
Sep 09, 2011 17:09

Title: Fragile 4/?
Author: sajaal
Rating: pg13 - NC17 (for now)
Characters: Luke, Cal Strickland, Reid, Casey, Ali, Noah,  other Oakdalian’s mentioned.

Disclaimers’:  I do not own any of them…it would be nice though, sigh.

Summary:  Luke never met Dr. Reid Oliver when he came to Oakdale to perform Noah’s surgery.  Luke comes back after he leaves and Luke and Noah are still together (for a little while)…Luke ends up in re-hab and that changes him and the course of his life.  He meets Dr. Reid Oliver in Dallas in the fall of 2012...

Fragile, like a baby in your arms. 
Be gentle with me.
I’d never willingly,
Do you harm.

You know each and every one,
But I need to drink,
More than you seem to think,
Before I’m anyone’s,
And you know

“It’s a Question of Lust”; Depeche Mode

Chapter #4:

Luke shook his head and returned to the present, he needed to head over to the tailor. Cal dropped Luke off and told him that he would pick him up and take him to lunch first and then to the offices since it was getting late. Luke walked in and met Louis, who made quick work of an Armani tux off the rack that only needed a few adjustments.  Luke walked out of the dressing room to see an auburn haired man in a heated discussion with Louis.

“I’m sorry sir, your tux will be ready in five minutes.  I had an emergency fitting to do and I had not completed your alterations yet.” Louis tried to explain.

“Did you not hear me the first time?” the auburn haired man spoke quietly but condescendingly. “I do not have time for your petty excuses.  I need to be back in the operating room in 30 minutes and I still need to eat.  I get very angry when I’m hungry”. he almost shouted “Now get me my suit!”

“Okay, III.. will see if it is finished.” Louis stammered and scurried to the back.

The man turned and looked at Luke and his eyebrow quirked up.

“I guess you’re the one who thought he could jump the line, I hope you choke on your silver spoon at whatever dinner you have to attend to tonight.” he snarled at Luke.

Luke just stood still with his mouth agape, the man talking to him was gorgeous, with steely blue eyes that locked with his and he felt himself gulp in some air and swallow.  The man was wearing a long sleeve grey jersey shirt under a blue scrub top emphasizing his lean frame with loose blue scrub bottoms.

“Cat got your tongue, Richie Rich?” asked the man as he looked Luke up and down, this guy is definitely checking me out Luke thought.

Before Luke could say anything Louis was back with the man’s tux.

“I am so sorry that I kept you waiting Dr. Oliver.” Louis apologized “Good luck with your surgery.” he added.

“Louis, I don’t need luck I’m the best and a genius and I expect better service next time.” with that he turned to leave with one final appraising look in Luke’s direction.

“Have fun at your soiree’, Richie Rich.” he quipped and walked out.

He hesitated for a split second when he heard Louis say “Ah!, Mr. Snyder that looks perfect on you.”

Dr. Reid Oliver could not have agreed more and he could not believe that he had finally seen the infamous Luke Snyder in the flesh.  The pictures he had seen of him when he was dealing with Noah did not do him justice…he was hot.

“Who was that guy?” Luke asked Louis, afraid that he had heard him wrong.

“Oh, that was the infamous Dr. Reid Oliver a brilliant neurosurgeon at South Western Hospital.  I forget how rude and obnoxious he is.” Louis stated “But he is the best and I am sure whoever is having surgery today will be fine.”

Luke shook his head and thanked Louis for helping him so quickly with the tux, Louis said he would have it delivered to the condo later that day.  Luke was still thinking about Dr. Oliver and he could not get over how hot he looked.  Luke was not aware that Dr. Oliver had gone back to working at South Western he thought that he had been running his own clinic since returning to Dallas.

He must be about 36 or 37 Luke thought since Luke was now 25 and he was 11 - 12 years older than him.  He definitely looked pretty fine for an older guy, not really tall but lean in all the right places.  Luke blushed as he felt himself stiffen in his jeans, I can’t believe he checked me out like that, Luke thought.

Now he understood what Casey meant when he said Reid would never marry Katie, he was gay.  Luke had to laugh, how did Casey end up with two best friends that were gay, what did that say about Casey.

Luke and Cal had a quick lunch at a local bistro famous for its sandwiches.  Roxy’s Bistro made huge sandwiches as well as soup’s, wraps and salads.  Luke settled for a cobb salad and Cal had a roast beef sandwich that he just picked at, once again Luke was feeling concerned about Cal.

Luke made one quick call to Dr. Donal O’Sullivan at the hospital in London.  He told Donal of Cal’s symptoms and how he had been waiting to see Dr. Reid Oliver for months.  Donal chuckled and said,

“Still the arrogant asshole with a huge ego I see”.

“You know him?” Luke asked.

“Who doesn’t in the neurology world?  I had the misfortune of doing a rotation with him when he was at Harvard Med School.  He is definitely brilliant but he has the personality of an ogre, grab your pitchfork.  Tell him to send me a copy of the scan’s from his tests on Cal, I would like to take a look at them myself. You said that Cal has been having headaches, anything else?” Donal asked.

“He is showing some trembling in his hands as well as some lack of coordination.  He stumbled a little when we were getting up from lunch and blamed it on his clumsiness again.” Luke told Donal.

After Luke hung up the phone he made his way to Cal’s office’s and went through meetings with Sheila, Cal’s designer and Blake the architect he had recommended.  The meetings went well and they seemed to understand what Luke was asking with respect to the layout and feel of the new wing.

Around 5 pm Luke got a text from Casey.

“Yo dude we will be by at 9 pm to pick you up and take you to Club Clearview, one of Dallas’s trendy bars”.

Luke sighed and returned the text saying “Okay, but he was not really in the mood for Casey’s motives“.

Casey had been trying to get Luke laid for the past year and kept taking him to bars that catered to all types.  Luke ran a hand through his long hair and laughed at himself.  That gave him enough time to go through the presentation that he was giving at the hospital the next day.  Luke quickly went through his slides on his laptop, adding some comments and information that he had gathered from his meetings during the day.

Once he had finished he packed away his computer and headed to the kitchen where he found Susannah making dinner, a light pasta and salad were perfect for Luke.  Cal was not feeling well and had gone to his room to lay down.

“Don’t worry Luke, I will make a tray for him in a little bit.” Susannah said.

Luke nodded and went to get ready, enjoying the massage from the jets in the shower.  He dressed carefully in a tight pair of jeans with a v-neck graphic tee.  He tried to spike his hair up a bit but it was longer than normal and kept falling in his face, so he settled on pushing it back with some gel, the ends just curling a little.  I really need to get this cut, he thought to himself.

Just before nine the doorbell rang and Luke could hear Susannah talking to Casey and Ali.

“Hey Luke how you doing?” Casey said and grabbed Luke into a big hug.

“I’m good, really good”. Luke said as he turned to give Ali a hug and kiss.

“You look hot Luke!” she said “What’s with the hair?” she asked.

“Oh, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to get it cut.” Luke explained.  “Does it look okay?” he asked a frown creasing his brow as he looked in the mirror and smoothed down his hair.

“I really like it Luke.” Ali said “It gives you a rugged look, very sexy.” she added.

“Well, let’s get going.” Casey said impatiently. “Some of Ali’s friends from the hospital are coming and Dan and Brett are coming from the Strickland Offices.”

Luke gave Casey a look and said.

“I hope you are not trying to set me up with anyone.” Luke said.

Casey feigned a shot to the chest.

“Moi, I wouldn’t do that to you.  Besides I don’t know any other gay guys at Strickland.  Do you Ali?” he asked.

“Actually I only know one gay guy at the hospital Case, and you know him too.  I don’t think that Luke would be interested.” she added.

Casey gave her a look that said you never know until we try.  Ali mouthed a “NO WAY!” to Casey he returned a “WHY NOT?”

Luke looked at the two of them and then shook his head.

“Let’s go I don’t want to be late tonight I have a big presentation to give at the hospital tomorrow. I just want to go out and relieve some stress on the dance floor.” he said heading for the door.

“Don’t wait up Susannah.” he said as the left.

The crowd at Club Clearview was loud and the place packed for a Thursday night.  They made their way through the crowd to a group of people lounging on a bunch of circular shaped couches.  Casey and Ali introduced Luke to everyone and they tried to talk unsuccessfully over the loud music.  A song came on “Animal” by the Neon Trees and Luke grabbed Ali’s hand and headed to the dance floor.

atwt, !author|artist: sajaal

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