Fic: Four Twenty-Four

Nov 04, 2010 20:04

Title: Four Twenty-Four
Author: G
Characters: Luke/Reid
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own anything of ATWT.
Summary: Reid thinks Luke is crazy. Turns out, Luke is only crazy about Reid.
Author's Note: Started writing and just kind of let the story take me places. :-) Hope you enjoy! :-D

The chirp of his cell phone from the nightstand woke Reid from a dead sleep.

With a groan, he fumbled for the device and flipped it open. “This had better be good,” he growled into the mouthpiece, not bothering to check the caller ID first.

There was a slight moan on the other end of the line, and then Luke’s voice breathed into Reid’s ear in a low, sultry tone. “What are you wearing?”

“What?” Reid turned to his back, blinking sleep from his eyes.

“Wanna see you,” came the next moan, still hushed. “Need to see you right now.” Luke’s breath blew heavy against Reid’s ear, a hard, distorted sound coming through the phone’s earpiece.

“What? Luke?” Reid shook his head and wiped sleep gunk out of the corner of his left eye. His brain had succumbed to a wonderfully all-encompassing and equally peaceful sleep thirteen hours ago, and it was having a hard time coming back to the real world. Plus, they’d never had phone sex before. They’d never even talked about it or mentioned it in passing conversation.

“Come on, Reid,” Luke groaned impatiently with a pant. “Are you up yet?”

“Wha-huh?” Clearly, he was not. Reid sat up in bed and felt the familiar tightening in his pajama pants, despite the fact that his brain was having a terribly difficult time getting up to speed. “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded in frustration.

And with that, Luke’s tone broke, and he burst out into a laugh. “Are you awake now?” he chuckled, with what Reid could only assume was a well-earned shit-eating grin. He sounded like his normal, giddy, PG-rated self again.

Reid sighed in half-annoyance, half-relief, and replied, “Yes. My hard-on and I are awake now.” And it was finally true. Too bad his brain had needed a cue from his nether region, though; that was bad form for a neurosurgeon. He eyed the red block numbers on his alarm clock and asked critically, “What do you want, at one-thirty in the morning?”

Luke chuckled on the other end of the line. “What I said before,” he explained. “I want to see you. So why don’t you go get a cold shower and then come over?”

“Have you lost your mind?” was Reid’s immediate response, but his complaint fell on deaf ears. Luke knew Reid was undoubtedly awake now, and Luke knew he was intrigued to boot. Luke never called him after he knew Reid had been in surgery all day (because rationale would follow that Reid would be sleeping), much less at one-thirty in the morning, so whatever it was that Luke was hauling him out of bed for must have been important. Or it must have been important to Luke, anyway. Reid could have had another three hours of sleep, easy.

“Be here in fifteen,” Luke instructed, a teasing laugh still lingering in his voice. “Can you - ahem - manage that?”

Reid looked down at his crotch, eyes falling on his now-tented pajama pants. “I hate you,” he sighed, defeated.

Another chuckle. Luke always thought he was all that, and he was totally incorrigible. Reid didn’t even have the drive to try to dissuade him from the thought. “Good. See you then!” And Luke, the cocktease, hung up.

Reid groaned and stumbled out of bed, heading for the shower. He tried to keep Luke’s sex talk out of his mind while under the steady stream of warm water and failed miserably…but Luke was expecting that and Reid couldn’t disappoint him, could he?


In Luke’s car, bundled up in their jackets with the heat blowing lightly from the vents, Reid asked Luke pleasantly, “So, is there a reason why you woke me up at ass o’clock this morning like a jerk?”

Luke merely grinned at him from the driver’s seat and reached to lace the fingers of his right hand in with the fingers of Reid’s left. Luke pulled their entwined hands to his knee before answering, just as pleasantly, “Yes. I’m making it my sole mission in life to torture the hell out of you wherever and whenever I can. But you’re not going to find out what we’re doing till we get there.”

Reid nodded, but with his you’re a little off your rocker expression. Reid had learned long ago to just go with Luke sometimes, no matter how ridiculous or strange the circumstances seemed. But that didn’t mean that Reid couldn’t let Luke know mostly he thought it was silly. And it didn’t mean that Luke couldn’t acknowledge Reid’s confusion and delight in it all the same.


Reid stopped just inside the automatic glass doors and surveyed the aisles of fresh fruit splayed out in front of them. “What exactly are we doing here?”

Luke stopped and looked back at him with an honestly quizzical expression on his face. “What, you’ve never gone grocery shopping at two in the morning?”

Reid ran a hand over his face and shook his head. For as long as he’d known Luke, he hadn’t ever gone shopping at this hour. But resistance was futile, so Reid just followed Luke as he stepped up to the display of red apples. He watched Luke reach towards a group of apples and begin squeezing each of them in turn. “Uncle Angus wasn’t exactly the socializing type,” Reid said by way of explanation as Luke selected one round apple and brought it to his nose. “We didn’t spend time together much outside of chess.”

Luke inhaled the piece of fruit for a moment, then said thoughtfully, “You don’t talk about him very much. What was he like?”

Reid tried to remember as best he could. Most of the time spent with Uncle Angus had long been banished from his memory, but he came up with a few details. “He was…grumpy, and kept to himself, mostly. Kind of a loner. Except for chess.”

Luke’s expression remained thoughtful, but his face now held traces of teasing. As did his tone. “So…he was basically you?”

Reid saw that one coming, and he gave Luke a half-smile. “I guess so,” he agreed.

Luke reached for a plastic bag and shoved his apple inside it, then grinned up at Reid with a devilish expression. “Except he didn’t have a hot blonde by his side.” Luke struck his “hot blonde” pose for Reid, twisting his body to accent his profile.

Reid didn’t miss the opportunity to blatantly check Luke out, but he responded, “Oh, he did, occasionally.” Reid’s eyes wandered from Luke’s round, tight butt up to his beautiful, smiling face. “But Angus enjoyed the kind of hot blonde that had boobs.”

Luke dropped his pose and nodded in understanding. “Ah. So he was one of those heterosexual types.” He quirked an eyebrow at Reid, his eyes sparkling.

Reid half-smiled back again. “Yeah…what the hell was his problem?” he deadpanned.

Luke shrugged with a grin. “It’s an epidemic,” he explained with a theatrical roll of his eyes. “There’s heteros everywhere now.”

And Reid laughed as Luke reached for more fruit.


By the time they left the grocery store, it was nearing three a.m., and Luke had packed their small cart with some items that were seemingly connected, and others that were not. The bags of apples, oranges, and the bunch of bananas went fine with the box of pancake mix, but the brightly colored candles and the package of candy alphabet letters did not match. Then Luke threw in a container of whipped cream, and Reid thought for a moment that he and Luke were finally going to introduce some food into their bedroom activities. Unfortunately, when Reid hinted at the prospect, Luke promptly shot him down.

But then he added, “Just this time. We can talk about it for later,” which left Reid still confused for now, but with much more hope for the future of their sex life.


When they reached Luke’s house, it was close to three-thirty, and Luke asked Reid to carry the grocery bags so he could unlock the front door as quietly as possible. As they crept inside, Luke turned to Reid with his index finger placed against his lips, signaling for Reid to remain quiet. They tiptoed into Lily’s kitchen, which she had designed as a small wing off the entrance to the living room. Once inside, Luke swung the door shut behind them and then grinned at his boyfriend.

“Have a seat,” Luke said, pointing to the picnic-style table across the way. He turned to unpack the plastic bags as Reid placed them on the counter, and then Reid took a seat wordlessly. It wasn’t until he saw Luke pulling down a mixing bowl and opening the box of pancake mix that he questioned Luke’s actions.

“Are you seriously making pancakes now?”

Luke dumped a measurement of pancake mix into the bowl and then opened the silverware drawer for a spatula. “Yeah, I am. What of it?”

Reid sat back on the bench seat at the table, bewildered. “You know I appreciate a healthy appetite in a guy,” he said. “But I’ve never known you to eat at three in the morning.”

“Oh, I’m not eating,” Luke replied simply, taking eggs from the fridge and cracking them into the bowl. “I’m just cooking.”

Reid opened his mouth to respond, but he didn’t know what to say. He was about a minute away from demanding Luke to take a drug test.

Reid sat wordlessly as Luke stirred the contents of the bowl into a creamy mixture and then placed a flat skillet on the stove. Reid then continued to sit wordlessly as Luke stood at the counter and cut up slices of apple, peeled oranges, and peeled and sliced pieces of banana. Luke then fired up the stove and began cooking four thick, round pancakes from the batter that was waiting in the bowl, and Reid, completely clueless at this point, just observed Luke and his craziness until the pancakes were done.

Luke scooped them off the skillet and stacked them high on a plate. Reid watched as Luke encircled the stack with whipped cream from the spray can, and then tore open the package of candy alphabet letters. Luke took pains selecting different letters and arranging them on top of the stack of pancakes, and then he opened the box of candles and stuck them into the stack. Then Luke sprinkled the entire concoction with fruit chunks, and he presented the finished product to Reid, holding the plate out to him in a ta-da! gesture, and then setting it down onto the wooden table for Reid to stare at. The stack of pancakes rested expectantly in front of him and waited for Reid to speak.

Luke had spelled out Happy Birthday, Reid in the candy alphabet letters. Luke produced a lighter from a place Reid wasn’t paying attention to and lit the candles, then turned the kitchen lights down low and sat next to Reid, snuggling up to him on the bench and looping his right arm though Reid’s left.

“Happy birthday,” he murmured contentedly, his dark eyes shining bright in the candlelight.

Reid sat, speechless. He’d forgotten his own birthday. He’d been stressed out over work with back-to-back seven-hour surgeries and had completely forgotten that he was turning a year older today. But Luke had remembered. Luke had remembered and had made him the best present he’d ever gotten, because it doubled as a gift and as breakfast. He knew that the way to Reid’s heart was through his stomach, and he knew that even though Reid didn’t ask for it - or even realize it - he would nonetheless want to spend his birthday with Luke, no matter the circumstances.

“But why now?” Reid asked him softly, turning to gaze into Luke’s face. “Why so early?”

Luke checked Reid’s watch. “Four twenty-four, right?” he replied, regarding Reid with an adoring expression. “The time you were born. I wanted to be the first to celebrate with you this year.”

The first full year of us together, Reid thought. Then he pulled Luke closer and kissed him, warm, passionate, and loving. Luke melted against him, pressing his body impossibly closer to Reid’s.

“I have a feeling this is only the beginning of your crazy antics,” Reid mused when the kiss broke.

Luke swiped a fingerful of whipped cream off the top of Reid’s cake and sucked it off his taut digit, letting his lips go with a pop. “You have no idea,” he answered, and suddenly his previously sultry voice was back.

The two of them made short work of the pan “cake”, and then directed their attention to the rest of the whipped cream still perched innocently on the counter.

Apparently the future of their sex life was now, and it involved a bench seat in Luke’s mother’s kitchen at four in the morning, which was not what either of them would have ever had in mind.

But it was Reid’s birthday, after all, and Luke couldn’t disappoint him, could he?

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: g_and_honey, fan fiction

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