I was quite productive today

Jun 18, 2014 22:15

Finished my Wilf icons for doctorwho20in20 and some commissions for another comm. I progressed a little bit in Once Upon A Time and I'm still completely in love with Rumpelstilskin. Also, I like Peter Pan, but it's not surprising since I have an unhealthy love for manipulative bastards, and he fits completely perfectly in that category ( Read more... )

writing, meme: books, book: never-ending reading pile, once upon a time

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Comments 16

irishvampire13 June 18 2014, 20:25:55 UTC
Haha, that's me all over! I always have a pile--though not quite as high as yours! :D

the 11 Doctors, 11 stories

I need to get my hands on that one. :)


luorescence June 18 2014, 20:33:16 UTC
It's like "BUUUUY ME, PLEEEEEEEAZ" when I stumble across books. And if I don't I feel guilty. It's horrible XD

You totally should. The Eleven's story is written by Gaiman, and it's so wonderful :) Nine is what he does just before Rose accept to travel with him (and he's got an alien companion!). Ten is with Martha and it takes place in fictional world (made from Martha's memories). These three are quite good :)


irishvampire13 June 18 2014, 20:36:22 UTC
Ah, that's right; I remember seeing Neil's name on the cover. God, that man is brilliant. :)

Oh, they do sound great!


a_phoenixdragon June 19 2014, 00:28:09 UTC
Ohh, I DO adore Rumple. And Pan is delicious, yes!! Unnnggghhhh...

Love the meme-answer, lol!! I've got loads of stuffs laying around to read myself. Oh, I'm terrible, lol!!

Good epilogue, though...



luorescence June 19 2014, 00:36:59 UTC
Rumple and Pan are so lovely, I just can't. Ugh. I couldn't resist.

We're both terrible then XD And the biggest problem is, when I actually do read quite a lot, the pile only seems to get higher (but it's a case of read one book, buy three).



shivver13 June 19 2014, 05:34:16 UTC
11 Doctors, 11 Stories is quite wonderful. I think Eleven's story is the best, but they're all good (except I didn't really like the First Doctor's one - the story was ok, but I hated the author's style). I was very impressed that all of the author's managed to capture their Doctor's character, and wrote stories that fit their personalities.


luorescence June 19 2014, 08:36:18 UTC
Eleven's story was so wonderful. Neil Gaiman always captures Eleven so perfectly. It's my favorite too!

I can't say much about the classic Doctors though, since I didn't read it.


flowsoffire June 19 2014, 06:05:32 UTC
Whoa, that pile! That's fantastic :D

Yay for Once! I love Rumple, too.

And I saw your icons, they're at an OMFG level of stunning. Will comment later when I get around to picking some to snag :D I was soooo happy to see Wilf and Donna icons ♥


luorescence June 19 2014, 08:33:50 UTC
That's a mix of fantastic and "omg nooooo I won't be able to read it all!" XD

And thanks :) Yeah, there aren't enough Wilf icons around. Frustrates me to no end, he's such a great character.


flowsoffire June 19 2014, 15:32:22 UTC
Yeah, mixed feelings! ;P

He was! ♥ You're right, it's really too bad… I guess people don't find him so visually appealing, ROFL-but you don't need someone young and hot to make a stunning icon…


luorescence June 19 2014, 15:36:09 UTC
Well, he might not be a hottie but he's a pretty good looking old man... But I guess people might find him just too hot to be iconed *rolls eyes*


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