I'm late

Jul 04, 2014 23:56

I skipped the last 4 days for the writing meme so you'll have them all in one post. The answers aren't long anyway.

07. What can't you help putting in your texts?
There's always references/small easter eggs to something I read/watched/played/wrote. Also I'm recycling my ideas a lot, but modify in order a be more subtile about it. Also, no matter what verse I'm writing, I use fairly similar rules in regards to the magic/tech. If I'm writing about Doctor Who, I won't be able to stop myself to include some sort of telepathy.

08. Paper-pen or Word-keyboard?
Both. I like feeling the pen in my hand, as well hearing the tip scratching the paper and seeing blank pages being filled. Also, writing on paper allows me to do sketches and I always carry notebooks with me. It's much more practical than having my Mac. That being said, I love Scrivener, the writing program I use, it's very useful to organize my project. In general, I write my first drafts and notes on paper: it's far from being perfect, but it gives me work lines, while I work more on it when I tape them. Also, I'm generally more inspired and concentrated when writing on paper.

09. What theme comes out from your writings as a whole?
I can think about gender and sexuality, not that I put an emphase on it: since it's just part of the characters and they aren't defined on it, I won't bring it up if it doesn't have an importance and most of the time, it doesn't: it's more hints here and there. I just want them to seem natural so the only times it'll be mentioned will be when other characters have something to say about it. Also, I like exploring moral dilemma and in general, the bit where every actions have a reason and the world is neither all black or white. It shows more with my villains: in general, it's not their motivations that makes them villains, it's their actions (doesn't mean their motivations are good though).

10. What've been editing recently?
In English, Liminality, my NaNoWriMo, although I made a pause. And in French, Rhapsodie, a prequel for one of my other fic. Take me quite a long time because both are very ambitious and there's a lot I'm still not satisfied with yet.

31 days of writing meme masterpost

meme: 31 days of writing

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