Gonna do it

Jan 25, 2012 16:53

I'm gonna do it.
I'm going to cosplay as my Sith (or rather DARK Jedi) Luniara. I'm already in the works with speaking to people about the tunic and mocked up what I will be needing. A good early start and an easy way to embarrass Bradley at Supercon!

I have the costume design:

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Comments 3

lunar_chaotic January 26 2012, 03:07:47 UTC
I have seen some nicer plastic lightsabers at WalMart and Target. They don't collapse and they look a lot like the neon ones that are around 90 bucks. I don't know what colors there are, though


luniara January 26 2012, 05:08:51 UTC
Can u possibly find examples of them for me?? I may end up spending the 50 and getting a nice one from a custom dealwr


lunar_chaotic January 26 2012, 15:45:21 UTC
I only see them on the WalMart website.


I don't remember how big they are, but I do remember being pretty impressed by the price since they look fairly nice. I don't know what all colors they have either


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