Facebook Through The Years - Year 3

Jul 18, 2011 10:51

Title: Facebook Through The Years
Author: Hotlen/Stonehouse
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The first year starts January of 2011, Luke and Reid have known each other for a year but have only been officially dating for 8 months and they live together. This will be a series of Facebook status updates by Luke and then the comments. I’m not awesome skilled so it’s not formatted like Facebook with pictures as I know someone else did, so imagine it with me.

Authors Notes: This is a lot more darker of a year. Angsty!Luke comes out to play and Reid disappears from FB for awhile because he doesn’t feel like airing his dirty laundry for the town to see.

PS: all of you lovers of Reg, the actor who played him is in the new Kindle commercial. Took me forever to figure out why he looked so familiar and when I did I squealed “IT’S REG!!!!”

Year 3

Luke Oliver: Reid is leaving for a conference so if anyone wants to hang out please feel free to entertain me.
Reg Addington: We should totally hang out some time. We could meet up after school, call me!
Casey Hughes: You should come to Carbondale this weekend. A new club opened up, we can go dancing.
Luke Oliver: Aww Casey will you dance with me?
Casey Hughes: You know I will you sexy beast.
Katie Hughes: You can always baby sit Jacob!
Natalie Snyder: Luke, come to the farm, Blaze just had a new foal!
Luke Oliver: Reg - Reid is leaving Thursday, can you do Thursday night? We could go to Yos or Metro. Casey - I’ll come to Carbondale this weekend if you’re free. Natalie - Friday night sound good for a family dinner? Katie - In your dreams, but I do love Jacob.
Reg Addington: Thursday sounds good, Luke, meet you at Java and we can go from there.
Casey Hughes: We’re both free this weekend since we’re still in semester break. You can stay at our place, promise we won’t be as loud as you and Reid ;)
Natalie Snyder: Mom says Friday is good.
Luke Oliver: Oh hahahaha Casey.

Luke Oliver: Casey Hughes has a nice ass
Maddie Coleman: Hell yah he does!
Reg Addington: Agreed!
Alison Stewart: You can look but don’t touch.
Luke Oliver: He’s the one rubbing it on my crotch!

Luke Oliver: This weekend was crazy!! It was awesome to hang out with everyone again. Sadly now it’s time to hunker down, school’s starting next week. Boo.
Alison Stewart: Good to see you too, Luke. Hope we kept you too busy to miss Reid.
Natalie Snyder: I miss you around the house, Luke.
Luke Oliver: I miss being at the house too Nat. With Reid and Cerebellum and school it’s hard to get away

Luke Oliver: How come no one warned me that today was Phi Gamma Delta’s nude in the snow run? I saw more of my fellow classmates then I cared to see.
Reg Addington: Prude!
Luke Oliver: I am a married man now!
Reg Addington: Doesn’t mean you can’t look
Luke Oliver: I’m not really into pale flabby asses.
Reg Addington: There were some nice ones.
Luke Oliver: You’re such a whore
Reg Addington: If they are going to give me a free show I am going to watch!
Luke Oliver: LOL

Luke Oliver: My Valentines day card from Reid (hand written in Crayon. I think he made it when he was in the Pediatrics ward):
Roses are red they unfurl to bloom
Like your outstretched hand, velvet and true
Violets are blue like King Frost’s love
Melting his frozen heart
Warming his icy blood
Sugar is sweet like honey and dew
And everything in the world reminds me of you.
Katie Hughes: That is the sweetest most adorable thing I’ve ever read. But one questions who is King Frost?
Luke Oliver: Yeah, it’s an English Fairytale that Reid likes to say is the story of us.
Luke Oliver: Read it here: http://www.alchemy-works.com/viola_cornuta_black.html#King
Lucinda Walsh: Who knew your man was a poet? That is beautiful, Luke.
Casey Hughes: I knew Dr. Evil had turned into a marshmallow but now he’s like one of those exploded microwave marshmallows, all gooey.
Alison Stewart: Luke that’s so sweet! I think Reid needs to teach Casey a thing or two about romance.
Casey Hughes: ME? I gave you my grandmother’s engagement ring!
Alison Stewart: Effort Casey, you could put some effort into it.
Luke Oliver: That is girl speak for she wants to get married.
Faith Snyder: You get a love poem and I get Parker taking another girl out for Valentines.
Luke Oliver: I’m so sorry faith, Parker’s an idiot.
Red Oliver: Must be all those in-bred genes. Isn’t he your cousin?
Faith Snyder: He’s not my real cousin. Besides, if you want to talk about dating cousins, Luke dated our REAL cousin.
Reid Oliver: Say what?

Luke Oliver: Writers block
Reid Oliver: Come to Memorial and I’ll give you a bit of “encouragement”
Luke Oliver: Reid, I’m being serious. I have a short story due before the semester ends and I have exactly one line, and I quote “Luke Oliver, English 314, March 15 2012.”
Reid Oliver: You can do it, Luke, hunker down.
Luke Oliver: You know what? Not helping.

Luke Oliver: Story is for shit but at least it’s done
Noah Mayer: Luke, you’re being hard on yourself like always. And yes, Reid, I get that I was the cause for much of that. Luke, you are an amazing writer, as long as you write from your heart you are going to be brilliant.
Luke Oliver: I don’t know where my heart is anymore.

Luke Oliver: Cerebellum is licking his balls and Reid is jealous he’s not flexible enough to do that himself.
Casey Hughes: Reid wants to lick your dog’s balls? You guys are kinky
Reid Oliver: I’m simply saying that it would be helpful if I could give myself head.
Noah Mayer: Are you saying Luke’s no good?
Reid Oliver: No, I’m saying that I spend too much time alone at the hospital. I’m doubting that Chris would do it for me, even if I am his chief of staff.
Katie Hughes: Ha! As if you’d let Chris anywhere near your balls.
Reid Oliver: True, forget I said that. Momentary lapse of judgment from the dopamine that my brain is releasing as Luke works his magic.
Casey Hughes: I can’t believe you are on Facebook while Luke is giving you head.

Luke Oliver: Professors know that writing is ripping your soul open and bleeding all over the page so why do they have to be so harsh with their critique? I wrote what I felt, apparently I don’t feel deep enough.

Luke Oliver: I hate when teachers tell you they expected more from you. It’s like, if anyone else had written it they would have thought it was good, but because they have random high expectations about your skills because of something they heard, then when you write average they act like it’s the end of the world.
Maddie Coleman: They want you to be the best you can be, Luke, it’s their job to push the students.
Luke Oliver: Well I gave them my best and apparently it wasn’t good enough for them.

Luke Oliver: I’m married to the most brilliant man in the world and I can’t even pass my junior level composition class. Take that, self-esteem
Reid Oliver: What do you mean you can’t pass your class? Luke, you are not an idiot, but you need to focus.
Luke Oliver: You know what, Reid? You’re not in the position to say anything because you’re never around. And I don’t want to hear your Chief of Staff bullshit excuse as to why you have to be at the hospital every fucking second of your life.

Reg Addington wrote “Want to meet up at Java after class? I want you to meet Roger” on Luke Oliver’s wall
Luke Oliver: I’m not going to class, but I can meet you at Java to meet the famous Roger I’ve heard so much about.
Reg Addington: Why won’t you be in class?
Luke Oliver: What’s the point?

Luke Oliver: Wonderfully flunking out of college
Casey Hughes: Dude, that’s my job. What’s going on with you? The Luke Snyder I remember was an A student.
Luke Oliver: Well that was Luke Snyder he was bright. Luke Oliver’s an idiot obviously.
Lucinda Walsh: My dear boy if you think for a second that anything coming from my gene pool is an idiot you are sorely mistaken. What has gotten into you lately?
Luke Oliver: Nothing’s gotten into me, Grandmother, I’m fucking perfect.
Faith Snyder: Jeez, Luke, you are worse than me when I was a sullen Teenager.
Luke Oliver: Shut up Faith, when it comes to this family we are all screw-ups. I mean look at where we came from, how could we not be?
Lucinda Walsh: Don’t take that tone with me young man! You’re not so big I can’t put you over my knee!

Kevin Davis wrote “Luke, I heard you dropped out of college. Why dude? You were always way smarter than me.”
Luke Oliver: Wow, Kevin, thanks for that. Once again confirming that Luke Snyder was brilliant and has now turned into a worthless piece of shit.
Kevin Davis: Whoa, Luke, I never said anything like that. I’m worried about you, though. College doesn’t seem like something that would trip you up.
Luke Oliver: Apparently everyone knows me better than myself. Fine, you go be Luke for a day and see how wonderful it is. How about you really help me Kevin and get me booze like you used to in high school when I wanted to get away from everything.
Kevin Davis: I thought you couldn’t drink?
Luke Oliver: I can do whatever the hell I want.
Kevin Davis: Cool, meet you at Yos?
Luke Oliver: Already there.

Luke Oliver: It’s so heart warming when your husband tells you that he was wrong all those years ago and you really are an idiot.
Reid Oliver: Yeah because those are the exact words I said.
Luke Oliver: It’s what you meant.
Reid Oliver: Well I’m sorry but ruining your kidney and refusing to get the treatment you need sounds pretty idiotic to me.
Luke Oliver: Keep calling me an idiot, Reid. It’s winning you so many points.

Luke Oliver: I am turning 25 today and what do I have to show for it? Not a damn thing.
Katie Hughes: Luke are you kidding me? Look at the neurowing for starters! All the people’s lives it has saved. That wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Luke Oliver: Reid saved those people. I threw money at them. Nice try though, Katie.

Luke Oliver: Celebrating my birthday with people who don’t judge me. Their names are Captain Morgan, Shmirnoff, and Johnny Walker
Katie Hughes: This better be a joke, Luke.
Holden Snyder: You better not be serious.
Casey Hughes: I thought you and Reid were going to The Lakeview? Ali and I were going to meet you there.
Luke Oliver: Reid… who is that? Oh is that the name of the man who sometimes sleeps here? He went to the hospital so I changed my plans and headed to Metro. You are welcome to join me.

Luke Oliver: May he turned 21 on the base at Fort Bliss "Just a day" he said down to the flask in his fist, "Ain't been sober, since maybe October of last year." Here in town you can tell he's been down for a while, But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles.

Luke Oliver: I am laughing at all you stupid pussies having to study for finals. I’m so glad I dropped out of college, again. Best decision I ever made twice. Although I guess I was thrown out more than I dropped out, but I did make the decision not to go back. I should have waited until they threw me out again. Wouldn’t my family be proud then?
Lily Snyder: We are proud of you! I don’t know where you are getting these ideas from that you aren’t smart or worth so much, honey!
Lucinda Walsh: Here! Here Lily!

Lily Snyder wrote “Luke we’re having a birthday party for Ethan at the farm. The family would love it if you and Reid would come. Ethan misses you so much, it would mean the world to him.” on Luke Oliver’s wall
Natalie Snyder: Please come Luke
Lucinda Walsh: If you’re not there we’ll hunt you down. You know I have people.

Luke Oliver: I’m at Yo’s so suck it
Casey Hughes: Ut oh, we have an angry!drunk!Luke on our hands, ladies and gentleman.
Lucinda Walsh: Darling don’t be a fool
Lily Snyder: Luke why would you do that to yourself? You know it can damage your kidney
Noah Mayer: Luke, please don’t tell me you’re drinking again.

Faith Snyder wrote “I never thought I’d see the day when Reid came to a family event without you. Luke I haven’t seen you in months and Reid looked really… bad.” on Luke Oliver’s wall

Luke Oliver: Saw my Ex-professor today at the 7-11 when I was restocking my arsenal. I gave him a big fuck you and told him I’d take a shot in his honor later. So here goes, teach, cheers to you showing me my true path
Katie Hughes: I’m not even sure what to say to you, this is disgusting.
Casey Hughes: What Katie said. I don’t understand why you are letting one person’s opinion of your work ruin your life.

Luke Oliver: It’s finally quiet in my head

Luke Oliver: I’ve found my true soul mate, and his name is Jack Daniels.

Noah Mayer wrote, “Luke you haven’t returned my calls or my emails, but Reid tells me you are alive although you’re never home and when you are you lock yourself away. Look, I know I wasn’t the most supportive boyfriend, and yes I get that I made you feel like shit and pushed you towards drinking, but Reid isn’t like that, so what’s going on?” on Luke Oliver’s wall
Luke Oliver: Why the hell should I be at home? There’s nothing there for me.
Noah Mayer: Oh so you do read my messages you’re just ignoring me.
Luke Oliver: Fuck you, Noah. Why don’t you focus on your career, it’s the only thing you ever really loved.
Noah Mayer: That’s not true. I loved and still love you. It’s so hard to hear you going through this again.
Luke Oliver: I have a solution for you: stop reading your emails.

Katie Hughes wrote “You can avoid me in old town, you can turn your phone off, you can delete your email, but I know you are reading this right now, it seems to be the only place you ever go to communicate anything. I don’t know what’s going on with you, what sent you back to drinking, but Reid is completely freaked out. You don’t come home, you don’t call to tell him where you are, when you do come home you smell like a brewery and lock yourself in the guest bedroom doing who knows what. Luke this needs to stop; if not for yourself then for Reid. He loves you and the Luke I know wouldn’t want him to go through this. Please get help Luke, call me, talk to Reid, your parents, go to rehab, anything but you need help.” on Luke Oliver’s wall
Luke Oliver: Fuck you, Katie. I thought you’d be happy I’m a drunk again. I’d probably agree to a three way between you me and Reid now. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?
Katie Hughes: Luke… no. I can’t do this anymore; it hurts too much. I want to help, but you don’t want it, so you’re on your own.

Luke Oliver wrote “Your party starts at 7 tonight?” on Kevin Davis’s wall
Kevin Davis: Yeah, you gunna be there Snyder?
Luke Oliver: Wouldn’t think of missing it.

Luke Oliver: Why did I ever choose to be sober? Life is more fun drunk.
Kevin Davis: Well guess what, you are not more fun drunk. You take another swing at me, Luke I’m going to have to hit you back.
Luke Oliver: I’m not a girl, Kev, you can take a swing any time you please.

Luke Oliver: I’m going to set up a Mikes hard lemonade stand. LOL!

Noah Mayer wrote “I got an Email from Casey today that said you were in the hospital yesterday? Reid had to call 9-1-1 for you. Luke, what in the world is going on? I feel so lost.” on Luke Oliver’s wall
Luke Oliver: Reid was being an over the top drama queen like everyone else in this city. Apparently Oakdale has finally invaded his blood system.
Noah Mayer: Reid is a lot of things but drama queen he is not. I know you went in because of your kidneys, I know you’re damaging them, and I also know that you are once again drunk. Are you trying to prove someone right? That you really are an idiot? Because you’re doing a damn good job.
Luke Oliver: You always did support me so much Noah.
Luke Oliver: If you can’t read it through the screen that was said sarcastically you self-absorbed asshole.
Noah Mayer: When Casey told me you were in the ER I decided to head back to Oakdale for awhile, but you obviously don’t want anyone’s help so forget it.

Luke Oliver: Feeling goooooooooood

Casey Hughes wrote “I know you’re reading this Luke because you post every fucking second about how wonderful being drunk is. I want you to know that I’m done with you. Kill yourself if that’s what you want but I can’t go through this. I tried to go to Yos and stop you but you won’t and I’m not going to watch you die. So have a great drunken life Luke, it is your funeral.” on Luke Oliver’s wall
Luke Oliver: Well with friends like you why does a guy need to drink? This round’s on you, Casey Hughes!

Luke Oliver: Why is everyone always so fucking serious all the time? I’m not killing myself, I’m having fun.

Luke Oliver: Enjoying sex on the beach. The drink, not the sex. Reid is MIA once more. This is why I got new friends.

Luke Oliver: Why is it so hard, why can’t you just take me? I don’t have much to go, before I fade completely

Luke Oliver: Add drunk and disorderly conduct to my rap sheet

Luke Oliver: “I'm safe up high nothing can touch me but why do I feel this party's over? No pain inside you're like perfection but how do I feel this good sober?”

Luke Oliver: I’ll be gone for a while. Betty Ford calls me.
Alison Stewart: Good luck, Luke!
Lily Snyder: I hope this helps you, baby!
Holden Snyder: We’ll be thinking of you, Luke.
Katie Hughes: Focus on you, Luke. I’ll take care of Reid while you’re away - and Cerebellum!
Lucinda Walsh: I knew my grandson was brilliant.
Noah Mayer: Good for you, Luke. I hope everything works out!
Casey Hughes: I hear rehab these days is awesome. You get to ride horses and do yoga. Sounds right up your alley.
Luke Oliver: Thank you all for the support, it means so much to me.

Natalie Snyder wrote “We miss you, Luke!” on Luke Oliver’s wall

Katie Hughes wrote “Reid has permanently moved in with us while you’re away. He’s worse than baby Ben. He misses you terribly Luke.” on Luke Oliver’s wall

Maddie Coleman wrote “I’m sorry I haven’t been around much this year, Luke. I got hired as a PA on an independent film and life has been crazy. Casey filled me in on what’s going on. I just wanted to wish you luck on your recovery!“ on Luke Oliver’s wall

Casey Hughes wrote “How’s the 5am meditation sessions and horseback riding treating you? Heh. In all honesty Luke, I never thought you’d get the help you need. Never scare me like that again.” on Luke Oliver’s wall

Luke Oliver: Sober 30 days. Back home with Reid and Cerebellum
Casey Hughes: Glad you’re back!
Lucinda Walsh: How are you feeling young man?
Holden Snyder: Luke I know you just got back and need to settle in but when you’re ready please come by the farm. We miss you.
Noah Mayer: Glad to hear you’re sober again Luke.
Katie Hughes: I’m happy you got the treatment you needed Luke, but thank God you’re back! Take Reid off my hands!
Reid Oliver: I wasn’t that bad Katie.

Luke Oliver wrote “I was wondering if you could help me get a job at WOAK. Obviously nothing huge, but I remember the days I spent interning there with Maddie and Noah and even with all the Noah stuff, I felt safe, like I knew who I was. I could be a stock boy or a production assistant or whatever, but I’d like to have something to do.” on Katie Hughes’s wall
Katie Hughes: I’d love to have you there, Luke. I’ll talk to Kim and see what we have open.
Luke Oliver: Thank you so much Katie. You are an amazing friend.
Katie Hughes: I know, right? LOL

Luke Oliver: What I am Thankful for: Friends and family. Those who know when you need their support, and who also know no matter how painful it is, that you have to fall
Natalie Snyder: I’m thankful that you’re back, Luke.
Lily Snyder: I’m thankful for you too, Luke.
Lucinda Walsh: Thankful for the bravest grandson possible.
Noah Mayer: I’m thankful you’re back with us, Luke. I hope you don’t let it get that far again. You know you have many people who are all waiting to be there for you when you need us.
Casey Hughes: Thankful I didn’t have to plan my best friends funeral.
Reid Oliver: Glad to have you back. Never scare the shit out of me like that again.
Luke Oliver: I’m so sorry. I honestly couldn’t tell how bad it had gotten (probably because I was drunk all the time) until I was arrested. That was my wake up call.

Luke Oliver: “Three months and I’m still breathing, been a long road since those hands I left my tears in but I know, it’s never really over. Three months and I’m still sober. Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers.” -Sober (Kelly Clarkson)

Luke Oliver: Sober 107 days!
Faith Snyder: That’s one day for every year that Reid’s been alive!
Reid Oliver: Oh hahahaha Faith.
Lucinda Walsh: Congratulations darling!
Casey Hughes: Let’s go to Yo’s to celebrate! OK that wasn’t that funny. How about a rousing game of shuffleboard? That’s what they taught you in rehab right?
Luke Oliver: Casey, you are the most hilarious person in the world.
Casey Hughes: I know right?

Luke Oliver: I can’t believe what this year has been. I never imagined I’d ever go back to drinking. I’m sorry to any of those that I hurt, and I’m especially sorry to Reid. I never wanted him to see me at my worst, but we’ve been to rock bottom and we recovered, so hopefully the new year will bring us better times. Thank you all for the tough love, I may not have known it then, but I know now how much love it took for you all to walk away.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: hotlen, fan fiction

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