this a holiday season filled with lots of Lure love!

One last thing to art creators: If you are willing to help me out with creating a Lure Santa graphic, drawing or icon, please email me at lure_santa @ ASAP, thanks!

lure secret santa, !author|artist: jassanja

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