Science and Faith (3/?)

Jul 21, 2011 14:02

Title: Science and Faith
Rating: PG-13 moving onto NC-17
Warnings: Angst, AU and a mention of Noah
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Character/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Other Characters, very brief Luke/OC and other character couples.
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, I only wish I did! The title of the fic comes from a gorgeous song of the same title by The Script.
Summary: Luke is happy, or so he thinks, his life seems to be perfect barring one thing. Reid Oliver has everything he needs and wants, he's happy with his work and saving people and everything else takes second place...until he meets a certain blonde that is. When these two meet will they both find what they need?

A/N: Thank you to the wonderful traciamc for the beta! Feedback would be loved! Hope you guys enjoy! :)

Chapter One | Chapter Two

Luke’s first week back at school had been manic but enjoyable. Being back in classes and seeing his friends again had been great, and he hadn’t even realised when Friday had rolled around and the weekend was upon him. Although Luke liked being busy, the amount of work he’d been assigned had been overwhelming, however, he revelled in it. Having had the chance to do a mixture of courses through his years at college, the writing courses had been the ones he most enjoyed and this week had been no exception. All week, there had been guest lecturers talking about his own passion. So all in all, this week had been pretty great in Luke’s opinion.

Luke, however, couldn’t get that one guy out of his mind all week, no matter how hard he tried. It wasn’t that he’d been looking out for him the entire week in the café every time someone came in, obviously not. He was curious about him because he knew almost all of the regular customers who did come to café and then to see him had been odd, a good odd though. There was just something about him. He couldn’t believe that he’d attempted to flirt with him not knowing whether he was gay or not in the first place. Knowing his luck he was just a friendly guy. But, Luke could just feel it, there was something about him which intrigued him and he just needed to know more.


He was snapped out of his thoughts with a hand waving in front of his face. He looked up to see his friend, also his classmate, staring at him, his eyebrows raised.

“Dude, where’s your head at? You didn’t hear anything I said did you?”

Luke winced slightly, scrunching his nose, “If I was to say that I was listening, you wouldn’t believe me, would you?”

“Umm, definitely not, because I just told you something that was very hard and weird for me to tell you and I got nothing from you.”

Luke reached his arm out and wrapped it around Adam’s shoulder, pulling him closer, “I’m sorry, tell me! I promise you that I’m listening now.”

Both Adam and Luke were sitting side-by-side in the library, trying to get on with their respective assignments but the neither of their minds were in it.

Adam shrugged, dislodging Luke’s arm, his brows furrowed, “Luke,” he whined, “this is a library. I know you haven’t gotten laid in forever but that doesn’t mean you can just jump on anyone.”

Luke laughed softly and thumped his arm, “Jerk, come on, tell me. I hope it’s not bad news or something.”

Adam shook his head and closed his book, facing Luke, “I don’t know why I’m nervous telling you, man. It’s not like I have to ask your permission or something,” he said, letting out a frustrated groan.

Luke placed his hand on Adam’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze, “Just spit it out, you’re starting to worry me now.”

Adam took a deep breath and looked straight into Luke’s eyes, not wanting to hesitate any longer,“I’m going to ask Mary to marry me.”

Luke gasped audibly and froze in shock, “Dude, no.”

“Dude, yes,” said Adam, his face almost splitting with a wide grin.

Luke, without a moment’s notice, wrapped his arms around Adam, squeezing him tightly, “Oh my god, that’s so amazing. I’m so happy for you!”

Adam patted his back awkwardly, “Luke, man, I can’t breathe, seriously.”

“Shut up and let me hug you.”

“Luke!” Adam managed to wriggle out of the hug and pushed Luke away, laughing all the while.

“So when are you going to ask her?” asked Luke excitedly.

Adam scratched the side of his head and sighed, “I’m thinking...on her birthday. What do you think?”

“That’s perfect and I know she will be over the moon!”

“You sure?”

“Adam, why do you doubt her reaction? You’ve been together since you were sixteen, it’s been six years! I know she’ll say yes.” Luke reached a hand out to grip Adam’s arm tightly and grinned widely.

Adam breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, “Yeah, I guess. I just want it to be perfect, you know?”

“It will be, it’s you and Mary. I know it will be perfect.”

Adam laughed shortly, “I can’t believe I’m going to do this. I mean, I’ve been thinking about it for sometime but after I got that job offer from that paper, I just thought that it’s time we made things official.”

“Seriously though, Adam, you two are made for each other and I couldn’t be any happier for you.”

“Thank you, Luke,” he smiled running a hand through his hair. “Now, I want to know what you were thinking about before you made me say what I had to say twice.

Who’s the guy?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows.

Luke widened his eyes and turned away, packing his books away, “No one.”

Adam flung his arm across Luke’s books and narrowed his eyes in disbelief, “You’re haven’t been this distracted since that Scott guy.”

Luke moved Adam’s arm off his book purposefully, “There is no guy, Adam,” he said looking away as he packed his books. Luke finally faced him smiling innocently, “Honestly, there’s no one.”

Adam tilted his head, unconvinced, “Hmm, I’ll let you off because I’m in an awesome mood and I’m an amazing friend.”

“Why thank you Mr. Harrison.”

“You’re welcome Mr. Snyder.”

They both laughed as they gathered their things and walked out of the library, “So, you want to come out with me and Mary tonight? You have to promise not to tell her about what I told you though.”

“I promise but no, not tonight. I’ve got work to catch up on, reading to do.”

“Urgh, you nerd, it’s Friday night! Go and find yourself a hot guy and get laid or something.”

Luke chuckled, “No thank you, Adam. Unlike you, I have to work, I have a shift at the café tonight.”

“Oh, so you got a hot date with your little girlfriend?” he laughed.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you want to call it. If you’re free over the weekend let me know, otherwise, see you on Monday?”

“I will do,” he winked, “and hey, thank you for before, you know...your support means so much after everything you’ve done for us.”

“Adam, don’t go all corny on me,” Luke grimaced. “You don’t have to thank me for anything, you just had better get going on buying that ring. She’s a drama student; she’s going to want something over the top.”

“Wow, thanks very much Luke...way to make me more nervous.”

Luke patted his back, winking and he laughed, “See you later.”


The café that late evening was busier than normal, mostly filled with the student population as well as the regulars, but Luke put it down to the Friday night rush. He was run off his feet, orders coming in every five minutes. He’d managed to get a little time for studying before his shift started and also made his regular call home and talked to his Mom and Ethan. Bella had then burst into his room letting him know that her mom needed him downstairs and so handed the phone over to her knowing that she’d want to talk to Ethan. She immediately grabbed the phone and chattered away happily following Luke downstairs to the café and went and sat in her own chair that had been specially placed behind the counter, just for her.

Reid for once, had managed to finish his shift early. No surgeries scheduled and quick rounds meant that he'd be able to get an early, hot dinner that wasn’t out of a packet. He contemplated getting a takeout but as he was walking home, he glanced inside the cafe, which he had been doing all week, not knowing the reason why. This time, he stopped short, seeing the blonde from his first visit running around serving customers and carrying stacks of plates on a tray and talking to customers. How the hell did he manage that?

Before he could stop himself, his feet, of their own accord, took him inside the café. The blonde didn’t seem to notice as he came in; too busy with work and so Reid took a seat at a free table in the alcove, not knowing why the hell he was there in the first place. He was hungry, he convinced himself, there was nothing to eat at home and he wanted hot food, yes, that's it. He scanned the menu quickly before ordering a burger, fries and a milkshake; it was just what he needed. He was going to eat quickly and get out and go home, he reminded himself. That was the plan and he was sticking to it.


The evening rush had finally calmed down and Luke managed to grab a quick break and was drinking some water in the kitchen when Caroline came bursting in with a few more orders, shouting them out to Fred before walking over to Luke.

“Honey, could you go and save that poor guy my daughter seems to be harassing? I can’t believe her sometimes.”

Luke snorted and took another swig of water, “Caro, she’s just talkative, inquisitive--”

“And a nosy brat, just say it,” Caro laughed. “Just go and save that guy before he’s put off his food or something and’re off for the night, thanks for coming down earlier, Luke.”

“You don’t have to thank me Caro, you crazy woman,” Luke chuckled and threw his bottle of water in the trash before making his way out.

He glanced around till he spotted the mop of brown curly hair he was familiar with. He looked to see who she was sitting with...’oh crap’, it was the doctor guy he’d been thinking about all week. Luke couldn’t believe he hadn’t even noticed him walking in, his mind had been all over the place for some of the time, but how did he not notice him? He took a deep breath, keeping his shoulders straight and hoped he didn’t mess up like last time.

As Luke got closer he saw the same expression that the doctor had had when Bella had been talking to him the first time, that small smile. He seemed to be nodding along to what she was telling him while he ate, and from what Luke could hear, she was telling him about her exciting week at school. And like the time before, as if he’d sensed it, he looked up meet Luke’s eyes and shot him a look of despair followed by a smile which Luke couldn’t help but return.


She turned around and grinned widely as Luke reached closer to her, he placed a hand on her head, running his hand through her hair, “You know what I’ve said about letting people eat in peace?”

Bella huffed dramatically, “But he looked all lonely sittin’ all alone and I wasn’t being annoyin’, was I Dr. Ollie?”

Luke looked at, ‘Dr. Ollie’, who shook his head defiantly, making him laugh, “Okay, gorgeous, how about you let him eat in peace now?”

Bella pouted, her shoulders slumping, “Okay.” Luke held out his hand for her to take as she got off the chair.

“Hey, look...” Reid called suddenly, “...she can stay here, she wasn’t bothering me, and that way I can get some entertainment,” he said with a small smile.

Luke shook his head, smiling down at Bella, finding that holding eye contact with the doctor was a little unnerving. “I don’t want her to bother you, she needs to eat dinner anyway, don’t you?”

“She can eat with me, right Bella? You still need to tell me about this boyfriend you said you had. He’s a lucky guy I must say.”

Bella giggled, “He’s right here,” she pulled on Luke hand, wrapping herself around his arm.

The doctor widened his eyes in surprise and looked at Luke who shrugged and grinned, amused at the doctor’s reaction.

“So you’re the lucky guy?”

“I certainly am,” Luke said, winking at Bella who laughed response.

The doctor turned to look at Bella and sighed dramatically, “Bella, you’ve broken my heart. How will I ever compare to your boyfriend? I’m just a lowly neurosurgeon.”

Bella pursed her lips in thought and tilted her head, “What's a nero...nerosurgin?" she asked Luke.

Luke pushed back a few curls that were covering her eyes with his hand affectionately, “It’s neurosurgeon and it’s means he’s a brain doctor.”

Bella gasped as her own brain processed what that meant, “Wow...that’s so cool.”

The doctor couldn’t help but smile at the young girl’s enthusiasm, “I’m glad you think so, at least I know I’m in with a chance now,” he said glancing at Luke, whose eyes were sparkling with mirth.

Their eyes locked for a moment and Luke could feel his pulse rate increasing exponentially the longer they looked at each other. The spell was broken when the sound of a beeper was heard.

Reid reached for his pager, reading it and groaned in frustration, “Oh shh...” he quickly realised he was with company, very young company in fact, as he saw the blonde wincing, knowing what he was about to say, “....shhugar," he finally said.

Luke tried to stop himself from laughing, “Everything okay?”

Reid shook his head, “I need to go, there’s been a massive pile up and not enough doctors.”

Noticing that the doctor hadn’t finished his food, Luke made a suggestion, “Well, how about when you’re done, you come back and I’ll have another order ready for you? I’m so sorry Bella and I kept you distracted, you didn’t get a chance to finish eating.”

Reid looked up at the blonde with curiosity, “I don’t know how late I’ll be...”

“That’s okay, I’ll be around till late anyway, it’s the least I could do, please."

Reid inhaled deeply, frowning, wondering why the blonde was even offering such a thing. He tried to think nothing of it and gave a hesitant nod of his head not knowing exactly what to say, “I guess I’ll be by later then.”

“That’s great...I’ll be waiting,” Luke smiled.

Reid quickly got to his feet, and pulled on his jacket before leaving some money on the table.

“Dr. Ollie, will you come back soon? I wanna hear more about brains,” said Bella bouncing on her toes with anticipation.

“Yeah, I promise,” he smirked.

He sent a quick smile to the blonde before walking out of the cafe in haste, trying to figure out in his head why the hell he just said what he said, and why he’d somehow offered to let a little girl sit with him to eat. There was definitely something in the water in this place. He turned around quickly to glance through the window once more and watched as Bella and her 'boyfriend' talked animatedly.

The blonde grabbed a hold of her hand and was smiling widely as he listened to her chatter away, his dimples on full show and his chocolate brown eyes sparkling.

Reid's lips involuntarily curled into a fond smile before he mentally scolded himself for such sappiness. Since when did he think about things like this? Something in the water, Reid concluded, it's just had to be.


A successful but long surgery later, Reid was finally on his way home and hungry, very hungry. He knew that the blonde had offered to wait for him but he wasn’t too sure whether he really would. But when he came closer to the café, he could see dim lights reflecting on the sidewalk. As he reached the café he glanced inside seeing the blonde standing behind the counter cleaning and placing the utensils in the tray as he swayed gently from side to side, his lips moving to a song, Reid guessed.

It looked kind of weird standing outside not being able to hear the music which matched the blonde’s movements, but he seemed to be in a world of his own and he couldn’t help but watch him for few moments. Reid snapped out of his reverie hearing a car horn and shook his head trying to figure out what the hell he was doing and moved closer to the door, trying to push the door open but found it locked instead. Reid rapped on the door lightly and the blonde kid turned around, a smile lighting up his face as he saw him and walked over quickly, unlocking the door and letting him in.

“Hi,” he said as he swung the door open, “I’m sorry it was locked, it’s officially closed so--”

“It’s fine,” Reid said reassuringly, “Although... I thought you would've forgotten about me now," he commented with a smirk as he made his way inside the cafe.

Luke laughed, "Well, I guess you can say you were lucky I was up then."

Reid nodded and pressed his lips together unable to stop himself from smiling.

“I’ll just get your order,” the blonde said quickly, “You can sit down if you want.”

Reid shook his head and moved closer to the counter, leaning on it, crossing his arms, “It’s okay, I’ll just wait here.”

Luke nodded sharply before making his way to the kitchen grabbing the bag he’d kept aside, but before he went outside, he took a few moments to compose himself.

He ran his hands through his hair, straighening his t-shirt and tried to calm his racing heart down. He didn’t actually think the doctor would turn up, he was hoping he would but to see him back? Luke sighed, ‘It’s nothing, he’s just a guy picking up food, he’s just picking up his food, just picking up his food...’ he carried on with this mantra as he made his way back outside. He saw the doctor turn around, hearing him coming out of the kitchen and when he got close enough, he passed the bag over to him.

“Here you go.”

Reid took the bag from his hands, curiously taking a peek inside and the smell of something amazing hitting his senses, “What is that?” he asked, eyes widening.

“Blueberry pie,” answered Luke with a smile, “And, because it’s the first blueberry pie I’ve ever made, that is complimentary.”

“It’s not going to poison me, is it?”

Luke chuckled, “No, it won’t, but if it does, I’m leaving the country.”

Reid shot the blonde a crooked smile before chuckling softly himself, “You had better run or I will haunt you till the day you die.” Luke laughed heartily and the doctor joined him.

“By the way, was everything okay? You know? At the hospital?” asked Luke once their laughter had died down.

“Yeah, operated on some guy who had major brain trauma, but luckily I got in there just in time, and he’s going to live a healthy and normal life.”

Luke exhaled softly, smiling, “That’s good.” He was slightly in awe of this man who seemed to take saving someone’s life so lightly, as if it was just a normal, everyday job. "So, how're you finding Dallas?" he asked, changing the subject.

Reid pursed his lips in thought, "It's interesting..."

Luke quirked an eyebrow, trying not to laugh, "Interesting? That's it?"

"The only places I know in this city are my apartment, the hospital and this place. Let's just say I would truly be happy with my own neurological centre, a massive pay rise and a title with the word ‘genius’ in it."

Luke narrowed his eyes unable to stop a small giggle that passed his lips, "That's really not much to ask for, is it?"

"No, not at all,” Reid answered seriously causing Luke to roll his eyes.

Reid gave the blonde a discreet once over, "I'm guessing you're not from here either?"

Luke held his breath, slipping his hands into his pockets, "How did you know?"

"I just do," Reid shrugged.

Luke bit his lip as he realised he’d been hit with the same explanation he’d given the doctor the first time they’d met, "Did Bella tell you?"

"No, I'm a genius, I know these things."

Luke looked at him sceptically "Okay, sure...I believe you."

"Hey, I'm trustworthy, you should believe me. I'm a doctor."

"Well, you're right,” Luke conceded with a sigh. “I'm studying here at the moment, this is my final year."

Reid raised his eyebrows in surprise, nodding encouragingly, “That’s sounds good.”

“Yeah, it’s great, it’s been kinda nice to get away from home actually.”

“I know what you mean.”

Luke smiled watching as the doctor rubbed a hand over his face and mirrored his smile back at him, “So, another shift tomorrow at the hospital?” Luke asked.

“No,” he sighed, “I have the day off.”

“You don’t seem too happy about that, I’m guessing you’re the workaholic type?”

Reid’s eyes crinkled with laughter, “I think we’re seriously good at this guessing stuff, I know people who would lap up this kinda thing and we can earn a ton of money, what do you say?”

Luke chuckled, “I’ll pass, thank you, I think I’ve got enough on my plate at the moment.”

“Okay then, your loss,” Reid shrugged with a smirk. Noticing the time on the clock in the café, he slipped a hand into his jacket, pulling out a few notes and left them on the counter before turning to face the blonde, “Thank you again for this, you are too nice and I’m not used to that. It’s kinda creepy.”

Luke cocked his head to one side resisting the urge to find out what he meant about not being used to niceness, “It’s not creepy, and it’s okay, like I said before, it’s the least I could do.”

Reid gave a sharp nod of his head before taking a breath and turned walking towards the door. He could hear the soft footfalls of the blonde a little further behind him and just before his hand reached the doorknob, he turned around facing him.

“We might be good at all this guessing stuff but I’m not that good. I think I’m going need a first name for all the thank you cards I’m going to have to write for the first time in my life.”

Luke swallowed audibly and cleared his throat before he spoke, “It’s name is Luke,” he smiled.

Reid moved closer and held out his hand. Luke took it gently, the perfect fit of the doctor’s hand in his not going unnoticed, but the spark that he felt was most definitely not hard to miss.

“Luke,” Reid said slowly and softly, testing how the name felt on his tongue.

Luke couldn’t help but shiver hearing his name said in that way, “Nice to finally know the name of the man who knows exactly what I need,” Reid smirked letting go of his hand.

“I’ll see you around, Luke.” Reid turned back around and opened the door, taking a few steps outside before hearing the blonde call out for him.

“Wait up, don’t I get to know your name? Or am I going to have to call you, Dr. Ollie?” asked Luke, leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed, a smile playing on his lips.

Reid licked his lips, his free hand coming up to scratch at his collarbone idly, “Dr. Ollie, sounds good to me for the moment, don’t you think?”

Luke looked to the ground and back up at the doctor and saw that his eyes were filled with amusement which made him laugh shortly.

“Good night, Luke,” Reid said softly as he turned around and walked down the sidewalk back home, away into the dark.

“Good night,” Luke whispered out into the quiet night, not so quiet when he could hear his heart beating a million times a second.

‘What the hell is wrong with me?’


Luke closed up the café, locking the door and switching off all the lights making his way up stairs feeling like he was walking on air. He felt like a giddy fifteen-year-old school girl blushing about a crush. But there was more to that man and he wanted to know everything, no matter how irrational and crazy that sounded. Luke had just reached his door when he felt a hand squeezing his shoulder making him jump.

“Oh my god!” Luke breathed. He swiftly turned around and found Caroline standing behind him with a smug smile on her face. “Caro, you scared the crap out of me!”

“I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t mean to scare you but I did call out for you and you didn’t answer.”

“You called me?”


Luke ran a hand through his hair, his eyes finding the floor before finding Caroline’s, “Sorry, I guess I was kinda out of it.”

“Are you sure it wasn’t something to do with that ‘Dr. Sexy’ downstairs? Is he the reason you offered to lock up?”

“What makes you say that?” Luke asked nervously.

“I don’t hear you denying it, honey,” she smirked.

“Caro,” Luke mumbled, feeling the heat growing hotter on his cheeks.

“You are so adorable, I swear. Fine,” she sighed, “I won’t ask for details tonight because you look so tired.”

“Thank you.”

“But maybe definitely tomorrow. I want all the details,” she informed him.

“But Caro, there’s nothing!”

“Nothing, my ass. I haven’t seen you act like this since I’ve known you.”

Luke sighed before laughing softly, “I promise I’ll tell you tomorrow, can I go now?”

“Yeah, enough teasing from me,” she said, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before caressing it lovingly. “Go and get some sleep, you look exhausted.”

Luke nodded tiredly, smiling gratefully. “Good night,” he said, kissing her forehead.

“Night honey.” Caro winked, chuckling, and made her way into her apartment and Luke waved as she closed her door.

Luke made his own way into his apartment and stripped down to his boxers before pulling on another t-shirt and making his way to the bathroom. When he finally got into bed, he let his mind wander and recount what had happened today. He bit his lip, trying to stop himself from laughing out loud not knowing the reason why. He’d gone crazy, he could just feel it. He covered his face with his hands, breathing deeply, turning on his side as he remembered the doctor’s smile, his laugh, and the way he’d handled Bella with such ease. That was not a task that could be undertaken by any man lightly. He didn’t even know why he’d talked to him the way he did, ‘Oh crap’, Luke thought, ‘I totally flirted with him and he’s probably not even gay and now I’ve made a fool of myself’.

Groaning in embarrassment, he buried his face in his pillow, urging himself to go to sleep. Thoughts of the doctor had somehow banished his sleep away somewhere far away, and all he could see when he closed his eyes was him, just him. Luke took a deep breath trying to rid his mind and all thoughts of him, knowing that nothing would come of it. He was a stranger to him. It’s not like this would be going any further, there wasn’t even a ‘this’, there wasn’t anything, nothing, zilch, nada.

He was a doctor and Luke was just the guy from the coffee shop and that was it.

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: bhumimak, atwt, fan fiction

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