Science and Faith (2/?)

Jul 20, 2011 13:34

Title: Science and Faith
Rating: PG-13 moving onto NC-17
Warnings: Angst, AU and a mention of Noah
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Character/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Other Characters, very brief Luke/OC and other character couples.
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, I only wish I did! The title of the fic comes from a gorgeous song of the same title by The Script.
Summary: Luke is happy, or so he thinks, his life seems to be perfect barring one thing. Reid Oliver has everything he needs and wants, he's happy with his work and saving people and everything else takes second place...until he meets a certain blonde that is. When these two meet will they both find what they need?

A/N: Hey guys! I can't believe that I haven't posted this for two months and I am so sorry! I've been posting on LRO and I kinda realised that I hadn't been posting here so I apologise! Anyway, I'm not gonna ramble too much but since it's been quite long, you probably need a refresh so the first chapter is linked below! Thank you to traciamc  for being my amazing beta and I hope you guys enjoy! I will update this regularly till I'm caught up with LRO! Feedback would be LOVED! Thank you! :)

Chapter One

Dallas was a strange city. If anything, Reid thought that no one even paid attention to any newcomers that set foot in this city and to be called out as one the way he was, was a little strange. He wasn’t that obvious was he? He’d been in Dallas almost two weeks and had been passing the café on his way to his apartment and back nearly every day. For some reason, he chose this day to go in. The sachet do-it-yourself coffee wasn’t so alluring and a waste of time when perfectly good coffee could be bought on his way to work.

Encountering the little person was not as bad as he thought, she seemed...chatty, and just as he had thought to leave, he was met with the sight of the blonde kid, the hot blonde kid. He was and is a red blooded male after all, like he wouldn’t notice if someone caught his eye. He didn’t even know why he was nice to him, civil even. He’d actually laughed and it had been a long time since anyone had talked to him the way the blonde had. Maybe moving to Dallas wasn’t that bad of an idea, but hell did the kid look like jail bait. But these were mindless distractions which he didn’t need.

Dallas was certainly not his first choice to work and live, but the offer of a senior position within the hospital and the fact that a generous benefactor was donating a considerable amount of money to the hospital for research, the kind of research that Reid was most interested in, was what lured him there. He didn’t care that he had to move to Dallas over the festive period, it’s not like he had family to go home to and he had no qualms working over New Year’s either. He was there to work after all, he was Dr. Reid Oliver, that’s what he lived for and work was all he needed to survive.

Once Reid reached the hospital, he’d devoured the slice of apple pie, and it was good, better than good, as was the coffee. He had to go back to that café soon, for the coffee and pie obviously. After dropping off his coat in his office and pulling on his more official one, not sparing a moment, he got to work. He made his way over to the nurse’s station, grabbing the chart of the first patient of the day for himself. The nurses, for the second time this week, were nowhere near the nurses’ station and he wondered what hell hole he’d dropped himself into.

“Incompetent,” Reid mumbled under his breath.

And that’s when he heard a loud shriek coming from behind him. His hands gripped the clipboard tightly and if his memory served him correctly, that shriek he’d know from anywhere.

“Reid motherfucking Oliver!”

Reid sighed, knowing that there was no way to avoid this anymore, and turned to face the woman with the foul, loud mouth. She glared at him from across the hall, her hands fisted at her sides and she strode over to him with purpose. Her light brown hair was flying behind her as she walked towards him, her hazel eyes filled with frustration, and she stopped just short of him, eyeing him up and down. Reid’s eyes darted around, not wanting to make eye contact with her, and took an unconscious step back not knowing what to expect. He opened his mouth to say something to break the tension when the woman hit his shoulder hard. Reid grunted in pain and before he knew it, she’d pulled him into a tight hug.

“Err, I don’t do hugs, you--”

“You’re such a dick, you know that?” she interrupted, mumbling into his shoulder.

Reid lifted the free hand that wasn’t being crushed by the chart and the woman and patted her back awkwardly.

“Grace, the whole world knows I’m a dick, you think I wouldn’t remember?”

The woman, Grace, pulled back from the one sided embrace and shot him a look of disdain, “Do not fucking push me Oliver, you know how far I can go.”

Reid’s face relaxed into a sly grin, “You would never hurt love me too much.”

Grace narrowed her eyes and quelled the urge to kick him in the balls because Reid Oliver just does that to you. “You’re lucky I do because Christ knows what the hell I would do to you. You’ve been avoiding me, haven’t you?”


“Fuck yes, you have,” she swatted his arm again, hard.

“Sheesh, Grace!” Reid exclaimed, trying to rub the pain away. “I thought your foul mouth and physical violence shit would’ve calmed down by now seeing as though you’re a married woman.”

“Reid, I’m just married! It’s not a pre-requisite to become a fucking saint just because you tied the knot.”

Grace took a deep breath and shook her head, taking Reid’s face in her hands, “You’re gonna have to make it up to me big time for not staying in contact. I missed you, you bastard.”

“So sweet,” Reid deadpanned.

Grace’s eyes filled with tears and her full lips formed a pout, “Reid...”

Reid rolled his eyes, “Oh for Christ’s sake,” his resolve broke and he gathered Grace close, wrapping his arms around her for a hug and pressed a kiss to the side of her head, rocking her gently till she relaxed in his arms. He could hear Grace sniffle against him and she pulled back, wiping a hand under her eyes.

“I’m sorry about all this leaking,” she sniffed, “it’s just all these post baby hormones going crazy.”

Reid got an unused tissue out of his pocket, helping to wipe away her tears carefully, “You had a baby?” he asked, a look of surprise on his face.

Grace laughed wetly, “Yeah, a little girl, about five months ago. Being a doctor myself didn’t prepare me for any of this. My emotions are still all over the place.”

“I think some of that craziness is you, though. I wouldn’t go blaming hormones for anything.”

Grace sighed heavily and chuckled, “You’re an ass, a total and utter ass.”

“That’s my middle name,” Reid winked.

Grace smiled fondly, cupping Reid’s cheek, “You haven’t changed, not at all.”


Grace Foster and Reid Oliver were best of friends through med school and Reid didn’t have any choice in this matter. When Reid had sat by himself in the library or in class, Grace joined him when all the others would steer clear of the arrogant, rude doctor-to-be. She didn’t avoid him and chatted incessantly, trying to engage him in conversation and asking for his help. She was attractive for a woman, it’s not as if Reid swung that way but if he did...well, he would consider himself very lucky. She was tall and had skin like porcelain, round hazel eyes and shoulder length light brown hair. Reid, however, was annoyed by her and didn’t talk to anyone and didn’t want to, unless it was necessary. He had told her go away in many different and colourful variations but she didn’t have any of it and Reid had to accept that she indeed wasn’t going to go anywhere at all.

At one point, Reid thought that she may have had a crush on him, and so informed her as politely as he could that she really was not his type. But she had scoffed and told him she already knew he was gay because, as she said, “Who can resist me?” Reid laughed heartily for the first time in a long time and he knew that he’d found someone he could trust, no matter how annoying she was. From then on though, Reid and Grace were inseparable through their years through med school and part of their residency, until work and the demands of family, family for Grace anyway, got in the way and their lives moved on as they did. Reid went on his way to becoming the world’s best neurosurgeon and Grace, a paediatrician. They had kept in contact through phone calls whenever they could, but with them being on opposite ends of the country and work keeping them busy, staying in touch became a little more difficult.


Reid covered Grace’s hand on his cheek and brought it down, holding it, “I know I haven’t changed. Hell, I’m still fucking hot.”

Grace wrenched her hand from Reid’s grasp and thumped his chest, laughing, “Like I said, exactly the same.”

Reid laughed softly and smiled, “I would love to do this girly catch up right now but I’ve got rounds.”

“I know, me too genius. How about we meet up for lunch?”

“That sounds great.”

“Don’t you go and avoid me again, Reid. I will find you.”

Reid raised his hands in surrender, “I promise.”

“Good,” Grace grinned, “I’ll see you later, Dr. Oliver.” She turned to walk away when she heard Reid call out for her.

“Hey, Grace,” she turned around, furrowing her brows questioningly at Reid.

“I missed you too,” he said finally.

Grace beamed a big smile back at him and then rolled her eyes exaggeratedly, “Urgh, Reid you’re so corny! You’re worse than me, honestly.” And before Reid could retort, Grace was halfway down the corridor, walking rather speedily. Reid couldn’t help the smile that curled up on his lips, and he breathed freely for the first time in a long time, it was good to have Grace back in his life.

Grace was true to her word and when Reid came out of his final consult before lunch, she was standing outside the door, waiting for him. She dragged him to the cafeteria, talking incessantly like the old days. They took their seats opposite each other and ate whilst she showed Reid pictures of her daughter, Ava and recounted the amazing things she’d managed to achieve this week on her journey growing up. Reid commented how sorry he felt for the kid having a mother like her, which earned him swat to his head this time.

A comfortable lull in the conversation brought a confession to Reid’s lips, “I wasn’t trying to avoid you, you know. I did look for you, I just--”

“Reid, it’s cool. You’re a sentimental emotional fool and you know that as soon as you’d met me you would become so attached that you’d never, ever be able to let me go and that scares the hell out of you, right?”

Reid stared at her in disbelief, not wanting to dignify that statement with an answer.

Grace laughed and patted his hand comfortingly, “I’m only kidding, you don’t need to explain it to me, and I know you, remember. Plus, we were probably working odd shifts so we must have missed each other anyway.” Reid nodded in agreement as he drank some water.

“But one thing is confusing me. Not that I don’t love the fact that you’re here, but why are you in Dallas of all places? I thought a world class neurosurgeon like yourself would be seeking fortune in higher places?” she asked curiously.

Reid ate the last of his grilled cheese sandwich, talking while he ate, “Anywhere is better than a place where people are so fake they have to hide from the sun to avoid the same fate as the Wicked Witch of the West.”

Grace snorted rather unattractively, “So L.A isn’t as glamorous as people make it out to be?”

“Nope, just a bunch of perfectionists trying to be something they’re not. I just couldn’t handle working with people like that, or dealing with people like that so this opportunity falling in my lap was perfect. Plus, a little of my decision had to do with you,” he smirked.

Grace eyed him curiously, “Shut up you liar,” she threw a chip at him. “And wait up, you wanted real people to deal with? Oh my, Reid! Are you actually becoming a human being, wanting to be around us mere mortals?”

“Grace,” he warned.

“I’m only teasing, I’m very, very happy you’re here. When I found out that you were coming I did try to call you but couldn’t get through.”

“I was probably in the process of moving plus I’d misplaced my cell phone in a rush. I was going to call but...I got caught up with things.”

“That’s not a good enough excuse, Oliver,” Grace chided, “but I’ll accept it for now. Anyway, you know where I live, why didn’t you come over for New Year’s, jerk?”

Reid dropped his eyes to his tray, opening his pot of pudding, “I just thought you probably have family things going on and I didn’t want to interrupt. Besides, I was working so it’s not a big deal,” he shrugged.

“Not a big deal? Reid, you know you’re welcome over anytime and I’m sure, actually I know, Ava wants to meet her Uncle Reid.”

Reid glanced up at Grace and shot her a half smile in acknowledgement of her words, “Speaking of the drool machine, if you’re here working who’s taking care of her?”

“My husband.”

Reid raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Wow, you have your husband under control don’t you? Good for you!”

Grace narrowed her eyes, “Ha ha, very funny, but no, Dan offered to take the time off and he loves being a hands on dad. He wanted me to go back to work for my own sanity and for his I guess,” she grinned. “I only came back to work three days ago, but Christ is it hard leaving my baby behind.”

“Yeah, I kinda get it,” he smirked and she hit his arm lightly.

“Anyway,” Grace continued, “I’m not really back full-time, so he works half the week and then I work the other half...and then days where we both have to work, Dan’s mom takes care of Ava.”

Reid smiled at his best friend, “I have to say Grace, it’s kinda nice but really odd to see you settled down. I thought you said you weren’t even going to get married, let alone have kids.”

“Reid, you have to meet my husband. He’s a fucking hot fire-fighter, those men need to reproduce and I wasn’t going to give up my chance.”

“You are so shameless,” Reid laughed.

“I’m only kidding,” she said throwing another chip at him before eating one herself, “I would do anything for him and even though kids weren’t in my plan, I loved him too much to say no and now...I can’t imagine my life without either of them.”

Reid couldn’t help but notice the joy in her face as she spoke about her husband and daughter. She deserved everything in the world and Reid was happy that she’d finally found the happiness that she was worthy of.

“So what about you, Doctor?” Grace asked, waggling her eyebrows, snapping Reid out of his thoughts, “You have a guy you want to settle down and have babies with?”

Reid almost choked on his pudding making Grace giggle out loud. She passed him a napkin and patted his back. “Your reaction obviously means that you’ve done found a man and have a secret child,” she said sarcastically.

Reid gave her that ‘are-you-crazy’ look and pushed his food tray to the side, throwing the napkin on top, “Nope, no guy and definitely no baby,” he shuddered.

“Aww, that’s a shame. You’d make gorgeous babies.”


“Have you ever even had a relationship by the way?”

“Grace, you know I’ve had relationships.”

She waved her hand dismissively, “The college stuff doesn’t count. I’m talking about a fully committed, long lasting relationship full of love and sparkles,” she said dreamily, fluttering her eyelashes.

“What planet are you living on?”

“I’m guessing that means a no then,” she sighed.

“A definite no, I don’t have time for all of that. I have surgeries to perform, people to save and I’m happy with that.”

“Yeah right,” she scoffed. “Mark my words, Reid, work is never enough and life is short. I found that out the hard way. Don’t miss out on having your own life because you’re busy saving others.”

Reid let her words sink in, as his mind went back to the early days of their residency when Grace had suffered through that tragedy. He was the one person she had to lean on during that terrible time and even though what she’d said made sense, he still didn’t know what to say.

“Did you hear what I said?” Grace asked, gripping his hand tightly.

Reid glanced down at her hand and covered it with his own, “Yes,mother. I heard you,” he answered softly.

“Fine, so tonight, you’re coming for dinner to meet my hot hubby and my gorgeous girl and I won’t take no for an answer so zip it, Oliver. I don’t want to hear any excuses.”

Reid pressed his lips together and exhaled sharply, “This is why I didn’t want to see you again.”

“Oh baby, that wounded me.” She ruffled his hair and got to her feet and was about to leave when she leaned over and pressed a kiss to Reid’s forehead. “I’ll be seeing you tonight, without fail.”

“Urgh, Grace...are you trying to ruin my reputation here?” Reid glanced around the cafeteria to see people looking at the both of them with interest.

"They're all scared of you. The fact that I'm even talking to you makes you seem like a teddy bear which equals a much better rep."

"Exactly,” he glared, “you're ruining my reputation."

Grace ignored Reid and smiled wickedly, "I love you, see you later," she winked.

"I hate you," he replied as she walked off, not wanting her to have the last word. He heard a peal of her addictive laughter, which brought a smile to his lips anyway. He'd wondered whether he'd made the right choice to move to Dallas after all. But after today he had no doubts in his mind about his answer.

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: bhumimak, atwt, fan fiction

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