I was quite productive today

Jun 18, 2014 22:15

Finished my Wilf icons for doctorwho20in20 and some commissions for another comm. I progressed a little bit in Once Upon A Time and I'm still completely in love with Rumpelstilskin. Also, I like Peter Pan, but it's not surprising since I have an unhealthy love for manipulative bastards, and he fits completely perfectly in that category.

And since I'm quite in the mood:

Reading Pile
Do you have a reading pile?

*hysterical laughter* here. There must be something like 70-75 books. The thing is, it's very hard for me to stop myself from buying books and I refuse to put them in the bookcase if I didn't read them. So my reading pile is becoming higher and higher. Also, I made the mistake of going through the familial bookcase not long ago and a dozen (or more) books went on the pile. There are also books I want to reread in it. And collection of stories, like the 11 Doctors, 11 stories where I read a few stories but won't put it away because I didn't read everything yet (which will take quite some time for the book since I don't want to read about a Doctor I'm not familiar with).

What I end up doing was to make some sort of sub pile, which I'll read in priority. 3 sci-fi books, 3 fantasy books, 3 non-fiction and 3 other stuff.

And at least, my writing assignment's epilogue:

"Now, of the library, I know every nook and crannies: I go there everyday. It still surprise me. Everyday, things appear or disappear as if by magic. I'm returning Virus L.I.V. 3 today, I hate that book."

Yeeeah, short, I know XD

writing, meme: books, book: never-ending reading pile, once upon a time

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