Heir Chapter 9/ ?

Jul 17, 2011 22:12

Author: Mickey9928
Title: Heir Chapter 9
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Sophie, Sara
Warnings: It’s a little painful but the end of the chapter is very sweet.
Summary: Sophie’s mother explained.

A/N- Anything medical related is completely made up.  I have no medical knowledge.  Also, as I write Sophie, if something I have her do doesn’t seem age appropriate, forgive me.  I don’t have children and am not overly familiar with what children (especially babies/toddlers) are capable of doing at certain ages.

A/N2- This chapter is for the awesome Sierra who has now inspired 2 of my chapters.  Sierra wanted to know about Sophie’s mother.  I had never intended to go there but Sierra asked and all of the sudden I knew I had to, so thanks for the inspiration.  If anybody else has things they’d like to see let me know.  You never know just what might show up in my story.

Sara hadn’t heard Luke.   She couldn’t believe the moment had finally come and her daughter was standing only feet from her.  All she could do was stare at her beautiful daughter.  Standing up she walked over to Luke and Sophie and crouched down in front of the baby.

“Sara?” Luke asked again.  The woman was still transfixed with the baby and was beginning to make Luke nervous so he reached down and scooped Sophie up into his arms.  She immediately hid against Luke’s chest.

“Sara?” Luke asked yet again.  “Are you okay?”

Sara finally heard Luke and stood up and looked at him, tears in her eyes.

“I’m great but I heard about your accident.  Should you be up walking around?”

“I’m fine, just a concussion. I was knocked unconscious for about 14 hours but no lasting effects.  My husband ended up with a broken ankle and this one fortunately was unharmed,” Luke said as he rubbed Sophie’s back.  “Can I ask what brings you to memorial?”

Sara wasn’t sure what to tell him.  She knew she had to tell him the truth but wasn’t sure how to do it. After thinking for a minute she started talking.

“I’m actually here because of you.”

“Me?” Luke asked confused.

“Yes, you.  It’s kind of a long story and I think it’s one your husband should hear at the same time.  Is he up to having visitors?”

“Reid?  What does this have to do with Reid?  You don’t even know him?”  Luke asked even more confused.

“You’ll understand once you hear my story, I promise.  So can he have visitors?”   Sara asked barely taking her eyes off of Sophie since they had walked up.

“He was asleep when we came out here.  Let me check. Why don’t you follow us back to our room and wait outside while I check.”

The trio walked silently back to Luke and Reid’s room.  Luke ducked inside with Sophie and saw that Reid was awake and watching more basketball.

“Hey you, glad to see you’re awake.  I ran into somebody I knew in high school and when I asked her why she was here she said it had to do with the two of us.  She said she needs to talk to us.  Are you up to having her come in for a few minutes?  It seems important to her.”

“Fine with me.  It’s not like I’m going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Okay, I’ll go get her.  She’s waiting outside.”

Luke settled Sophie down with Reid and then stuck his head out the door to tell Sara to come in.  Sara stepped into the small room and was introduced to Reid.

“Sara this is my husband Reid and our daughter Sophie.  Reid, this is Sara Newman.  We went to school together years ago. We were pretty close in high school. Now Sara, what is it you wanted to tell us?” Luke asked as he made himself comfortable with his husband and daughter on Reid’s bed.

“I did something that I will always regret but I will never regret the results of my actions.  I know that probably makes no sense but it will.  My life has changed a lot since we were in high school together 10 years ago.  My dad was killed in a car accident five years ago when a drunk driver t-boned his car and two years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.  The medical bills became overwhelming.  I tried to help my mom as much as I could but shortly after she was diagnosed I was laid off.  Money became a serious issue.  I was able to find a part-time job but it barely made a dent in the debt.  I was desperate and lonely. Between working and taking care of my mom I didn’t have time for a life of my own.  I thought that a baby would make me less lonely. I wasn’t sure how I would pay for a baby on top of my mom’s debt but I was determined to make it happen.”

When Luke heard Sara talking about a baby he unconsciously tightened his grip on a sleeping Sophie.  He didn’t like where this was headed.

“I wasn’t seeing anyone at the time so I looked into artificial insemination.  As I was looking at perspective donors I remembered a conversation that you and I had in high school Luke, about how you had made a deposit during your illness.  I figured the sperm must still be there since I hadn’t heard of you having children. You must know I was beyond desperate and perhaps a bit delusional.”

“Perhaps a bit delusional???  Try totally delusional.” Reid said under his breath.

“Like I said, I will always regret what I did.  I realized once it was too late what I had done.”

“So how did you do it?  How did you get my sperm without my permission?” Luke asked, a mix of anger and sadness in his voice.  Even though he hadn’t been physically raped he still felt violated by what Sara had done, no matter what her motivation might have been.

“I blackmailed one of the lab technicians.  As you know it doesn’t matter if you actually have something on someone, as long as you are convincing it can work. I told the technician that in exchange for my silence on the information I had I wanted Luke Snyder’s sperm inseminated and no one was to know, not even you.  I still don’t know how Damien found out.  Maybe the technician cracked and had to tell someone.

Before Damien found out about the baby I had planned to use the baby to get some of your inheritance.   I would be able to pay off my mom’s debt and I wouldn’t be lonely because I’d have the baby.  That all changed the day Damien knocked on my door.  As soon as I opened it and saw him I knew it was all over.   I was held in Chicago by several of his associated.  He had his own doctors attend to me until it was time to give birth.  He had arranged for a doctor friend of his that works at Chicago General to deliver the baby and not let me see it.  He told me a paternity test would be done and if the child was indeed his son’s that he would make sure his son raised his child.  I didn’t know until this week that I had had a girl.  I was told nothing except that the baby was healthy.  Once the baby had been taken away Damien came to see me.  He started to threaten me and I stopped him.  I told him there was no need.  I would never do anything to try and take the baby.  I knew I was wrong doing what I did and would regret it for the rest of my life.  Fortunately Damien trusted me.

I had been doing good until last night when I saw the report of your accident on the news and saw the picture of your beautiful daughter.  I just wanted to see her in person and at some point over the last 24 hours I realized it was time to tell you the truth.  You both deserve that.  Sophie deserves that.  As I said at the beginning, I will regret stealing your sperm for the rest of my life.  You will never know how truly sorry I am for that but I will never regret the beautiful little girl that was created.”

By the time Sara finished talking tears were streaming down both her and Luke’s faces.  Luke tried to open his mouth to talk but nothing would come out.  He just laid there holding Sophie tightly to his chest with one hand while he held Reid’s hand firmly in the other.    After letting things settle in Reid spoke up.

“There’s one thing that doesn’t add up with what Damien told us.  He said that the woman who stole the sperm and gave birth to Sophie was a long-lost relative but you two aren’t related.”

“Actually we are.  I didn’t know it when Luke and I went to school together.  I actually didn’t know it when I stole the sperm.  Damien was the one that informed me.  Apparently we are like 4th cousins or something like that.  If you don’t believe my story, and I can’t blame you if you don’t, I am happy to have a DNA test done to prove I’m Sophie’s mother.”

Luke finally managed to find his voice.

“I think the DNA test would be a good idea.  It’s not that I don’t believe you but I have to be 100% sure.  I appreciate you telling us about being Sophie’s mother. I’m not sure what we will do with the information.  I think it needs to settle in first before any decisions are made about what if any involvement you will have in her life.  Reid and I need to digest all of this. Reid, can you arrange for the DNA test?”

“Yes but because of my condition I will have to get somebody else involved.  It can be Bob or Gretchen.  They will need to know why we’re doing the test.  Who would you prefer I talk to?”

“I think Bob would be the best choice,” Luke answered.

“Once I get my cheek swabbed I’ll go and leave you guys to rest.   I know you need to sleep and have a lot to thinks about.  We won’t know anything until tomorrow anyhow.  I can come by in the morning.”

“That’s fine. Do you have a cell phone we could call when the results are in?” Reid asked, annoyance in his voice.

“I do,” Sara replied and wrote the number down on a piece of paper and handed it to Luke.  She was tempted to reach out and run her hand over the baby’s head but thought it was probably too soon and resisted the urge.  She turned and walked over to the door, stopping and turning back to Reid and Luke.

“I really am truly sorry for any pain I have caused with my actions.  I was in a desperate situation and wasn’t thinking clearly.  I am thankful to finally see my daughter and I promise I will abide by whatever decision you make about my involvement in her life.  If it’s any consolation you three make a beautiful family.”  Sara said with a sad smile as she turned and left the room, several tears sliding down her cheeks.

After Sara left Reid turned and looked at his husband who looked a million miles away.

“A penny for your thoughts?” he asked as he wiped away a couple of stray tears from Luke’s cheek.

“I don’t know what to feel right now.  I do believe she is telling the truth about being Sophie’s mother. I feel like I should be furious at her for what she did but what I feel is pity for her.  To be in such a horrible position to do something like that.  It must be a terrible feeling.  But at the same time I feel like she took something away from me by stealing my sperm.  I always thought I would get to experience the nine months of pregnancy with whoever we choose to carry our child and the joy of being there for the birth and creating the nursery and all that stuff.  But she took that away,” Luke’s voiced trailed off as more tears found their way down his cheeks.

Reid held his husband as he cried, stroking his hair with his free hand.  When Luke’s sniffles had subsided Reid spoke up.

“I think you’re feeling exactly what you need to feel.  It’s a lot to deal with but we’ll deal with it together.  And we can still go through choosing a surrogate, nine months of pregnancy, the birth of our child, creating a nursery and everything else together.   I would love to have another child with you, in the time we choose, with the woman we choose.  Yes, we missed out on all that with Sophie but we can still have it with another child.  I’m mean; don’t you want to have a child with my good looks and genius brain?” Reid said with a smirk on his face.

Luke couldn’t help but smile.  “Wow, full of yourself much?”

“Do you not know me at all?  But I’m also very serious.  I would love to have another child with you, maybe in a couple of years, and give this little one a sibling.  What do you say?”

“I would love to have your child, Reid.”

“Um Luke.”

“Oh shut up, you know what I meant.  I would love to have a child with your DNA, god help us all.  Maybe the kid will inherit my personality if we’re lucky.”

“So that’s a yes then?”

“Yes!”  Luke managed to reach up and capture Reid’s mouth in a gentle kiss that only broke when Sophie began to fuss.

“Looks like somebody wants her bedtime snack.  She definitely has your appetite.  Let’s hope the next one doesn’t too or our food bill will be enormous,” Luke said as he got up and found a bottle in the diaper bag before settling back down on the bed and feeding his daughter.

Reid was about to bring up the issue of what to do with Sara when he looked over at Luke and saw that both his husband and daughter had fallen asleep, the bottle loose in Sophie’s lips.  Reaching over Reid removed the bottle and set it on the table next to the bed.  He laid there for a few minutes listening to Luke and Sophie softly snoring the same cute little snore before leaning over and giving them both a kiss on the forehead.  Draping his arm across both his husband and daughter, he closed his eyes and join his family in sleep.

luke/reid, !author|artist: mickey9928, rating: pg, atwt, fan fiction

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